Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 545 557 [Money is omnipotent]

Chapter 545 557 [Money is omnipotent]

After finally recovering from his senses, the special police captain immediately said, "Oh, wait a minute, my friend, did you make a mistake? We are the police, and we came to perform official duties after receiving a call from the police. To be precise, they committed crimes. Wrong, robbing the shop, and wantonly beating the police—it is a serious assault on the police and violent behavior, do you understand?" After speaking, he pointed to the two fat and thin policemen who were supported by someone.

Cooperatingly, the fat policeman and the thin policeman "groaned" vigorously, showing how painful they were and how serious their injuries were.

Davis didn't seem to see it, snorted and ignored it.

The American barrister nicknamed "Shit" next to him had found the information in the shortest time, and said at this time: "Really, was it beaten? Assaulted the police? If we guessed correctly, there must be something in it The reason——as a law enforcement officer, how the police treat civilians is obvious to all of us, especially this fat police officer, um, what is his name, isn’t he Bluto? Police officer Bluto has always discriminated against Asians trend, and has several cases of complaints, so we have the right to believe that this time our friend is exercising self-defense, yes, self-defense!"

The special police captain: "..." I can't refuse to accept it. In such a short period of time, I checked the information of the fat policeman to the bottom. Needless to say, my own information——
Before the special police captain could speak, another short winter melon lawyer continued: "As for you, dear special police captain Mr. Fairmont, your background is not very clean either." After speaking, he winked at Fairmont sarcastically. wink.

SWAT Captain Fairmont: "..."

"You had one demotion, um, what was the reason? A warrantless search; another stern warning, what was the reason? For allegedly beating up a black youth in a ghetto -- oh god, according to the results of counseling, you actually had Violent tendencies..."

"Damn it! You can't do this!" Fairmont was furious—after being dug out of his darkest details, no one could help but get angry.

"Can you do this? It's not up to you!" Dwarf Winter Melon sneered, "Now I want to take away our dear friend, Mr. Song, and his people. Do you have any opinions? If you don't have any opinions, it's on this." Sign it. Of course, you can also choose to continue arresting, or accuse the other party of assaulting the police, then I can tell you the result accurately-you and your team, including the fat and thin people who were beaten, will eat I can't stop walking around! Yes, this is not a threat, this is a fact! We eight barristers take turns to fight, and we can peel off a few layers of your skin. If you don't believe it, you can try it!"

Fairmont: "..."

He softened.

Totally goofy.

Although he is the captain of the special police, he is not a tough guy like Schwarzenegger -- American Hollywood movies are all lies, such as going alone in the dragon's pool, rather than surrender, and when you meet these damn lawyers, you can only obediently obey.

Sign, draw, and leave!

These special police came and went quickly.

The most pitiful thing is those two fat and thin police officers, who originally came to enforce the law on behalf of "justice", but they were brutally abused in the end. Leave - don't mention how aggrieved.


Seeing that the matter is resolved ---
Only then did Song Zhichao ask Bi Wenfeng how he arrived, but he didn't remember making a phone call.

Bi Wenfeng said, you didn't fight, but Jin Jiu did.

Looking at Jin Jiu again, Jin Jiu scratched his bald head and smirked—after all, he was a bodyguard, and the first thing he thought of was to protect Song Zhichao's safety.

Song Zhichao smiled, didn't dare to ask any more questions, and turned around to express his gratitude to those barristers.

Since those barristers came with Bi Wenfeng, they all know Song Zhichao's identity as an invisible super rich. It is said that this young man has just made [-] billion US dollars recently - God, what is the concept of [-] billion?These lawyers can't make so much money even if they fight lawsuits for a lifetime.

What's more, I also heard that this person owns three oil fields in Russia, a large foreign trade logistics company in Hong Kong, and the popular Vanke VCD worth 90 billion U.S. dollars in the United States is his brand... All of this is showing The Chinese youth is unfathomable.

"Dear Mr. Song, it's a pleasure to serve you!"

"It is our honor to be able to help you!"

"You are too kind, it is an honor to serve you!"

These barristers, who are all over the place in the United States, showed their loyal appearances and flattered Song Zhichao.

That's right, ordinary people can't afford to hire barristers of their level, and only super tycoons like Song Zhichao, who are worth tens of billions of dollars, can work for their big bosses, and they still drag eight—eight at a time , People are rich, so they can afford the price.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, too. Let's ask Lao Bi to give you some business cards later. I have a big project to run recently, so I might need your help."

Song Zhichao's words were more pleasing to the ear than any other singing voice, and the big lawyers immediately beamed - the follow-up development is the key point.

People of Song Zhichao's level rarely give business cards to people nowadays, so Bi Wenfeng had to send his business cards to those barristers.

Those barristers stuffed their business cards like treasures into their wallets, and they patted them before they left for fear of losing them.

Seeing the group of lawyers leave, Song Zhichao took out a handkerchief and wiped his itchy nose again, and said, "Isn't it interesting?" Then he gave Bi Wenfeng and others a meaningful look, and said with a smile, "I'm starting to feel a little I like this country where money is omnipotent!"


Washington, D.C., Renaissance Mayflower Hotel——
As a five-star luxury hotel built in 1925 with a traditional 10-story building, this hotel has always been a favorite gathering place for many politicians in Washington.

At this time, a special celebration is being held in this big hotel, and the theme of the celebration is——The Democratic Party won power, and Bill Clinton was elected President of the United States.

Now, the dust of the U.S. general election has settled, and Bill Clinton reversed the lead, soaring all the way, and finally opened his own new world.

In fact, Clinton has been the focus of media attention since his candidacy. Not only did his speeches on various issues continue to spark controversy, but his young and flamboyant campaign style has also become a unique landscape.Even his every appearance is different.When announcing his candidacy, the dramatic scene where he slowly descended from the elevator of a high-rise building.Now it seems that it seems to indicate something.Bill, who has always been straightforward and does not do any foreplay, is a powerful medicine for the current stagnation of the US economy. As for the old Bush who "lost his youth", he has long been a veteran in politics. Whether he becomes president or not, it seems to be just a label. .

To be honest, in the political circles of the United States, routines are actually a bit like the entertainment industry-looking at the face, unspoken rules are increasingly becoming a standard factor.All of them are experts in the operation of the media and consortia. While arguing about hot spots, they win over the consortium. As for political opinions, they often become tasteless.There are also many social problems in the United States, and political decisions are full of loopholes. However, looking at the world, people's attention to the election in the United States is more focused on respecting individual rights and interests, so they guard the screen and keep clicking.

It can be said that every U.S. presidential election is a long process. The presidential election is the most important decision that the United States needs to make. It took at least 10 months for multiple links such as people to vote. If the previous link of building momentum is added, the time will be even longer.

Moreover, the cost is so high that it is rising almost every session, and it seems that it has become a siege of burning money.Looking back at past U.S. presidential elections, Lincoln spent only $1860 when he ran for president in 10. In 1960, both Nixon and Kennedy spent $1000 million in the presidential election, 100 times what they spent 100 years ago.And in this term, the total cost of the bipartisan general election has soared to a terrifying $2.5 million.

Of course, such astronomical expenses cannot be paid by the candidates themselves. They mainly come from voluntary donations from private individuals or financial groups, rather than from the state treasury and taxpayers.

At this time, as the just-elected president of the United States, Bill has been really busy these two days. To be precise, since the announcement of the presidential election results, his phone calls have been non-stop, and they are basically celebrities and politicians who want to talk to him. Among those who met on a date, some of them abandoned him before and were optimistic about Bush Sr., and bought some big chaebols that Bush Sr. won.

Bill scoffed at this, but the superficial work still needs to be done, the rejection that should be rejected, the delay that should be delayed -- of course, some rejections and those that cannot be delayed can only be met.

At this time, Bill was celebrating the success of the election with a group of members of the American consortium at the Grand Hotel—these people were his supporters for the election, and they had contributed a lot, and they had donated 10,000+ and hundreds of thousands of campaign funds. They donated more than 500 million U.S. dollars, all of which Bill calculated, and the political donations he received from these people amounted to more than 700 million. Of course, he had to give the other party face for such a large amount of money.

(End of this chapter)

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