Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 719 733 [Financing 2 million]

Chapter 719 733 [Financing [-] million]

After the meeting, Song Zhichao gathered Xiong Yaohua, Wu Dong and others together and asked them about the major banks in the mainland.

As a real estate developer, Xiong Yaohua has the most say on this topic. After all, he is engaged in real estate development, and he can't get around the hurdle of cooperating with banks.And the reason why his capital chain is broken now is also because the bank no longer continues to lend him money.

Wu Dong and the others are also in business, and they cannot avoid dealing with the bank, but they are not like Xiong Yaohua, whose stalls are too large, and they are not pinched by the bank. On the contrary, it is whether the bank is looking for them and asking them for savings. Basically, there are tasks above, what standards the savings must meet.

At this time, based on the principle of mutual benefit, Udon and others will deposit the spare money on hand to let these banks tide over the difficulties.When Udon and the others start a new business, they will withdraw the money and take out a loan by the way.

It can be said that these merchants and banks are basically the relationship between the ship and the ship's passengers, boarding the ship, disembarking, and back and forth.

After listening to their explanations, Song Zhichao already understood the behavior of more than half of the mainland banks.

Banking work in this era, adhering to prudent words and deeds, as long as it can only increase the savings rate, as for whether to invest or not, that is another matter. To sum it up in one sentence-many banks hold that "one thing more is worse than one thing less". The principle of doing things, would rather be steady than make "high-risk investment".

After listening to the advice of Xiong Yaohua and others, Song Zhichao suddenly asked Xiong Yaohua which bank cut off his loan?

Xiong Yaohua did not hide anything, and mentioned the name of a big bank.

In fact, domestically, it is easy to know with a little calculation of the fingers, the four major banks - industry, commerce, construction and agriculture.

Among them, Xiong Yaohua dealt with CCB.

After Xiong Yaohua spent a lot of money to buy the land, CCB originally planned to cooperate with him, and loaned him a loan to develop the land and sell it as a building. However, Long Jianfei disrupted the situation. CCB re-examined the cooperation plan and felt that the loan amount It was too big, mainly because Long Jianfei threw out the fake evidence of Xiong Yaohua's "shortage of funds" and directly frightened the CCB, thinking that Xiong Yaohua did not have the strength to develop such a large real estate at all.

At the beginning, Xiong Yaohua also had too much hope for CCB, and did not sign a formal cooperation agreement, so that after CCB unilaterally repented, Xiong Yaohua had no choice but to hang himself from a tree.

Now Xiong Yaohua's land is still on hold, and the foundation is simply dug. Because there is no money to hire workers to start the work, a lot of sand, cement, and bricks that were originally bought can only rot on the construction site.

After hearing this, Song Zhichao said to Xiong Yaohua: "Since this is the case, do you still want to develop that piece of land now?"

Xiong Yaohua has been waiting for this sentence for a long time. Originally, the reason why he defected to Song Zhichao was to save his own company, but after he followed Song Zhichao, he realized that this Boss Song is really too shrewd, not the kind who is easy to fool. Hong Kong businessmen.He began to hesitate whether he should ask for financing. If Song Zhichao refused, his real estate company would be completely ruined.

But now-
Immediately, Xiong Yaohua nodded without hesitation, "Of course I look forward to continuing to develop that land. As long as Mr. Song is willing to raise funds, the house will be built in the future in terms of profit sharing..."

Before Xiong Yaohua could finish speaking, Song Zhichao stopped him and said, "We will talk about the profit sharing later. How much money is your company short of now?"

Seeing that Song Zhichao seemed to be serious, Xiong Yaohua was excited, thinking that the company was saved, and said: "Almost [-] million is still missing."

Song Zhichao nodded, "I paid the [-] million yuan, but CCB cooperated with you at the beginning, and they loaned you [-] million yuan, right?"

Xiong Yaohua nodded, "That's right, I won the land and borrowed [-] million from them for joint development."

"Then now you invite the people from CCB, and I will sign the contract with you face to face. They must serve as witnesses. You know, what if they go back on their word? After all, they signed the contract first." Song Zhichao said with a serious expression.

Xiong Yaohua: "..."

People in CCB also have to face, how could they go back on their word again.

But Song Zhichao had already said that, so Xiong Yaohua could only call and invite a person in charge of CCB to come over and say that there was something important to discuss.


The person in charge of CCB is the director of the loan department, his surname is Liang, and his name is Liang Yongfa.

Liang Yongfa is 40 years old this year, and his career is on the rise, so he is extra cautious in doing things.As the person in charge of the loan department, Liang Yongfa has a nickname called "Drip does not leak", which means that he always puts the safety of funds first when reviewing cooperation partners.

According to the orthodox concept, Liang Yongfa's approach is correct. After all, he is in charge of the loan work of the Zhonghai City Construction Bank and the Huanghe Road branch. Every time the loan is hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions The amount must be handled with care.

Especially last time, Xiong Yaohua cooperated with their branch and wanted to borrow [-] million yuan to develop real estate. Liang Yongfa felt that the risk index was too high. If the boss Xiong didn't build the house, or just ran away with the money, then their branch would lose money. Seriously, he, the director, has made it to the top.

Therefore, Liang Yongfa had trouble sleeping and eating during those days, and it was at this time that he received news from Long Jianfei that the boss Xiong didn't have enough funds, and he was simply "empty-handed white wolf"-is that okay?

Liang Yongfa was frightened immediately, and immediately called Xiong Yaohua, making a lot of excuses, saying that the loan was difficult and so on, and canceled the cooperation intention with Xiong Yaohua's company.

Although it seems a little unethical to do so, Liang Yongfa is fortunate to use his thick skin to protect bank loans and national assets.

From a ideological standpoint, Liang Yongfa is standing on a very high moral standpoint—for the country and the people, he is willing to become a dishonest person.

However, this matter did not end like this, and the sequelae soon emerged, that is, the "unbeatable" boss Xiong kept chasing after his ass and begging.

First treat yourself to food and drink, and go to karaoke, nightclubs and other high-end places——
I eat public food, will I go?Can I go?

I am a man of principle!
After rejecting wave after wave, the bear boss still didn't give up, and even blocked himself at the door of his house crying poorly --- such a big man even pissed.

If you were an ordinary person, your heart would be soft, but Liang Yongfa thinks he is not an ordinary person. He is a person who puts the national interest above everything else, so you can cry when you cry, but don't cry in front of me.

In this way, Liang Yongfa began to avoid this Xiong Yaohua, hiding here and there, like a hide-and-seek.

I don't know what happened, these few days finally calmed down for a while, this Xiong Yaohua didn't pester him anymore, but today he called again.

Liang Yongfa didn't want to answer the phone at first, but after thinking about it for a while, it's better to meet up and cut off this "bad relationship" --- it's not a solution for each other to hide and look for each other like this.

So Liang Yongfa answered the call, but he didn't expect that before he asked for a meeting to settle the matter between them, the other party said that someone was going to finance him to build a building, and he no longer needed a loan from the CCB.


Liang Yongfa didn't turn his head around for a moment.

Abandoned himself?

Not needed anymore?

Then what are you still calling?
Soon the answer was given on the other end of the phone. The financing party wanted Liang Yongfa to testify on behalf of the branch, that is, the branch had nothing to do with their real estate company.

This... uh, understandable.

After all, there are a lot of conflicts between the "predecessor" and the "successor" in business.

So, Director Liang Yongfa said very generously: "Appointment location, I will be there on time!"

(End of this chapter)

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