Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 720 734 [A long way to go]

Chapter 720 734 [A long way to go]

Zhonghai, Hennessy Western Restaurant ---
As the largest western restaurant in Zhonghai, Hennessy Western Restaurant can only be described by one word, that is high-quality.

Yes, in this era, ordinary people can't even afford seafood, and how can they afford Western food, so Western food is a very fashionable and high-end thing.With the rapid development of Zhonghai's economy, Western restaurants are blooming everywhere in this metropolis. Not only the white-collar workers and executives of many foreign-funded enterprises like these restaurants, but even some foreign friends who come to Zhonghai also like these restaurants.

It can be said that although Zhong Hai in this era is not as rich as Hong Kong, it already has the atmosphere of an international metropolis.

At this moment, at eight o'clock in the evening, the entire western restaurant is full of guests, because tonight there is a chef from France cooking cold dishes, which attracts many elites who love western food.

At a dining table, Song Zhichao and Xiong Yaohua waited for Liang Yongfa's arrival. On their dining table, they simply served coffee.

Song Zhichao likes to smoke, but the restaurant here prohibits smoking, so he has no choice but to endure it.

Not far away, a Chinese girl was having dinner with a potbellied foreigner.

The foreigner was obviously in his 50s and [-]s, his hair was bald, and his appearance was even more ugly. Even if he sprinkled a lot of cologne, he couldn't hide the unpleasant body odor on his body. But this is such a man, the man in his twenties looks The young and beautiful girl with small eyes shouted "Darling" one after another, and showed affection from time to time, forked fruit and stuffed it into the foreigner's mouth, or snuggled up to the foreigner, hugged his arm and giggled, with a look of fear Others don't know that they are next to a foreigner.

No way, many girls in this era are proud of going abroad. The moon in a foreign country is round, and foreigners are fragrant. No matter how ugly or ugly the foreigner looks, as long as you can stand close to him, you will look very good. ability.

Such a situation has allowed many unruly foreigners to take advantage of the loopholes. Whether it is a white person from the United States or a black person from a poor African country, as long as they come to China, they can rely on their identity as a foreigner to play casually. woman.He promised them that he would take them abroad and give them a future, but in reality, he just threw it away after playing.

Many girls in this era are very stupid. This kind of stupidity comes from the "going abroad trend", and the misconception that coming from a foreign country is better than China.

At this moment, that small-eyed girl is such a person. In her eyes, no matter how old or ugly the other party is, nothing compares to the "guarantee" that he can take her abroad.


While Song Zhichao was observing the couple, Liang Yongfa came.

However, Liang Yongfa did not come alone. Liang Yongfa has always been very cautious about being entertained by others. After all, he is still "young" and there is still a lot of room for improvement in his career. There are stains --- very important period, but also pay great attention to details, this is the key to standing, so this time Liang Yongfa brought the branch leader Dai to come.

Team Leader Dai's name is Dai Xiaoqiang, and he is the team leader of the Audit Department of the Huanghe Road Branch. He and Liang Yongfa have a good relationship and often help each other in their careers. This time Liang Yongfa called him over, and he understood what it meant—— It's just a meal, so don't think too much about it, so we came here together.

Song Zhichao got up to welcome the guests, and Xiong Yaohua gave them a brief introduction as an intermediary.

At first, Liang Yongfa didn't pay much attention, thinking that Xiong Yaohua was trying to fool himself this time, but he didn't expect that there was a financing. After hearing Xiong Yaohua's introduction, Song Zhichao was from Hong Kong, and Liang Yongfa believed it.

After all, the word "Hong Kong" in this era is really a golden signboard.

After the two parties sat down, they both appeared very polite and exchanged a few simple greetings.

Especially Liang Yongfa, who is an official of the branch, is more reserved when talking, for fear of saying something wrong and affecting himself.

Song Zhichao saw that Director Liang was cautious and subtle, and Team Leader Dai who came with him was also very cautious in everything he did, so he couldn't help laughing. It seems that many people in this era are too conservative in doing things, shouting reform and opening up, In fact, they dare not make drastic moves, for fear of taking any responsibility.

In a word, reform and opening up has a long way to go.


Since you are here to discuss business, of course you have to eat before talking about business.

A blond waitress came over and handed the menu.

In this era, many western restaurants in Zhonghai employ foreign girls as waiters, which can improve the restaurant’s standard; secondly, the wages of these waiters are not high, and most of them are international students studying in China, which can be described as “high quality and low price” .

After receiving the western food menu, Song Zhichao politely handed it over to Liang Yongfa, which meant that he was a VIP and he should order first.

Liang Yongfa didn't feel much at first. After all, he has a high degree of education and he can speak English well. But when he took a look at the menu, it was not in English at all, but in French. Then he remembered that this restaurant is actually a French restaurant.

Looking at an unfamiliar French word on the menu, Liang Yongfa blushed a little. Fortunately, he covered his face with the menu so that no one could see him.

"Ahem, Team Leader Dai, you came with me, so I'll borrow flowers to present Buddha, you should order first." He threw the hot taro to Dai Xiaoqiang.

Dai Xiaoqiang thought that Liang Yongfa was being polite, but he took the menu and took a look... Nima, I don't know it either, it's all in French!

Dai Xiaoqiang was embarrassed, and directly handed the recipe to Xiong Yaohua and said, "Since Boss Xiong is the host this time, let Boss Xiong do it!"

Xiong Yaohua: "..."

He can't speak French, and he doesn't know English.

Helpless, Xiong Yaohua had no choice but to look at Song Zhichao as if asking for help.

Liang Yongfa and Dai Xiaoqiang picked up the coffee and lowered their heads to sip the coffee.

Song Zhichao was originally out of politeness, but he didn't expect... Well, that's fine.

He took the menu again and spoke to the blond waitress in very fluent French.

The foreign girl nodded frequently and took notes.

Song Zhichao understood, probably the three people in front of him didn't understand French, so he smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry——I looked at the dishes just now, and I dared to order for everyone. If there is any dissatisfaction, please bear with me."

After hearing that Song Zhichao had helped to order the dishes, Liang Yongfa and Dai Xiaoqiang breathed a sigh of relief—it’s not good to eat western food, you have to order every dish yourself, the problem is that your menu is also in Chinese, the book is full of tadpoles Wen, show it to the ghosts!
At the same time, the two couldn't help but look at Song Zhichao more. When they first knew that he was from Hong Kong, they gave each other a high look. They didn't expect that this person was so knowledgeable and knew French; What does it mean to save face for others? It seems that the dinner tonight will be very comfortable. If people like it, the food will also be very appetizing.

(End of this chapter)

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