Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 716 730 [No break, no establishment]

Chapter 716 730 [No break, no establishment]

conference room——
Song Zhichao's applause attracted everyone's attention. As the host, Bi Wenfeng couldn't help but said, "Mr. Song, after listening to it for so long, what do you think?"

Nie Weidong also looked at Song Zhichao. After all, those suggestions just now were made by himself. He hasn't done such a thing for a long time, and he doesn't know whether it is right or wrong.

Others looked at Song Zhichao even more. Everyone knew that he was a big boss, and he was a ruthless kind. He cleaned up Ericsson's original senior management as soon as he took the stage. He was both afraid and in awe.

Song Zhichao seemed to have been sitting on the chair for a long time, feeling a little uncomfortable, so he stood up from the chair.

Today, because of attending the conference, he wore a formal suit, with a black suit jacket on the outside and a white Western-style vest on the inside.

At this moment, the suit jacket was put on the hanger by him, and he put his thumb in the small pocket of the vest, walked along the conference table, put his hand on Nie Weidong's chair, turned around and raised a finger, solemnly He said to everyone: "Do you know which rumors are the easiest to break in this world? That is the rumor of high technology. The rumor makers don't know how to pretend to understand and play tricks. As long as they verify it in front of experts, they will immediately reveal their true colors."

"Assistant Nie gave us a very good suggestion. We lack such convincing experts right now." Song Zhichao smiled, and went to the book storage in the meeting room. The books and magazines here are for those who are bored before the meeting. What people read is basically some newspapers and magazines that are relatively popular at the moment.

Song Zhichao bent down, took down a newspaper, and threw it on the conference table, saying in an unquestionable tone: "Buy it!"

Everyone: "..."

The appearance is very surprised, what things are so casually purchased.

Bi Wenfeng took the first look at the newspaper, smiled, and handed it to Nie Weidong.

Nie Weidong took a look and couldn't help but look up at Song Zhichao.There was a hint of admiration in his eyes, as if to say, did you have a plan?

The others were even more curious, and they looked up one after another. The people at the back even stood up, wanting to see clearly what the newspaper was about.

Everyone looked at it so carefully and couldn't help being stunned, only to see the three words Dou Da written on the masthead of the newspaper - "Electronic News"!
"Electronic News" was founded in June 1977.Originally named "Electronic Instrument Technology Briefing", it was officially renamed "Electronic News" in 6, and changed from a monthly report to a semi-monthly report (four editions and four editions) in 1980, and was officially distributed to the whole country through the post office, thus becoming the first public issue in China Electronic technology professional newspaper. In 1981, it was changed to a weekly newspaper; in 1982, it was increased from four editions in four quarters to eight editions in quarters.

Of course, these are not the point, the point is the influence of this newspaper in the whole country.

For a long time, in the electronic newspaper industry, its circulation and economic benefits are among the best, with the highest circulation of a single issue reaching 52 copies. Since the 80s, "Electronic News" has planned the "National Top [-] Thematic Competitions for Electronic Fans", which is not only the first competition in the history of "Electronic News", but also the first large-scale competition in the history of Chinese electronic newspapers.So far, it has been recognized as the media with the most competitions and the greatest social influence in the country's electronic newspapers and periodicals.

Now when they read this newspaper, combined with what Nie Weidong said before, everyone understood that as long as this newspaper can publish some good news about Ericsson mobile phones, those damn rumors will be self-defeating. After all, in In the field of electronics, this newspaper is absolutely authoritative.

It's just... It's completely possible to contact this newspaper secretly and ask them to clarify the facts for Ericsson. Why buy it?

To drink milk, there is no need to buy a cow.

Immediately, someone raised this doubt.

Song Zhichao smiled, walked slowly back to his seat, sat down slowly, and said, "Adong, you explain." Then he threw the question to Nie Weidong.

Nie Weidong knew that this was Song Zhichao testing himself, to be precise, he was giving himself a chance to establish his prestige in front of everyone——after all, he was a parachute, and relying on Song Zhichao's relationship, he landed out of thin air and became a high-level executive. Many people were not convinced.

Nie Weidong glanced at everyone, and seeing everyone looking at him, he said: "Actually, this question is very simple. In addition to the mobile phone business, our Song Group also does DVD business and other businesses related to electronics. To be precise, The biggest investment direction of our group is the electronic business. Therefore, we need an authoritative tongue to help me do business promotion. This kind of publicity is different from ordinary advertisements, and must have a strong technical content. It's a great choice."

"For example, if we want to launch a new mobile phone, we need to choose a very professional platform when launching the mobile phone. At this time, we can choose "Electronic News" to publish the new technology of our mobile phone. The software and hardware have been updated, these academic languages ​​are incomprehensible and incomprehensible to ordinary people, but those who subscribe to the newsletter know what it means.”

"When these people understand the advantages and advanced technology of our new mobile phone, they will involuntarily help me to promote it. With experts or technicians like them to do the promotion, the persuasion will reach [-]%. We can get twice the result with half the effort, because these experts have already explained the new technology we need to explain for us, and we don’t need to spend more on advertising.”

Since everyone can sit here, they are not fools. As soon as they heard Nie Weidong's words, they immediately understood that they had found a stable publicity platform and used the words of those experts to help promote their company's products.Just like selling special medicines, you must find an expert.

But soon someone stood up and asked a question, that is, this newspaper belongs to a "weekly", even if it is published at the fastest speed, it cannot save the fire from far away--what should I do?
This problem is quite difficult to solve, Nie Weidong pondered for a while, thinking for a long time but still can't find a good suggestion.

The others were also scratching their heads, but they couldn't think of a way.

Bi Wenfeng has strong execution ability and profound legal knowledge, but he is lacking in planning, after all, every business is like a mountain.What's more, this is Zhonghai, not Hong Kong, and he is not very familiar with the geographical environment and humanities here—in fact, this is one of the reasons why Song Zhichao promoted Nie Weidong as his assistant.

Although Nie Weidong's family has declined, he has also been a "land dragon" here -- a dragon, not a snake, and his familiarity with the environment is unmatched by ordinary people.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Song Zhichao spoke again and said, "Then do a DM advertisement!"

Everyone: "..."

Looking at Song Zhichao together, they looked confused.

Only then did Song Zhichao remember that "DM advertisements" were not yet popular in this era, and many people didn't know what it was.In the previous life, the coloring pages that supermarkets distributed every time they held events were actually DM advertisements, and later it was extended into DM newspapers, which are special newspapers that are distributed free of charge and only charge advertising fees. Some real estate information, recruitment information, and second-hand car sales information.

Seeing everyone looking at him in bewilderment, Song Zhichao thought about it for a while, and explained what "DM" is, which is an abbreviation of English words. This kind of newspaper is distributed free of charge, similar to the current publicity one……

After explaining for a long time, everyone finally understood that it was just a "propaganda page", and it even had a foreign name.

How did they know that this propaganda page is very different from the propaganda page in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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