Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 73 073 [Discussion]

Chapter 73 073 [Discussion]

Zhu Fugui works in the ballroom and no longer lives with Song Zhichao, that is, no one has hysteria and snores in the middle of the night, so Song Zhichao sleeps comfortably until dawn in the guest room of the Longtai Hotel without even having a dream. Song Zhichao didn't wake up until the waiter politely knocked on the door to wake him up according to his instructions from last night. He felt full of energy, and the hard work of the past few days was swept away. Sure enough, the bed must be comfortable enough. To get a good night's sleep.

After getting up and washing, the waiter handed over the washed, dried and ironed shirt, and put the suit jacket on his body. Song Tianyao took a look in the mirror, and then went out and walked towards the restaurant of the hotel.

As a state-run hotel, like many big hotels, there are generally only Chinese food in this era, and no Western food. After all, there are not many foreign customers.

So Song Zhichao came to the Chinese restaurant of the hotel, ordered some breakfast, such as porridge, siu mai, shrimp dumplings, etc., and sat in front of the seat and ate slowly.

At this moment, a man walked in from outside the restaurant. He was a tall man with a big bald head and a briefcase in his hand. He glanced at the restaurant and walked straight towards Song Zhichao.

Putting the briefcase in his hand next to Song Zhichao, the bald man sat opposite him, yawned lazily, and said, "I've been busy all night, I'm a little hungry."

"Order something, I'll treat you." Song Zhichao put down the tableware in his hand, wiped his mouth with a napkin and said to Jin Jiu with a smile.

"Of course I want you to invite me. One breakfast is worth 1 yuan!" The waiter Jin Jiuchao waved and said very bluntly, "Which one is the most expensive here? Give me all of them."

The waiter went down to place an order, and Jin Jiu turned to Song Zhichao and said, "Why don't you check to see if there is anything missing?"

Song Zhichao was not polite to him, he directly copied the briefcase, opened it for a closer look, then closed the briefcase again, and said, "There are quite a few of them, Brother Nine, I can rest assured."

Jin Jiu just laughed: "Your words sound good, no matter how tired you are, it's worth it." As he spoke, he slapped and pushed the same thing to Song Zhichao, saying, "You take this thing, second-hand Yes, worthless."

Song Zhichao saw it, but it was a Han Xian Motorola "little elite" BB phone, which is considered a rare item in this era. Even if it is second-hand, it is still brand new, and it costs hundreds of dollars.

"You always see the beginning but not the end. With this, I can contact you!" Jin Jiu explained the reason.

Song Zhichao was not polite, and said again: "Thank you!" and put the BB machine away.

At this moment, the waiter brought tea, Jin Jiu took a sip, and said, "You think highly of me if you let me help. Zhong You, I'll give you this too..." While talking, Jin Jiu spit out the tea foam, He reached out and took out something from his bosom, and handed it to Song Zhichao casually.

Song Zhichao took it and took a look, but it was an IOU, signed by Qi Wanda, and bright red handprints, the amount was 1 yuan.

Song Zhichao couldn't help laughing, he gave Jin Jiu a thumbs up and said, "Brother Jiu is sharp, better than Zhou Paopi."

Jin Jiu triumphantly threw a toothpick from the porcelain vase on the table, leaned forward, and used the toothpick to pierce the shrimp dumpling on Song Zhichao's plate, took a bite and said, "Are you right, when it comes to extortion and land grabbing, I'm top notch!"

"Actually, you can keep this IOU."

Jin Jiu shook his head, ate the shrimp dumplings slowly and said, "In my hand, it's at most an IOU, or it might turn into waste paper, but it's different in your hand."

Song Zhichao nodded, indicating that he understood what Jin Jiu meant.

"It's just that I don't know why you like that Hong Kong guy so much? He's fat and stupid, and if he scares him a little, he'll fuck off."

"Didn't you already say that he is from Hong Kong?"

Jin Jiu was taken aback, "Just because of this?"

"Well, because of that."

Jin Jiu pursed her lips and shook her head, "I don't understand—it's not a woman, and there are diamonds under it." She pierced another shrimp dumpling with a toothpick and threw it directly into her mouth.

At this time, the high-end breakfast at Jin Jiu o'clock came up one after another.

Song Zhichao had already finished eating, so he stood up, carrying his briefcase and said to Jin Jiu, "Eat slowly, I'm going back to the guest room and waiting for someone."

"Are you sure he will come?" Jin Jiu didn't get up, but looked at Song Zhichao.

"Would you like to bet?"

"What bet, you pay my bill first!" Jin Jiu looked at a large table of breakfast, "I tell you, I didn't bring a penny with me today!"


Song Zhichao returned to his guest room, took off his suit and hung it on the hanger, casually threw the lost and recovered briefcase on the spring bed, and then turned on the TV. With the sound of advertisements from the TV, he sat at the desk and picked up a newspaper Look carefully.

In the past few days, reading newspapers has become Song Zhichao's normal routine. He also likes to take notes when reading newspapers. He often writes down the content he finds useful and does careful research.Especially now that he has new plans and goals, the pertinence is even stronger.

Since the Asian Games will be held in just over two months, there have been reports on the Asian Games on both TV and newspapers recently.Slogans like "The people of the whole country are the hosts!" "Everyone cares about the Asian Games, everyone contributes to the Asian Games" "The Asian Games strive for honor for the country, and I will add glory to the Asian Games!" Such slogans spread all over the streets and alleys of the country.

Song Zhichao read the newspaper for a while, and casually looked at his watch. It seemed that more than an hour had passed, and it was around ten o'clock in the morning.

Song Zhichao frowned, and just as he got up to pour a cup of tea, there was a knock on the door of his room.

Song Zhichao didn't get up, but just said to the door: "Come in."

The door was unlocked and opened.

A fat man walked in.

Song Zhichao took his eyes away from the newspaper, glanced at the person who came, then folded the newspaper, and said with a smile, "Oh, it turned out to be friend Qi. I didn't expect you to be so trustworthy, so you came early in the morning to give me a briefcase!"

Qi Wanda's face was ugly, with one hand on his waist, he staggered towards Song Zhichao, looking like he had hemorrhoids.

Song Zhichao stood up and gave up his seat for him.

Qi Wanda ignored him, and instead glanced at Song Zhichao's room with his small eyes. Soon, he locked the briefcase on the bed.

"What the hell! Didn't your bag stay on the bed properly!" Qi Wanda became furious when he thought of how badly he was repaired last night.

Song Zhichao smiled, opened the drawer, took out Zhu Fugui's bottle of safflower oil and shook it at Qi Wanda: "Do you want Dieda wine?"

"No need, I'm very strong!" Qi Wanda sat down on the chair, but screamed "Ouch", but it touched the scar from the beating last night.

"It seems that you need it very much—many people's buttocks are often more honest than their mouths." Song Zhichao threw the safflower oil to Qi Wanda.

Qi Wanda had no choice but to reach out to catch it, "Don't cry like a cat and pretend to be merciful! Did you do something wrong last night?"

"I said no, do you believe it?" Song Zhichao shrugged.

"Do not believe!"

"That's right!" Song Zhichao took the teacup and drank the tea under the pressure pot.

Qi Wanda gritted his teeth with hatred, especially when he saw that Song Zhichao was calm and composed, without the slightest bit of shame, he felt even more angry.

"Let me ask you, did you let me see your money on purpose yesterday?"


"Do you know I'm trying to get your money?"


"You arranged that taxi driver too?"

"Yes." Song Zhichao leaned against the wall, folded his arms, and took a sip from his teacup.

Qi Wanda felt furious, "Needless to say, that Jin Jiu was also arranged by you?"

Song Zhichao smiled at the corner of his mouth, and walked towards Qi Wanda with a teacup in his hand. He looked down at him, his smile subsided instantly: "Since you know, how dare you speak to me in such a tone?" His eyes were piercing, making people shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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