Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 74 074 [People are doing it, the sky is watching]

Chapter 74 074 [People are doing it, the sky is watching]

Facing Song Zhichao's devilish smile and the threat of not covering up his nakedness at all, Qi Wanda immediately shuddered.

As a person in the rivers and lakes, as a Hong Kong person, as a Hong Kong person among the people in the rivers and lakes, the first rule for Qi Wanda to survive for so long in the intriguing arena is to "know the current affairs."

To put it bluntly, it is called "admitting counsel", and to put it bluntly, it is called "a man who knows current affairs is a hero".

So, after being threatened by Song Zhichao showing his true colors, Qi Wanda shrank suddenly, made a self-protection gesture, and then said: "Well, I'm just asking casually. Zhong You, thank you for the Dietajiu. "He raised the safflower oil in his hand to Song Zhichao.

Only then did Song Zhichao avert his oppressive eyes, and the original sharpness became gentle, as if nothing happened just now, he pulled up the chair with a smile, sat down opposite Qi Wanda, and said, "You're welcome. , You must take care of your body, you must know that your body is not your own now."

"Ah, what do you mean?"

"It means——" Song Zhichao reached into his bosom, took out the IOU from Qi Wanda, opened it in front of Qi Wanda, and said, "It means that you must pay off the debt."

Qi Wanda's pent-up anger rose again, looking at Song Zhichao's smiling face, he wished he could slap him across the face.

Song Zhichao stared at him, "Look at your mood, do you really want to hit me now?"

Qi Wanda didn't speak, but gritted his teeth, closed his mouth, and his eyes said it all, "Pu Street, if I don't hit you, hit someone."

"But you dare not, don't you?" Song Zhichao carefully folded the IOU, "So you can only stare at me."

Qi Wanda couldn't bear it anymore, "Why?"

"Why what?" Song Zhichao asked knowingly.

"Why are you trying to kill me?"

"Why do I want to hurt you?"

"You plotted against me all the way, why exactly?"

"Why?" Song Zhichao stretched out his hand and patted Qi Wanda's shoulder comfortingly, "Actually, the reason is very simple. You are from Hong Kong!"

Qi Wanda was about to cry, "Is it a crime if you are a Hong Kong person? Can you be fooled to death by you?"

"It's too dark to die, but if you're not obedient, then you won't know for sure." Song Zhichao stood up and handed the teacup to Qi Wanda, "Drink some water first—why don't you just ask so many questions as soon as you come in? ?”

Unconvinced, Qi Wanda gulped down his teacup, then looked up at Song Zhichao and said, "Did you guess that I would come to you?"

Song Zhichao casually picked up the cigarette case from the table, took out a cigarette and knocked it against the case, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth: "A Hong Kong person like you who is arrogant, conceited, and thinks he's great, after eating so much Big loss, of course I will rush to ask the reason, if you don't look for me, look for someone else?"

Qi Wanda smiled wryly, "You guessed it right! I was very unconvinced, so I came to look for you. I never believed that I would be tricked by you and played like a monkey by you."

"Don't say that." Song Zhichao shook his head, "Monkeys are much smarter than you."

Qi Wanda gritted his teeth, stood up from the chair enduring the pain in his buttocks, and stared at Song Zhichao with small eyes: "Aren't you afraid that I won't come to you and just run away?"

"Run away?" Song Zhichao struck a match, lit a cigarette, and exhaled: "You can run away from a monk, but you can't run away from a temple!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"It means that I know everything about you, Qi Wanda."

Qi Wanda smiled, with a weird smile, "Really? Apart from knowing my name is Qi Wanda, what else do you know?" His tone was full of sarcasm and disdain, "If I go to the police now to find the police, tell me, the unlucky one will end up Which one is it?"

For Qi Wanda, this is his last trump card, which is his identity. He is a Hongkonger, and Hongkongers are VIPs in the mainland, a protected species, and Hongkongers who cannot be bullied by local aborigines!

Facing Qi Wanda's sudden counter-threat, Song Zhichao's expression stiffened obviously.

Qi Wanda saw it in his eyes and felt happy in his heart. Fight back, I want to fight back!
"You know, I'm from Hong Kong. As long as I go to the police, I can arrest you in minutes; if there is that bald guy, I will make his death ugly too! Hahaha!"

Excited smile, hearty smile, vengeful smile.

Song Zhichao was smoking a cigarette, lost his previous arrogance, and remained silent.

Qi Wanda felt that he had finally grasped the opponent's handle and gained the upper hand - it felt so good to poke someone's weakness.

He swept away the previous gloom and cowardice, leaned close to Song Zhichao and took the cigarette he was biting in his mouth, then stared at Song Zhichao with his cunning little eyes and said, "You don't think about this, do you really think I'm a Hong Kong guy?" Very bullying!"

"To be honest, I really haven't thought about this... I always thought you wouldn't call the police." Song Zhichao shook his head and said softly.

"I don't know how to call the police? Why didn't I call the police? I want to call the police, and I want to crucify you!" Qi Wanda broke the cigarette into two pieces and threw it on the ground.

Song Zhichao's expression was a little stunned.

Qi Wanda smiled evilly, "So, please beg me, please beg me to let you go, maybe I will soften my heart..."

Song Zhichao smiled, and regained his previous indifference, appearing indifferent.

Qi Wanda was still a little puzzled, "I said I'm going to call the police and find the police, aren't you afraid?"

"I'm afraid, of course I'm very scared!" Song Zhichao said seriously, "I'm afraid you will be arrested and sent back to Hong Kong, and if you don't go to prison, you will be hacked to death with a knife..."

Qi Wanda couldn't help being surprised and looked at Song Zhichao.

"Look at what I'm doing? People have three declines and six prosperity, and no one has a smooth life. Grit your teeth, be yourself, and good luck will come naturally." Song Zhichao clearly meant something.

Qi Wanda was not just surprised, but panicked, "What the hell do you know?!"

Song Zhichao picked his ears with his little finger and blew on his fingertips, "It's not wrong that you are from Hong Kong, but you offended someone in Hong Kong——I remember well, that person's name is 'Gao Ligui'?"

Qi Wanda's expression suddenly looked like a dog, his eyes widened in disbelief: "How do you know?"

Song Zhichao squinted his eyes and just smiled slightly: "Remember, what people are doing is what God is watching; if you bully people and ghosts, don't bully God!"

(End of this chapter)

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