Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 71 071 [Come out to mix, sooner or later you have to pay back]

Chapter 71 071 [Come out to mix, sooner or later you have to pay back]

"Boss Qi, the smell inside is really bad, come out first, let's talk about it!" Jin Jiu's rough voice echoed in the bathroom.

Qi Wanda was trembling all over, thinking about it now with his ass, he knew that he had fallen into a trap. He didn't expect that his cheater from Hong Kong would capsize in the gutter.

Qi Wanda tried hard to control his emotions, gritted his teeth and said, "Oh, it's Brother Nine, I thought it was the other one! Just wait for me, I'll come out right away!"

While talking, Qi Wanda reached out and pressed the toilet, making the toilet make a sound of flushing, and then opened the door of the cubicle. At a glance, he saw Jin Jiuzheng leaning against the wall of the cubicle, playing with the steel tone lighter in his hand, There was a crackling sound, and he was staring at him with a smile at the moment, his shiny bald head looked particularly dazzling against the dim light in the bathroom.

"What's the matter, I drank a little too much just now, come here to put water!" Qi Wanda was talking casually, but his small eyes were observing the door of the bathroom, calculating whether he could escape.

"Drink too much? Then you have to walk carefully!" Jin Jiu stretched out his hand to help Qi Wanda with a smile.

Just as Qi Wanda stretched out his arm, Jin Jiu punched him in the stomach.

Qi Wanda was caught off guard, only felt that the punch was so powerful that his internal organs were writhing, and the drink he drank just now was even vomited out.


Very uncomfortable!
Qi Wanda bent over like a shrimp, coughing constantly, spitting filth from his mouth, tears streaming down his face.

Jin Jiu grabbed Qi Wanda's hair, raised his face, stared at him viciously and said, "I'm drinking too much, I'll let you sober up first! How's it going, are you feeling better?"

Qi Wanda couldn't speak at all, and could only lick his chin vigorously, the tears in his eyes became thicker—the scalp was almost scratched off by Jin Jiu.

Seeing this, Jin Jiu let go of his hand.

Qi Wanda collapsed on the ground like a dead dog.

Jin Jiu looked at the hair he had grabbed off his hand, blew it, it was greasy, and couldn't help cursing: "Damn fat man, you have so much hair oil!"

He washed his hands in the mirror in front of the sink with some disgust, and then said to the younger brother outside: "Two come in, get him out! I will settle accounts with him later!"

Following the words, two subordinates came in from the outside, picked up Qi Wanda who was moaning on the ground, and dragged him out like a dead dog.

Facing the mirror, Jin Jiu tidied up his bald head, then took out the toilet paper and wiped his hands, then wiped his wet bald head vigorously a few times before throwing it into the wastebasket, blew a beautiful whistle, and left .


This is a small dark room that is not too big.

There are dilapidated posters of Hong Kong female stars posted on the wall. Because they are so badly torn, they can't tell their faces, and they don't know whether it is Wang Zuxian or Maggie Cheung.

A table, a few chairs, and a "Panda" brand 14-inch black and white TV.

At this moment, the [-] edition of CCTV's "Journey to the West" is playing on the TV.Since its inception, this drama has been re-broadcasted on TV almost every summer vacation. It can be said that it is very popular and suitable for all ages.

At this moment, on the TV, the fat-headed and big-eared Zhu Bajie was caught by several female fairies in Pansi Cave, and he was moaning and begging for mercy.

As a native of Hong Kong, Qi Wanda has no interest in this drama at all. The TV dramas in mainland China can be good, which is far worse than Hong Kong TVB and Hong Kong ATV.

However, Qi Wanda still glanced at it accidentally, and then felt that he was very similar to this unlucky pig Bajie, and they were both arrested.

The difference is that Zhu Bajie was caught by seven beautiful spider spirits, but it was a bald man with a fleshy face who caught him.

Jin Jiu was sitting opposite Qi Wanda across the table. He was leaning on the chair, with one foot on the table, a popsicle in his mouth, and Qi Wanda's wallet in his hand, looking through the documents inside. From time to time, it makes a "cracking" sound.

The room was very quiet, except for the sound of Jin Jiu eating popsicles unscrupulously, it was Qi Wanda's heavy breathing.

Qi Wanda sat obediently on the chair opposite Jin Jiu, his expression was no longer the high profile of Hong Kong people before, his hair was disheveled, his face was pale, and his whole body was sluggish.

Jin Jiu's two younger brothers with big arms and round waists stood beside him, arms folded, like executioners about to go to the execution ground.

After biting off the last shard of ice on the popsicle, Jin Jiu felt a coolness in his throat. Across the table, he contemptuously smashed the popsicle stick towards Qi Wanda's face.

The popsicle stick was accurate, hit the target, hit Qi Wanda's forehead and landed.

Qi Wanda only felt that his forehead was greasy, but he didn't dare to wipe it off.

Jin Jiu took out the documents in the wallet and dried them in the sun, "So many documents, what are you doing, making fake documents?"

Qi Wanda remained silent.

"There are a lot of certificates, but you don't have any money. You're really capable!" Throwing all the certificates at Qi Wanda.

Qi Wanda bared his teeth from being smashed by the certificate, and dared not complain, instead he smiled at Jin Jiu and said, "Brother Nine, there may be some misunderstanding between us, I won't skip the bill, trust me!"

"I believe you, of course I believe you!" Jin Jiu wiped his mouth with a tissue, and then pushed the drink bill that had already been typed out in front of Qi Wanda, "I'm in business, and I'm not right about people. Once you pay the bill, you can leave here."

Qi Wanda hesitantly reached out to pick up the printed bill, looked at the amount, and was startled, "So expensive? I just ordered two bottles of wine and a box of cigars, but they charged me 800 yuan. Did you make a mistake?!"

Qi Wanda is still very aware of the prices in the mainland. More than 5000 yuan is enough for an ordinary person's salary for six or seven years. Two bottles of foreign wine and a box of cigars can cost up to 1000 yuan, but now it has increased by three or four times.

Jin Jiu smiled, crumpled up the paper towel that he had wiped his mouth just now, and slammed it on Qi Wanda's forehead, "I see you are still awake! In addition to the drinks and cigars, of course there is also the drink fee for the two little sisters! "

Qi Wanda wanted to cry, "That doesn't have to be so expensive, you're obviously playing tricks on me!"

"Damn you? What are you doing? We're doing serious business." Jin Jiu said innocently, "You spend and I'll collect the money. That's OK! Why, want to renege on your debt?"

"I don't pay my bills."

"Then pay."

"But... I have no money!" Qi Wanda said with a bitter face, "My money was stolen."

Jin Jiu smiled, sat up from the chair, then walked slowly to Qi Wanda's side, sat on the table with his buttocks, and stared at him condescendingly: "What did you say, say it again."

"I said I had no money and my money was stolen."

As soon as Qi Wanda finished speaking, Jin Jiu had already reached out his hand to cover his mouth: "Say it again, I didn't hear you clearly." His tone was not kind.

Qi Wanda felt that his mouth was about to be split open by Jin Jiuka, the pain was terrific, he hesitated and couldn't speak.

Seeing that Qi Wanda was dying of pain, Jin Jiu let go of his hand and slapped Qi Wanda's face a few times, "Why don't you talk, are you dumb?"

"Cough, cough, cough!" Qi Wanda coughed, "I... my money... was really stolen. Zhong You, I'm from Hong Kong, you can't treat me like this!"

Jin Jiu cracked his mouth and laughed, leaned down and stared at him evilly: "I told you earlier, I like Hong Kong people like you the most!"

After finishing speaking, he instructed his subordinates, "Give him a loose bone, act like a horse and kill a chicken-remember, don't slap him in the face!"


(End of this chapter)

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