Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 760 774 [Unhappy retribution]

Chapter 760 774 [Unhappy retribution]
The scene of the dispute——
The atmosphere is a little frozen.

Although Wang Juhua is very shameless, she still can't do it by asking her to kneel in front of a mainland girl and apologize to her for her mistake.

She has always been very arrogant, and she is the only one who steps on others, who dares to offend her, but now Fu Qingying has asked for a slap in the face, what should she do?
Seeing this, the female manager of the department store nearby stood up and acted as a peacemaker and said, "Miss Fu, I know you are very angry, but please let Mrs. Wang go. She also said that she didn't mean it. Shall I apologize to this little girl on her behalf?"

Fu Qingying looked at the protruding female manager and smiled.

The female manager thought she was smiling weirdly, and felt a little guilty.

Fu Qingying pointed at the female manager's nose, "Are you talking to me?"

The female manager "..."

With embarrassment written all over his face, he said in his heart that I've been talking for a long time, who else would I talk to if I wasn't talking to you?
"Miss Fu, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Are you qualified to intercede for her?"

"Uh, this..."

"Also, what's wrong with you, don't you know?"

"Huh?" The female manager was taken aback.

"As the person in charge here, you climb high and low, who made my friend kneel down just now?" Fu Qingying's phoenix eyes flashed a cold light.

The female manager felt a cold war in her heart, knowing that she was getting angry, but just now she took the initiative to stand beside Wang Juhua, asking Du Chunmei to kneel down and kowtow to apologize.

The female manager's face turned pale, and she forced a smile and said, "I...I just, ahem, I didn't think well just now."

"It's not that you didn't think carefully, you just flattered and slapped on the horse's leg-now, I will let you know the consequences..."

"No, Miss Fu! I was wrong! I shouldn't have favored this fat woman! I shouldn't have offended your friend!" The female manager knelt down on the ground with a puff, completely lowering her posture.

She clearly knew what kind of ability this Miss Fu had. Since she wanted to punish herself, if she lost her job, she might not even be able to find a job in the future, and would starve to death by the side of the road.

In this case, the female manager has already seen the situation clearly. If this fat woman does not die, she has to die herself.

"It was this Wang Juhua who ordered me to do it! She is an arrogant, selfish and unreasonable shrew! If I don't take good care of her, I will have no good fruit... I have no choice but, Miss Fu, I know you You are a good person, you have to be aware of the details! Wooooooooo!"!The female manager directly put the blame on Wang Juhua's head, as if Wang Juhua was a demon in the complaint, and she was also a forced victim.

Everyone around was dumbfounded. They didn't expect that the female manager's bones were so soft, and her mouth was so eloquent. She turned upside down and said things like that. No wonder she was able to be a manager. She was really flexible.

Wang Juhua looked at the female manager who was kneeling on the ground pleading with Fu Qingying, and felt like a dog in her heart.

The three waitresses couldn't bear to see their boss being so brazen, and they covered their faces with shame.

After all, they saw clearly the situation just now, who took the initiative to curry favor with this Wang Juhua, and who proposed to kneel and kowtow to admit his mistake.

Du Chunmei had already stopped crying at this time, and stared blankly at the scene before her.

Only at this moment did she realize how powerful Fu Qingying's reputation and influence are in Hong Kong. The fat woman who was going to crush her to death was pressed and rubbed on the ground, and Feipo's accomplice who was originally Feipo knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

It turns out that Hong Kong is such a Hong Kong.

No wonder Brother Chao said that Hong Kong is a world of money and power. As long as you have money, power and ability, you can become a superior person.

At this moment, for the first time, Du Chunmei had the idea of ​​becoming stronger.

For the little girl Song Yuqing, her thoughts were relatively simple, but she didn't think too much about it. At this moment, she only saw the fat woman who was domineering, and the female manager who was in trouble with the fat woman. "Down" on the ground---Sister Fu is really too powerful, too powerful.


At this time, facing the female manager kneeling on the ground and begging for forgiveness, and the fat lady Wang Juhua begging for forgiveness, Fu Qingying couldn't help but shook her head, with a look of contempt on the corner of her mouth, weak, too weak, she still wanted to come out like this Just imitate others to show off their power, and don't look at where this is-this is Hong Kong, there are many big guys who are more powerful than you ants.

"Okay, I've already said what I need to say—" Fu Qingying glanced coldly at the fat woman Wang Juhua, "Whether you want to kneel and kowtow, or let your husband lose his job, you decide for yourself." After finishing speaking , Fu Qingying looked at the women's Patek Philippe watch, "I'll give you ten seconds, if you're still standing like this, then just pretend I didn't say anything just now..." sneered.

Fat Queen Chrysanthemum: "..."

Looking at the proud Fu Qingying, then at the female manager who was kneeling on the ground begging for forgiveness, and at the other people watching the fun, she couldn't hold on any longer, and with a plop, she knelt down with the female manager, Looking at Du Chunmei, she said, "I'm sorry, I was wrong!"


Du Chunmei looked in disbelief at Wang Juhua who was kneeling in front of her - the noble lady who had flaunted her power to her before.

Then I looked at the crying female manager—the sycophant who had ridiculed me before.

She didn't know what to do, what to say.

Just stood there blankly.

Song Yuqing didn't know what to do, although she and Du Chunmei were friends, but now...reliable, after all, the person kneeling in front of her is not an ordinary person.

Just when Du Chunmei was in a daze, Fu Qingying walked up to her, looked at her quietly, and said, "Now you deal with them, do you want them to kneel here and continue to kowtow to admit their mistakes, or let me do it, so that they will never be wronged?" Turn over?"

Looking into Fu Qingying's bright eyes, Du Chunmei took a deep breath and said, "Leave them alone."

The corner of Fu Qingying's mouth traced a trace of contempt. She felt that she had a little high regard for this little girl from the mainland, and thought she had some ability, but it turned out to be nothing more than that. Too soft a heart can't make a big deal. It seems that Song Zhichao was mistaken this time. He even took her to study in Hong Kong at his own expense.

"Even if I have to punish them, I have to rely on myself!" Du Chunmei said suddenly, "I don't want your help!" She looked at Fu Qingying firmly, "Because what you can do, I will definitely be able to do in the future What's more, I'm younger than you!" His eyes were full of confidence and arrogance, the kind of tough arrogance that would rather bend than bend.

Fu Qingying: "..."

For the first time, she began to look at this little girl with a rustic name, rustic clothes, but not at all rustic in speech, on the contrary, she was very arrogant.

(End of this chapter)

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