Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 759 773 [Unhappy Retribution] Part [-]

Chapter 759 773 [Unhappy Retribution] Part [-]
The appearance of Fu Qingying made the female manager startled. You must know that she was serving Fu Qingying before, and she rushed over here after learning about the accident. Seeing Fu Qingying at this moment, she quickly flattered her and smiled. Said: "Miss Fu, why are you here?"

Fu Qingying didn't even look at her, she just looked at Du Chunmei, who was pale and full of eyes, and asked, "Why are you crying?"

The little girl Song Yuqing had already stepped forward, took Du Chunmei's hand, and said, "Whoever bullies you, tell me, and I will let Sister Fu vent your anger on you."

Seeing them like this, Du Chunmei wiped her tears with the back of her hand, and said firmly, "No one bullies me, I'm fine."

Even if she is wronged, she has to bear it herself, and she is unwilling to accept favors.

Fu Qingying turned to look at the lady Wang Juhua.

Wang Juhua didn't know Fu Qingying, she just thought that this woman was quite arrogant, no one had ever dared to say such a thing in front of her, so she pointed at Fu Qingying's nose and scolded: "Stinky girl, what are you? Where are you?" You have the right to talk nonsense here!"

Fu Qingying smiled instead of anger, and looked at Wang Juhua coldly with her beautiful eyes, and said, "Your name is Wang Juhua, right?"

Wang Juhua was stunned: "..."

She didn't expect the other party to call out her name all at once.

"Who are you and how do you know me?"

"Don't worry about who I am, I only know that your name is Wang Juhua, and your husband is the financial manager of Fu Group, right?"

Wang Juhua: "..."

Toad's mouth was opened wide, and a look of shock appeared on his fat face.

Fu Qingying looked at her coldly and said nothing more.

This Wang Juhua once participated in the Jiahua annual meeting held by Fu's Group. At that time, her husband came to find Fu Qingying on his own initiative and wanted to introduce his wife to Fu Qingying, but Fu Qingying didn't like this fat woman. Glancing at this Wang Chrysanthemum, she didn't meet her face to face.

I didn't expect to meet here today, the real appearance is disgusting.

For Wang Juhua at this time, the more mysterious Fu Qingying was, the more frightened she was. She didn't know which goddess she met, and why the other party knew everything about her, but she didn't know the other party's details .

"Who are you? What do you want? I'm not afraid of you!" Wang Ju said sternly.

At this time, the female manager who knew Fu Qingying's identity came to Wang Juhua's ear and whispered a few words. Suddenly, the fat woman Wang Juhua looked as if she had been struck by lightning. Her face was pale and her whole body trembling, staring at Fu Qingying. , with an unbelievable and distraught look.

Undoubtedly, the female manager has already told Wang Juhua about Fu Qingying's true identity - the eldest lady of the Fu family, who used to be in charge of the lifeline of the Fu family.

Fu Qingying looked at the fat woman Wang Chrysanthemum who was shivering towards her, pointed at the fat woman's bulbous nose, and said coldly: "You know, there are many good housemates in Hong Kong, and there are many who do my husband a disservice. Which one is it?"

Wang Juhua: "..."

dare not say a word.

Fu Qingying continued: "I can see from your appearance that it's not only a disservice, but also a smug look - even if you can't kill your husband, you can still kill your husband's career..."

Without further hesitation, Wang Juhua stepped forward and grabbed Fu Qingying's arm, "Please, Miss Fu—it's all my fault, please let my husband go!"

Fu Qingying shook off her hand and sneered: "What, are you begging for mercy?"

"Yes, I am begging for mercy."

"Aren't you going to take revenge on this little girl again?"

"No, I will not retaliate."

"Are you willing to let her go?"

"Yes, I'm willing to let her go." Wang Juhua said almost in a begging tone.

Fu Qingying smiled, her face froze suddenly: "But it's a pity, I don't intend to let you go!"

Wang Juhua: "..."

My heart trembled.

"Because this little girl is my friend, to be precise, a relative like my sister - if you offend her, you offend me. What are the consequences of offending me? Your husband will be fired by our Fu Group, And I will tell many big companies that your husband's hands and feet are not clean, no one will hire him as a financial manager... If I remember correctly, your husband's monthly salary is 1, and your family has just mortgaged a thousand-square-foot house on Jordan Road , you have to pay a monthly payment of more than 3000... By the way, you seem to have bought a new white Camry recently, and the monthly payment is more than [-]."

Fu Qingying paused, her beautiful eyes stared closely at the fat woman Wang Juhua: "Think about it, if your husband is suddenly fired and your family loses money, what will you do with the monthly payment of so many assets?"

Wang Juhua: "..."

She was about to cry, she never thought that Fu Qingying would be so vicious.

Wang Juhua is very clear about her status in her husband's heart--a yellow-faced woman, a fat woman who likes to spend money and squander.If it weren't for the outsiders' opinions, her husband would have divorced her long ago.

Now that I have caused such a big disaster, the consequences can be imagined. It will be easy for her husband not to divorce her. Maybe she will have nothing and will be kicked out of the house.

"Miss Fu, I was wrong! I'll give you an apology!"

"Miss Fu, you adults don't remember villains, please forgive me!"

"Miss Fu, I know that everything is my own fault, and I hope you can let me go!"

With a crying voice and red eyes, Wang Juhua kept begging Fu Qingying.

Seeing Wang Juhua's appearance, the female manager next to her couldn't help feeling sorry for her --- the other party is the most difficult patron of their department store, who contributes 10,000+ to the company's performance every year, and often has her tail up in front of her. , not giving people a good look, but now begging Fu Qingying like a poor guy, this is really subverting people's impression.

At this moment, the three waitresses standing with the female manager were also emotional.

They are used to serving others, they have been in contact with everyone, and they have seen everyone. For them, the VIP level like Wang Chrysanthemum is the sky, they are the earth, and they are the mud on the ground. People trampled and ravaged.

But now, this fat woman who used to be arrogant was beaten back to her original shape in front of this Miss Fu, like a crying toad, which was contemptuous.

As the party involved in this incident, Du Chunmei couldn't help but be in a daze looking at the scene in front of her. She never expected that the noble lady who was so powerful just now, who kept saying she wanted to kneel down, turned into a weak person in front of Fu Qingying. , turned into a wretch.

As for Song Yuqing, who was standing with Du Chunmei, she didn't think too much about it. In her eyes, Sister Fu is a fairy-like figure, and the fat woman in front of her is simply a stinky piece of shit. Just ask, who would take care of her? A bunch of shit?
Looking at Wang Juhua who was crying bitterly, Fu Qingying didn't feel the slightest sympathy, she said lightly: "If you want me to let you go - it's very simple, since you offended my friend, then you have to Admit to her."

When Wang Juhua heard this, she nodded hurriedly, "You are right, I should apologize to her and admit my mistake to her..." After speaking, she hurriedly turned to Du Chunmei and said, "I'm sorry, little sister, I was wrong just now, is it I was wrong, I shouldn't have slandered you, I also know that you picked up something with good intentions and wanted to return it to me..."

Du Chunmei: "..."

I didn't expect the situation to suddenly become like this, and I was a little stunned.

Just when Du Chunmei didn't know how to respond to the apology from the fat woman Wang Juhua, Fu Qingying giggled, her laughter was clear and sweet, "Have I ever said such an apology? Just say two or three words with just one mouth Send it away, it seems that there is no sincerity."

Wang Juhua: "..."

She froze for a moment, then hurriedly asked Fu Qingying what she should do with a flattering face.

Fu Qingying smiled slightly, and said: "Simple—kneel down!" Pointing at Du Chunmei, her tone was firm: "Facing her, kneel down!"

Wang Juhua: "..."

other people:"……"

No one expected that Fu Qingying would make such a request.

In the way of the other, return the body of the other!
Or it is called: retribution is not good!
(End of this chapter)

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