Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 712 726 [1 will be hard to find]

Chapter 712 726 [A general is hard to find]

The biggest driving force in this world is profit.

For Xiong Yaohua, Udon, Zhou Guang and other businessmen, the purpose of doing business is to make a profit.

It's just that their respective businesses are different, so their profit interests are also different.

However, all people are greedy. Of course, in business, the more profitable the better.

At this moment, they watched Ericsson's two-month marketing report in their hands. It clearly showed the total turnover of the two months before and after, which was 300 million, which directly soared to 500 million.

This is - more than double the increase, and it is directly more than 1000 million more!
This is definitely a huge profit!
Xiong Yaohua's heart was excited.

He was originally in the real estate business, but now Zhong Hai's real estate business is not easy to do, mainly because it has not yet developed. In his previous life, it was also after 1997, and China's real estate business has also gradually emerged.

But mobile phones are different. Today's mobile phone business is absolutely booming. A mobile phone costs 100 to [-], or even [-] to [-], and the profit margin is as high as [-]%.

In the previous life, most of those who were in the mobile phone business in this era all made a fortune and became heroes for a while.

Xiong Yaohua also has the intention of becoming a tycoon, and he immediately understood after reading the report --- this is an opportunity!
Udon is a rough man who works in the hotel business.

Zhou Guang and the others are also Qiu Ba, none of them know much about business management or economics, but they can understand the sales growth data on this report --- more than 1000 million, what kind of figure is this?
Bi Wenfeng saw them read the report and said, "To be honest, if I fail to send out this report and recruit agents, there will be a lot of people flocking here, and there are many of them who are powerful and well-funded; but Song The husband told me that you have gone through wind and rain with him, shared life and death together, and you should give priority to it, so I will take time out of my busy schedule to meet you, seem to be interested in our Ericsson mobile phone I'm not very interested in business, so I don't have to force others..."

After saying this, Bi Wenfeng stood up directly from his seat, picked up his briefcase, and said to Song Zhichao: "Mr. Song, I came here this time to save face. The company really has a lot of business to deal with, so I won't delay here. Farewell!"

"President Bi, please stop!" Xiong Yaohua yelled.

"Stop!" Udon yelled.

Bi Wenfeng turned to look at them and stopped.

From the very beginning, Song Zhichao just sipped his tea, didn't say anything, just watched.

Since Nie Weidong won the stock market, he seems to have regained his demeanor as the eldest son of the Nie family, and he is very calm in doing things. What's more, he also knows some secrets that others don't know, such as the relationship between Young Master Long and the Hong Kong customer, and the transaction.

Xiong Yaohua stopped Bi Wenfeng, and immediately said in a very sincere voice: "I'm sorry, Mr. Bi, we were wrong, we shouldn't hesitate like that."

"Yeah, you have to think about doing business!" Udon said aside.

"But now we have considered it, we want to join!" Zhou Guang said.

"Yes, we are all good friends of Mr. Song. How can we not appreciate his kindness!" Ding Duobao said.

"We want to join - we need money and money, and people!" Lu Jun said, patting his chest.

Bi Wenfeng smiled and glanced at Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao nodded at him, Bi Wenfeng sat down again, put down his briefcase, and said with a smile: "Since you are all so sincere, then I will sit down and have a good talk with you."

At this time, the meals came up one after another.

Song Zhichao said: "Everyone eat the food first, and then talk after eating!"

The atmosphere instantly eased.


Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Song Zhichao hardly spoke tonight, and the banquet was full of big bastards like Udon bluffing.

As Song Zhichao's right-hand man, Bi Wenfeng didn't understand why Song Zhichao would give such a good opportunity to these people.

As Bi Wenfeng said before, if the call is made publicly, many people with capital will be willing to be Ericsson's agents. There is no need to set up such a wine bureau to win over these people.

There is no shortage of agents for good projects and good products.

But what Bi Wenfeng didn't know was that Song Zhichao's call for these people was definitely not simply to be kind to others, or simply to build relationships, but had a deeper purpose.

First of all, people like Xiong Yaohua Udon are basically businessmen rooted in Zhonghai. They are in different industries. Some of them operate real estate, hotels, department stores, and dry vegetables. It can be said that they are all kinds of people, and they do everything. .

The circles they live in are different, and the people they come into contact with are different, and people are the most basic marketing unit in marketing, one person, two people, three people... The larger the base, the higher the success rate.

Secondly, if the people in Zhonghai are divided into nine grades according to their ability to match their wages and their ability to control their savings, then the circle of Xiong Yaohua, Wudong and others includes almost all the customer groups of these nine grades.

In this era, the most difficult thing to do in marketing is not whether the product quality is good or not, but to develop --- to develop the market and customer base.

It is easy to find an agent with capital and strong funds, but the difficult thing is whether the other party can help you open up a vast market.

But hand it over to Xiong Yaohua, Udon, etc., basically get twice the result with half the effort, because they themselves are magnets among the customer base and can attract many of their own customers.

For example, Xiong Yaohua is in the real estate industry, so he can completely organize a large-scale "buy a house, get a mobile phone" campaign --- similar to the previous life, buy a house, get home appliances, buy a house, get decoration, etc.

After all, mobile phones are still a luxury in this era, and you can get [-] to [-] mobile phones for buying a house. This promotion is definitely strong enough.

For example, Udon runs a hotel, and most of the people he knows are diners who come to eat at his hotel. It’s as simple as setting up an "Ericsson Temporary Sales Counter" in his hotel, and he only needs to be there when the guests are dining. To hold a "Ericsson Big Promotion", he only needs to hold a "Ericsson Night" catering party, which can help Ericsson expand its publicity and increase sales.

These ideas are not just words, but Song Zhichao has already written a detailed marketing plan, and only waited for Xiong Yaohua, Wudong and others to make a decision before handing it over to them for implementation.

Now, it seems the time has come.

This is exactly: a thousand soldiers are easy to get, but a general is hard to find!

After dinner——
Bi Wenfeng took out the contract and various materials, and discussed cooperation matters with Xiong Yaohua and the others.

Here, seeing Xiong Yaohua and Wudong cooperating with Bi Wenfeng, Nie Weidong drank in a muffled voice.

Song Zhichao raised his wine glass, clinked glasses with him and said, "What, are you unhappy?"

Nie Weidong said: "Yes, they have all become agents, but as for me, I have no capital and connections, so I can only watch them succeed."

Song Zhichao smiled slightly: "But there is one thing you have that they don't have."

"What?" Nie Weidong looked at Song Zhichao curiously.

Song Zhichao pointed at Nie Weidong's head: "Investment brain."

Nie Weidong: "..."

For a long time, "Aren't you laughing at me? I have lost all my huge family property with my investment mind."

"That's because someone dug a hole." Song Zhichao said with a smile, "Through this stock trading, I found that you have an investment mind. If you are given a fair platform, then you will definitely win."

Nie Weidong didn't say anything, because he knew that Song Zhichao still had something to say.

Sure enough, Song Zhichao continued: "Come to Ericsson -- Bi Wenfeng will leave here in the future. If you can control the overall situation, his current seat is yours!"

Nie Weidong, heartbeat!

"If you agree, raise your glass." Song Zhichao raised his glass and stared at him.

Nie Weidong raised his wine glass without hesitation.

Pop, clink glasses!

(End of this chapter)

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