Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 569 580 [Xiangjiang Earthquake]

Chapter 569 580 [Xiangjiang Earthquake]

All the time——
Before the reunification of Hong Kong, fighting against gangsters and eradicating evil, and restoring Hong Kong to a bright and sunny day, was generally said by the British Hong Kong government, but in fact they did not take action. Macau is in a mess.

But now, because of Song Zhichao's assassination, the impact of this extremely bad incident, even the international public opinion has begun to feel dissatisfied with Hong Kong under the British government, began to ridicule, began to flog, how can the good-looking British bear it.

So, Lao Peng had to act.

To be precise, the British Hong Kong government, which has always liked to create conflicts in Hong Kong and turned a blind eye to Hong Kong's security, has begun to act.


Hong Kong, a fragrant hall in the New Territories——
The smoke was lingering, and the statue of Guan Gong stood in front of him, stroking his beard, holding the Qinglong Yanyue knife, and his eyes were wide open.

There are dragon and tiger flags on both sides, incense candles in the middle, a big flat on the top of the head, and four large characters written on it: loyalty will last forever.

"From now on, we are brothers in the community - we cannot be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but we hope to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day!"

Suddenly, "Don't move, raise your hands!"

"We are the Hong Kong Royal Flying Tigers --- now you have the right to remain silent, but every word you say will become evidence in court!"

"Cuffed up!"

Those cops went into action, arresting people.


"What are you arresting me for?"

"Why did you arrest me?"

This group of young and Dangerous boys wearing trousers, who were burning yellow paper and chopping chicken heads, yelled loudly and wanted to escape, but they were blocked.

In front of them, the Flying Tigers, armed with nuclear bombs, mercilessly arrested these members of the club who were asking for help and offering incense to join the club.

For a moment, the entire Xiangtang was in a state of chaos.


Hong Kong, Kowloon, the residence of a club boss——
There are candles on the cake, and the boss is celebrating his birthday and is about to blow out the candles with his arms around the horse.

At this moment---
With a bang, the door was kicked open, and a group of heavily armed Hong Kong police came in.

"We are the Royal Hong Kong Police, and now we suspect that you are gathering illegally—take them all away!"

"Our boss celebrates his birthday today, how did it become an illegal party?"

"Is there any mistake, you can also grab the cake when you cut it!"

"That's for cutting cakes, not a murder weapon!"

"Sir, let me be more accommodating, I am Master Ding." The boss had no choice but to stand up and say.

"Master Ding? Even if you are Buddha, you can take them all away!"


Hong Kong, Victoria Harbor ---
The night was dark and windy, and the waves were rough.

Taking advantage of the darkness, a small steamer slowly entered from outside.

The flashlight flashes three times.


This is the route used by smugglers to smuggle people from mainland China and Vietnam to Hong Kong.

However, due to the strict investigation of the assassination of Song Zhichao recently, women who sneak into Hong Kong are generally women—men are more troublesome.

When these women came to Hong Kong, most of them had no relatives and no reason, so they were handed over by these smugglers to the prostitutes in Hong Kong to sell—prostitution and serve as girls.Men in Hong Kong like these women very much. They are young and beautiful, and the most important thing is that they are cheap. For the same price, for example, 50 yuan, you can only find those old Hong Kong women in Temple Street, but here you can find young ladies who are [-] or [-] years old. Full service.

When the stowaway docks, everything looks perfect.

"Hurry up and go ashore!" the snake head urged.

Those dizzy women who stayed in the boat took their small packages one by one and went ashore.

At this time, the chicken heads who were connected to the snake heads also came, driving three or four vans and small trucks.

Chicken heads and snake heads count the money, calculated according to the head, how much money a woman draws.

"This batch of goods looks good, give me some more!"

"The rules of the rivers and lakes, as much as you want."

Seeing the two arguing, those women who didn't even know that they had been sold were still looking around stupidly, looking forward to a better life in Hong Kong in the future.

After the transaction between Jitou and Snakehead was over, Jitou ordered people to drive the women away and get in the car quickly, and lied to them that they did not have ID cards and would be arrested by the police if they ran out.

Those women were dubious, but they had no relatives or reasons in front of them, and if they didn't leave, they would be left here. In addition, the vicious thugs threatened them, and when they got scared, they all obediently got into the van and pickup truck.

Jitou said to the thugs: "How about it, which one do you like? You can try something new when you go back later."

Hearing this, those thugs were overjoyed, busy flattering, righteous, mighty and so on.

Just when this group of people was about to leave in the dark and windy night, the siren sounded: "Don't move! You are surrounded! We are the Royal Hong Kong Police——"

The searchlights came on, illuminating the surroundings.

Those villains who were still having sex dreams were all dumbfounded, and they had to raise their hands in the face of the police with nuclear bombs.


Major media in Hong Kong——
Day 33: "According to the latest news from Hong Kong --- today, the Hong Kong police launched an anti-crime operation code-named 'Scavenger'. So far, it has achieved remarkable results. It has cleaned up 340 violent associations and arrested a total of [-] criminal suspects. Seven..."

Day 53: "The crackdown on gangsters from the Hong Kong entertainment industry has spread to the whole of Hong Kong. The campaign of cracking down on gangsters and evils has reached its peak --- all kinds of evil forces in Hong Kong have been severely cracked down by the Hong Kong police. Currently, 670 associations have been cleaned up, and all kinds of gangsters have been arrested. [-] suspects."

Day 93: "The Hong Kong police have violently resolved chronic illnesses. At present, they have arrested the leading figures and about 870 people of various kinds, and arrested a total of [-] suspects of various crimes. It gave the citizens a bright future!"

No one expected that there would be such an unprecedented anti-crime operation in Hong Kong before the Chinese New Year.

It can be said that millions of Hong Kong citizens did not expect it.

Neither did the Hong Kong police.

Not even the Governor of Hong Kong thought of it.

To be precise, both the Governor of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong police were forced to wage war against the evil forces in Hong Kong, and were forced to take these young and Dangerous youngsters and club bosses under their knife.

The person who forced them to do this is said to be still being rescued in the emergency ward of the most luxurious private hospital in Hong Kong.

Yes, that person is a generation of tycoons who are hated by some and loved by others, who make people gnash their teeth with hatred and love to death - Song Zhichao.

Did Song Zhichao save him?
Is he dead?
Although everyone does not know whether Song Zhichao is dead or not, one thing is certain. Song Zhichao vowed before that he would buy all entertainment companies in Hong Kong and turn Hong Kong into his own film industry empire. As a result, many Hong Kong film companies that were originally controlled by evil forces have declared bankruptcy.

And Song Zhichao's Wanda Group took advantage of the situation and took all these film companies into its hands——
Who would have thought that in just five days, Wanda has acquired 33 film companies of various sizes in Hong Kong, and currently only three big companies, Shaw Brothers, Golden Harvest and Yongsheng, are left to hold on.But since these three companies are all listed companies, and Wanda is currently buying their shares frantically—if I had to use one word to describe them, it would be vicious.

Yes, it is extremely vicious——relying on Song Zhichao's terrifying and unknown financial strength, Wanda Company swept all the three stocks of Shaw Brothers, Jiahe and Yongsheng in the stock market in one go.

No matter how many stocks, no matter what the price of the stock-take it all!

Even if the Hong Kong Banking Regulatory Commission and the Stock Supervisory Association intervene, they will not be able to stop Wanda's crazy acquisition of these three companies.

He is so vicious and has no conscience!
This is the cursing of Wanda by the heads of the three companies.

At this moment, many entertainment media finally know that when Song Zhichao said that he would spend 100 billion to buy all Hong Kong film companies—that 100 billion was not fake, nor was it bragging, and it was not 100 billion Hong Kong dollars, but ——dollars!

(End of this chapter)

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