Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 568 579 [The target of public criticism]

Chapter 568 579 [The target of public criticism]

There was a bang—
Everything around the Governor's Mansion was in chaos.

"Someone shot!"


"There are assassins!"

The crowd crashed into chaos.

"You stepped on my foot!"

"Damn, who pushed me?"

"Don't leave me! Woohoo!"

The scene was in chaos.

As the newly promoted governor of Hong Kong, Lao Peng was completely stunned. He never expected that someone would dare to act wildly in his own territory, and still shoot and kill people.

Look at that after Song Zhichao was shot, he was already protected by the bodyguards around him, got into the car, and was already speeding away at this time—I don’t know how injured he was, whether he died or not.

Of course, at this time, Lao Peng had no time to think about it. At the first moment, under the protection of the Hong Kong Governor's bodyguards, he bent down and ran into the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion, running faster than anyone else.

These bodyguards were also professionally trained, almost forming an awl shape, protecting the governor in the middle, vigilantly preventing the assassin from shooting again.

However, it was obvious that the assassin was targeting Song Zhichao, not the respected Governor of Hong Kong, so Lao Peng escaped smoothly. From the beginning to the end, until he got into the Governor's Mansion, there was no second shot fired.

"It's unreasonable!" After Lao Peng ran into the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion, he immediately restored the dignity of his Hong Kong Governor, pointing at a group of his subordinates with the imposing manner of the Hong Kong Governor, furious: "You all go out, you must take that damned The assassin has been brought to justice!"

Yes, they must be apprehended.

Song Zhichao was shot at the banquet he invited, and it was rumored that he was incompetent, and he would even be suspected of being a grand banquet. Immediately, he, Lao Peng, had to separate himself from the relationship.

In fact, from the very beginning, Lao Peng didn't like Song Zhichao very much. He felt that this young man was too ambitious, like making Hong Kong's entertainment industry a success, which was not what the British wanted to see.

Even Song Zhichao was assassinated, and he, Peng, was also happy. The premise is that he was not assassinated here, but could have been assassinated elsewhere. Anyone who is involved in politics has never been ruthless.

But this time was different. Song Zhichao was assassinated in front of his presidential palace, which was a slap in the face.

There must be action.

Otherwise, it is estimated that tomorrow's public opinion will kill people.


Lao Peng's political vigilance is very high, and his guesses about public opinion are also very accurate.

Indeed, the news that Song Zhichao was "assassinated" in the Governor's Mansion began to spread throughout Hong Kong the next day.

"Governor Peng Gang hosted a banquet, and Song Zhichao was killed in front of his door!" - Hong Kong "Ming Pao".

"Is it a Hongmen Banquet or a government-friendly feast?" ——Hong Kong "Oriental Daily".

"Ten Questions to Lao Peng—Are you so impatient to eradicate dissidents?"——Hong Kong "Apple Daily".

"Even the Hong Kong Governor's Office dared to shoot, and Hong Kong under the British rule was clouded." - Hong Kong "Ta Kung Pao".

Looking at the news, Lao Peng was too angry to speak, but his men's action to capture the assassin has been fruitless. It is said that after shooting Song Zhichao, the murderer fled. It is estimated that he is going to board a fishing boat at this time flee Hong Kong.Some people also said that the murderer was either the Big Circle Boys or the Vietnamese Boys, because only people from these two gangs dared to be so unscrupulous and dared to shoot and kill people in front of the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion.

As for Song Zhichao, I heard that after being shot in the chest, he was immediately sent to the most high-end private hospital in Hong Kong. Now he is staying in the emergency ward of the hospital. It seems that he is still undergoing surgery and has not passed the dangerous period.

To be precise, the scene in Hong Kong is very chaotic now.

Song Zhichao was assassinated, and his life and death are unknown.

The assassin fled the scene, preparing to smuggle out of Hong Kong.

In the end, the public opinion media bombarded the Hong Kong British government under the British rule, especially Lao Peng.

Lao Peng was very innocent, very anxious, and very depressed—I just invited Song Zhichao over for a quick meal, and by the way, gave him a chance to let him know what was good or bad, why did he meet an assassin?
Those Song Zhichao's rivals couldn't bear it too much. You should let Song Zhichao leave the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion before attacking him. Whether he lives or dies at that time has nothing to do with me.

But it happened to be in the Governor's Mansion, under the watchful eyes of everyone.

The evil forces in Hong Kong are really lawless.

Mainly, it was too disrespectful to Lao Peng.

But even so, Lao Peng still did not let the whole of Hong Kong start to crack down on crime, but simply issued an order-to arrest the murderer as soon as possible.

In Lao Peng's view, although this matter is very bad, as long as it is delayed and the limelight passes, it will be fine.

As for the nonsense media in Hong Kong, of course I have to warn them, don't chew your tongue, the British Hong Kong government is not vegetarian.

Just when Lao Peng thought that his "public relations" work was very good and that this matter would stop sooner or later, news began to spread internationally.

The first to speak out was the most well-known "Washington Post" in the United States. This newspaper reported mercilessly that Song Zhichao was assassinated in front of Governor Peng in the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion, and used a sentence: "The British Hong Kong government is so weak. Unbearable, social governance is so dangerous and chaotic” to describe the current governance situation in Hong Kong.

Immediately afterwards, the French "Paris Journal", the Italian "Venice Daily" and the British "The Times Daily" also carried out follow-up reports-in a word, Lao Peng lost face from the international community to his hometown.


In this world, there is a force that is sharper than guns, and that is public opinion --- public opinion that devours people and does not spit out bones is enough to make anyone go crazy on the cusp of the storm.

At this time, Lao Peng, the last governor of Hong Kong, was like this.





How does he run Hong Kong, with his ass?

Is he an idiot?Or is it the defender of the rogue?
Hong Kong under the rule of the British Hong Kong government can only be described as black—there is such an international city in the civilized world, it is really a tragedy of modern civilization!

Faced with the wanton insults from newspapers and magazines, Lao Peng could bear it at first, after all, he was a person of status and status—but he could bear it, but the British government could not bear it.

The stench of Lao Peng's ass has spread to the UK, and the British government has also become a target of public criticism and has been scolded in a mess.

How did you send a dog to Hong Kong?
Is the British government really that stupid?

It's all this time, and you still haven't responded?
What game is the British government playing, the idiot game?

The respected Queen of England was not spared in this war of words, and became Lao Peng's backer.

How is this possible?

How can Her Lady Empress help you take the blame for an idiot?
Therefore, the British Empire gave Lao Peng an order to thoroughly investigate the evil forces in Hong Kong and eliminate international bad influences.

Lao Peng: "..."

God, this is to hit black!

Hong Kong is really about to change.

(End of this chapter)

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