Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 72 072 [Where is the road, the road is under your feet]

Chapter 72 072 [Where is the road, the road is under your feet]

After about 10 minutes --
Inside the small black house.

Qi Wanda lay reclined on the chair, rolled his eyes, foamed from his mouth, slumped on the chair like a dead fish, feeling that he was about to die.

He was beaten so badly by Jin Jiu's two younger brothers that his spine was almost broken. That's not enough. These guys beat people up to a good standard. They only picked the place where he had the most meat, so no matter how hard they beat him. , and no traces can be seen.

On TV, "Journey to the West" has almost finished playing, Zhu Bajie is rescued by Monkey King, and seven female spider spirits run away to find their senior brother, a Taoist priest.The Taoist received Tang Seng and the others, and put a poisonous date in Tang Seng's teacup...

Seeing that Tang Seng didn't drink the poisoned tea, Qi Wanda couldn't be happy at all. If possible, he would rather drink that cup of tea and die than be beaten up by these people again.

Jin Jiu came over, took a look at him, and saw that his eyeballs were twitching, rolling his eyes, and he was still alive, looking surprised, "You fat man still has a lot of vitality."

Qi Wanda didn't know whether it was a compliment or a sarcasm, so he could only answer with his nose: "Mmm—"

Jin Jiu took out a cigarette and handed it to Qi Wanda.

Qi Wanda kept his mouth shut and didn't answer.

Jin Jiu held it in his mouth, and the younger brother hurriedly stepped forward to help light the fire.

Jin Jiu took a puff of cigarette, spit it out, stretched comfortably, then asked Qi Wanda to be straightened, and put the cigarette into his mouth again.

This time, Qi Wanda didn't dare not answer.

Seeing Qi Wanda obediently smoking a cigarette, Jin Jiu patted his head in satisfaction and said, "It's great to be obedient, you must make me angry!"

Qi Wanda was smoking a cigarette, unable to express his suffering.

Jin Jiu asked someone to bring the bill, stretched out his hand and flicked it in front of Qi Wanda, and said, "It's 800 yuan, not a penny less!"

Qi Wanda bit his cigarette and didn't speak.

"If you don't tell me, I'll take it as if you agreed." Jin Jiu pinched Qi Wanda's face with a smile, then took out another IOU, and said, "We've finished paying the drink bill, now let's count our hard work." ——”

"In order to play with you, so many of us will accompany you alone, lost wages, mental loss, physical exertion... Your hands are swollen from beating you, so you have to settle the account carefully --- but it seems that you are For the sake of the people of Hong Kong, I will give you a 500% discount, so it will be 1 yuan, and the two bills will be combined together, and I will round up the whole number for you, which will total [-] yuan!"

"What, [-]?" Qi Wanda opened his mouth, and the cigarette in his mouth fell on his belly, which made him scream.


Surprised, unbelievable.

Looking at the 1 yuan debt in front of him, Qi Wanda wanted to die. He thought that as a Hong Kong person, he was already despicable and shameless, but he didn't expect these mainlanders to be even more shameless than himself.

Qi Wanda really cried this time.

Crying very sad, very wronged.

Is it easy for a criminal to run to the mainland alone?Still being blackmailed and blackmailed like this, have your consciences been eaten by dogs?

"How are you thinking? To sign or not to sign?" Jin Jiu appeared in front of Qi Wanda again with a sly smile on his face.

Seeing the other party's expression of determination, Qi Wanda felt unspeakable pain in his heart. He looked at the IOU, then at Jin Jiu, and said, "Even if I sign it, are you not afraid that I will run away?"

Jin Jiu looked around in surprise, "What did you say, you said you were going to run away? Where are you going, Hong Kong? Even if you want to go back to Hong Kong, you need a boat, but someone here knows you, Who will help you? Believe it or not, as long as I, Jin Jiu, say a word, someone will kick you to death!"

After Jin Jiu finished speaking, he patted Qi Wanda's head, "So, Hong Kong guy, you'd better be smart, so that you can live a long time!"

Faced with Jin Jiu's extremely threatening and threatening words, Qi Wanda didn't know what it was like.

"Sign it! Sign it first, then draw the deposit!" Jin Jiu didn't bother to tangle with him anymore, so he threw a pen directly, and then tapped the blank space of the IOU with his finger, "Sign it, don't sign it in the wrong place!"

Qi Wanda felt that he had no choice, so he could only bear the pain and picked up the pen, and then wrote his name on the IOU.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Jiu pushed the ink pad in front of him again, and Qi Wanda obediently stretched out his thumb, pressed on the ink pad, then breathed out on the thumb, and pressed hard on the IOU, printing Put your own handprint on it.

Jin Jiu picked up the IOU and blew at the bright red handprint, and said to Qi Wanda with a smile: "That's right, I must be rough. You can tell by my appearance, I am a gentleman, usually Even ants are reluctant to step on it..."

"Let's not talk about it, since you and I have settled the accounts, we will be good friends from now on. I like to take care of my compatriots in Hong Kong the most. Please support me. The Caesars Dance Hall is always open to you!" He extended his hand, expressing that he wanted to shake hands with Qi Wanda.

Qi Wanda could only endure the humiliation and grievance, and reached out to shake his hand.

After shaking hands, Jin Jiu stepped forward and hugged Qi Wanda tightly, patted him on the back, and said emotionally, "Aberdeen, come on! Try to pay off this debt as soon as possible, I'll wait for you!"

Qi Wanda could only feel the anger in his stomach, in his heart, in his chest, in his throat, but he couldn't get it out.

At this time, "Journey to the West" played on Black and White Panda TV finally finished, and the final ending song "Dare to Ask Where the Way Is" was playing——
"You carry the burden, I lead the horse

Welcoming the sunrise, sending off the sunset
Stepping up the bumps and making the road
After fighting hard and dangerous, set off again, set off again
la la... la la...

A lot of spring, autumn, winter and summer.

A scene of ups and downs.

Dare to ask where the road is, the road is under your feet. "

Although Qi Wanda doesn't understand Mandarin very well, she feels that this song is almost sung for herself.

where is the road?

The road is underfoot.

"Fuck you mother! Who did I offend to end up in this state?"

Seeing that the bald guy Jin Jiu put the IOU in his arms and was about to leave, Qi Wanda couldn't bear it anymore——

He summoned up the courage from nowhere, and questioned Jin Jiu loudly.

"Why do you want to frame me? I have no grievances or enmities with you, but you do everything possible to deceive me. What do you mean?!"

Jin Jiu smiled, turned around slowly, stared at Qi Wanda with an angry face and said: "As I said, I like Hong Kong people like you the most; Zhong You, a friend of mine also likes you the most." !"

After finishing speaking, Jin Jiu ignored Qi Wanda behind him, smiled, turned and left.

Is there a friend who likes me the most? !
Is it...

Qi Wanda stood still, dazed.

(End of this chapter)

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