Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 546 558 [Gathering of Celebrities]

Chapter 546 558 [Gathering of Celebrities]

Banquet, celebration scene——
On the rostrum, Bill Clinton stood on it and delivered a speech: "The reason why I can run smoothly this time is not only the trust and support of everyone in the party, but also the generosity of everyone here."

"Now, although we have achieved victory, the real victory has yet to come——In the next few years when I am in power, I will keep in mind the teachings given by the predecessors in the party, lead the Democratic Party to a higher level, and serve the Serve the United States of America, and serve the American people!"

Clinton gave a speech this time with a manuscript, and a large group of men and women in expensive clothes stood below.

All the men wear suits and leather shoes, their hair is gelled, and the colors of their suits are also black and gray. This kind of steady tone is the main color. Only a few ostentatious ones wear white suits and red suits.

Compared with the conservative dress of the men, the ladies present are wearing heavy makeup and jewels, and the clothes are all slit evening dresses, with slits in the front and slits in the back, red, black, white, and all kinds of colors. , The backless and topless outfits competed with each other, competing for beauty, which made many men dazzled and commented on these sexy girls.

The live music is also elegant violin and piano, including "The Blue Danube", "For Alice", and "Serenade" and other famous pieces.

The melodious music was rippling in the ears, the colorful lights decorated the entire banquet scene, and what the nose smelled was all kinds of perfumes permeating the women's body - rose water, mint fragrance, and a touch of jasmine.

The drinks are also extremely rich, there are refreshing gin, sweet and sour mint wine, of course, there are also strong brandy, whiskey, etc. If you don't like this kind of drink, you can ask the bartender to make you a glass you like Cocktails, "Margarita", "Mexican Sunrise", and "Desert Storm" specially prepared for tonight, satirizing Bush Sr.'s loss of the election.

"I like this cocktail very much!" A fat white man praised the "Desert Storm" cocktail, pointing at the orchid.

Next to him was his woman—a young and beautiful golden cat who could be the fat man's granddaughter.

At this moment, Bill Clinton, who has just finished his speech, is deliberately "serving" this fat man.

It turned out that this fat guy was named "James" and nicknamed "Wall Street Fat Cat". He was a well-known financial tycoon. This time, he contributed 500 million US dollars to support Bill in the election. That's why Bill treated him so respectfully and so special. preferential treatment.

"Thank you for your compliment—it's my honor that you like the drinks here." Bill showed a bright smile, knowing that the person in front of him couldn't be offended.

"Haha, Bill, you are really good at talking. Although you are the president, you are still so humble."

"It should be. Without your help, James, I would probably lose the election, wouldn't I?"

"Haha, you're too polite." As he said this, the fat guy James looked smug, as if without him, Bill really couldn't be the president.

"To be honest, my dear Bill, I didn't think much of you at first. After all, you are too young and your opponent is too tough." James put down his glass, bit a big cigar, and breathed smoke at Bill. Said with a sigh of relief.

Bill felt that the other party's cigar was choking his nose, but he didn't say anything, he just covered his nose with his hand.

"But in the end I still bought you to win, and funded you with 500 million U.S. dollars --- God, I didn't even dare to imagine that I would spend so much money to support you. If you want to say why, maybe it's fate, maybe I am optimistic about you!"

"You know, I'm in the financial business. People like us are the most accurate judges of people, and it's the same this time!" James pointed a cigar at Bill's nose, "You are a talent, and now you are the president. In the future, the United States will be the most powerful person, and I hope that our friendship will last forever, what do you think?" Fat James asked with a smile.

"Of course, our friendship will last forever." Bill said insincerely, and began to hate this person who had helped him.

This fat pig doesn't know what is "occasion" and what is "property". Does he really think that being rich is a big deal? Damn it!
Just as Bill was slandering, someone stepped forward and whispered something in his ear.

Bill's expression changed suddenly, and then he hurriedly said to James: "I'm sorry, I have an important guest to meet, excuse me!" After taking a few sips of the wine glass, he handed it to the messenger, and then left the celebration scene with his legs.

Fat James looked surprised. He was actually let go to the pigeons—damn it, just now he said that he was an extremely important person. Could it be that there is someone more important than himself?

Who is that person?

damn it!
Fat James, outraged.


Big hotel, luxurious VIP room ---
A VIP room like this is usually reserved for important people who are inconvenient to come out during celebrations and have to rest.

At this moment, Bill Clinton hurried to the entrance of the VIP hall. He was about to open the door to enter. After thinking about it, he pulled the placket, checked the buttons of his shirt, and tidied up his custom-made black polyester suit. Then he tapped his fingers and knocked on the door.

Immediately, there was a voice in the room: "Please come in!"

Bill heard the sound, took a deep breath, pushed the door open and entered.

As soon as I entered, there was a very pleasant sound of violin in my ears. After careful identification, it was the famous song "Blessings of Love".

The huge VIP room is luxuriously and extravagantly decorated, and the "Sunflower" copied by Van Gogh on the wall alone is worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Look at the exquisite wine cabinet which is made of glass with gorgeous colors, like a large piece of blue gemstone carved out, the last thing placed on the wine cabinet is Lafite from [-], as well as other red and white wines.

On the Italian leather sofa, there is a person sitting upright at this moment, eyes closed, holding a glass of bright red Bordeaux red wine in one hand, and gently catering to the rhythm of the violin with the other hand, indulging in it.

Behind this person, there is a person standing out of harmony with the surrounding environment, an old-fashioned Chinese man with a stern face and glasses.

The man was also wearing a black suit, with a briefcase in his hand, like a "office worker" doing business.

Seeing the young man obsessed with music, Bill didn't dare to interrupt him, so he found a seat and sat down opposite the young man.

After sitting down and waiting for a while, Bill felt a little bored, so he was about to reach out and pour himself a glass of red wine to ease the atmosphere, but unexpectedly, the wine bottle hit the glass and made a jingle.

Startled, Bill quickly looked up at the man opposite him.

The man was startled awake and opened his eyes.

Seeing Bill, the other party raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly: "Hello, Mr. President!"

Bill: "..."

Then he sat upright and said, "Hello, Mr. Song!"

The tone is sincere and enthusiastic.

(End of this chapter)

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