Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 711 725 [Army is easy to get]

Chapter 711 725 [Thousands of troops are easy to get]

Zhonghai City, Shark Fin Hotel——
As a well-known seafood restaurant in Zhonghai, the shark fin here is the best, and the top chefs in Hong Kong are hired.

Nie Weidong is very familiar with this place. When he was the young master of the Nie family in Zhonghai, Nie Weidong often came here to eat and drink.

At that time, he knew everyone in the restaurant, and those people also knew him.But time has changed, and now Nie Weidong feels terrified when he sees this restaurant. The long-term depression made him feel a little inferior.

Gritting his teeth, Nie Weidong finally stepped into this shark fin restaurant. The familiar welcome lady did not look down on him. Seeing him, he was still so enthusiastic, bowed and saluted, wearing a red cheongsam, sexy, youthful and beautiful.

Nie Weidong went upstairs with his head buried. Song Zhichao's private room was No. 808.

The female greeter who guided him upstairs was very talkative, saying that she hadn't seen Nie Weidong for a long time and she missed him a lot.

Nie Weidong didn't say a word, feeling that he was mocking.

The hostess led the way, and said that he had seen Nie Weidong's old friend, Master Long, not long ago, and that the banquet was hosted by a friend from Hong Kong, who looked very dignified.

He does not mean that.

Immediately Nie Weidong's heart moved.

At this moment, he understood that this female receptionist didn't know about his bankruptcy at all, let alone that he and Long Jianfei had become enemies, and thought they were friends.

It's ridiculous that I just randomly guessed whether the other party was laughing at me.

Then Nie Weidong asked Long Shao what he had talked with that Hong Kong friend.

The female receptionist deliberately showed off in front of Nie Weidong. After all, it is not ordinary people who can spend here. It will be beneficial to establish a good relationship. She said that they were talking about cooperation, communication, mobile phones and the like.

Nie Weidong listened carefully.


Soon, private room 808 arrived.

The female greeter sent Nie Weidong here and left.

Nie Weidong knocked on the door himself, and a voice came from inside: "Come in."

Nie Weidong tidied up his clothes——Because Song Zhichao was very serious on the phone, Nie Weidong specially put on a suit today, and also took care of his hair, which was cut short into a crew cut, looking extra energetic.

When he went in, Nie Weidong couldn't help being startled, because there were already five or six people sitting in the big private room, besides Song Zhichao, there were Xiong Yaohua, Wu Dong, Zhou Guang, Ding Duobao, and Lu Jun and others.

In contrast, I was the last one to come.

"A Dong is here, please sit down quickly." Song Zhichao, dressed in a very casual T-shirt, motioned for Nie Weidong to sit beside him.

Nie Weidong walked up to him and sat down, glanced around and said, "I thought you only dated me, Mr. Song."

Song Zhichao smiled and said, "Don't ask Mr. Song to be short on Mr. Song. We are friends. Just call me Song Zhichao or Ah Chao as before."

Song Zhichao's friendly words made Nie Weidong feel comfortable.

Xiong Yaohua and the others looked envious.

After all, this stock market war allowed them to fully see Song Zhichao's super strength.

The waitress poured tea in front of Nie Weidong's door, "You said you wanted to introduce friends to us, why haven't you come yet?" Nie Weidong took a sip from his teacup and asked.

Song Zhichao took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call when he heard a thud, the door was pushed open, and a person said, "Sorry, I'm late."

Song Zhichao put away his mobile phone and said to everyone: "Look, this place in Zhonghai is full of evil spirits—say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here."

Nie Weidong, Xiong Yaohua, Wu Dong and the others looked at that person, and saw that the person was dressed in a very old fashioned manner, with a haircut in a messy style, meticulous, wearing black square-frame glasses, a serious face, and a black suit, with a serious appearance ——By the way, he still has a briefcase in his hand. It doesn't look like he's here for dinner, but rather to discuss business.

Song Zhichao pointed to the person who came and said, "Okay, let me introduce to you, Bi Wenfeng, Attorney Bi—oh no, he is now the general manager of China Overseas Ericsson Mobile Communications Company, we should call him President Bi."

Boss Bi?Head of Ericsson?

For Ericsson, a mobile phone brand that has been in the limelight recently, as long as a person has ears, his eyes will know it.

Although the sales volume is not as good as that of Nokia and Motorola, it is superior in its novelty and good quality. The most important thing is that it has high clarity in communication, which is a big selling point, especially popular among young people.

"Nice to meet you!" After Song Zhichao's introduction, Bi Wenfeng took the initiative to shake hands with everyone.

Since he followed Song Zhichao, Bi Wenfeng has done a lot of great things, his vision has grown, and he has a heavy responsibility, and he is full of the aura of a superior person, so when shaking hands, Xiong Yaohua, Wu Dong and others were shocked. A feeling of being flattered.

Nie Weidong is better. Although he is downcast, he has seen the world anyway. He has made many friends with strong people like Bi Wenfeng before, but when shaking hands, he feels that the other party's hands are thick and strong.

Of course, these are all secondary. At this moment, Nie Weidong's mind turned quickly, remembering what the female welcomer said, Long Shao and a customer from Hong Kong are also engaged in mobile communication cooperation, and now Song Zhichao wants to introduce Bi Wenfeng to them again, could it be...

"Okay, old Bi, sit here with me." Song Zhichao reserved a seat for Bi Wenfeng on the left.

Bi Wenfeng was also polite, put down his briefcase, straightened his suit, and sat down.

Seeing that everyone was present, Song Zhichao picked up his teacup and said softly, "Before you said you wanted to make a fortune with me, but now, your chance has come."

Nie Weidong, Xiong Yaohua and others: "..."

Song Zhichao sipped his tea: "Now we, Ericsson, want to expand our marketing scale and need to find several provincial marketing agents. Which one of you is interested?"

Nie Weidong, Xiong Yaohua, Wu Dong and others: "..."

They didn't dare to make a sound without seeing the situation clearly.

Song Zhichao smiled, "I know you are cautious..."

"It's okay to be careless," Xiong Yaohua, Wu Dong and others said, "The stock market is almost a mess. Fortunately, luck has changed. So in the future, you must be more cautious in your investment."

Song Zhichao had a panoramic view of everyone's eyes and expressions, and immediately sipped his tea to wink at Bi Wenfeng.

Of course Bi Wenfeng knew what he was doing here today, uh, definitely not for tea and dinner.

Immediately, Bi Wenfeng picked up the briefcase he brought, opened it, took out a document, and said, "This is our sales report for last month and this month's sales report."

Hey, let's see what the sales report does?
Nie Weidong, Xiong Yaohua and others took it to look at it at will.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, when you look at it, everyone is stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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