Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 76 076 [Packaging Hong Kong guys]

Chapter 76 076 [Packaging Hong Kong guys]

It was a scorching morning with a scorching sun.

The cicadas sang on the branches and made a lot of noise.

As the city of Panyu County, the reform and opening up has injected a steady stream of vitality into this place. Walking on the street, you can see wide banners everywhere——
"Take economic construction as the center, and never waver in insisting on reform and opening up!"

"Be a newcomer with four talents and contribute to the realization of the four modernizations!"

"The prosperity of the motherland requires us to add tiles and bricks!"

At this moment, on Changjiang Road, near "Yuegui Suit Shop"——
On the side of the road, a cleaner in a yellow vest was pushing a tricycle, and was sweating profusely sweeping rubbish such as watermelon rinds on the side of the road into the ash bucket. One place and another.

In this sweltering weather, for him, it has nothing to do with him whether to reform or open up. The business is to throw away less watermelon rinds for those who are on the street, bad boys, and rotten people.

Thinking of this, this uncle, a cleaner with no pursuit, looked angrily at Qi Wanda, who was squatting under the banyan tree not far away, gnawing half a watermelon in his hands.

This fat man gnawed watermelon happily, and the speed was also fast. He lost the skin after gnawing a piece, and continued to gnaw, spitting out watermelon seeds from his mouth. He looked like a machine gun that never stopped. High quality as it should be.

Song Zhichao also took a piece of watermelon, but it wasn't as wild as Qi Wanda's.He hooked his suit jacket with one hand and draped it behind his shoulders. He held half a slice of watermelon in the other hand, biting lightly. He ate very elegantly and relaxedly, while looking at the "Laurel Suit Shop" next to the banyan tree from time to time. , waiting for the store to open.

Finally, a crooked old man came from a distance, wearing a short sweatshirt and holding a bottle of Wujiapi, walking slowly towards this side.

Qi Wanda stood up all of a sudden, stared and said: "Here, I guess this is the master Luo you mentioned." He threw away the unfinished watermelon in his hand, then picked up his clothes and wiped it. mouth, and said to Song Zhichao: "You said that he is very good at craftsmanship, wearing his suits, even a fat guy like me can become a handsome boy, that's why I came here with you—don't lie to me." Said After finishing, Qi Wanda patted his ass and walked over.

Song Zhichao didn't follow directly, but bent over to pick up the watermelon skins one by one with his suit jacket in his hands. Qi Wanda looked back and muttered, "What are you doing, let's get down to business first!"

Song Zhichao ignored him, but copied the watermelon rinds, carried them to the cleaner's tricycle, threw them into the car, and smiled at the cleaner's uncle without saying anything.

Uncle the cleaner looked at him with a broom, his originally angry eyes dimmed.


A man depends on his clothes, a horse depends on his saddle;

Respect clothes before respecting people.

For Song Zhichao, if he wants to successfully package a Hong Kong person in this era, he must work hard.

People like Qi Wanda, although a Hongkonger, are losers among Hongkongers.

There is no one who can even be cheated for the sake of being a cheater, so Song Zhichao had to wrap him in clothes first; and the first thing he thought of was the "Yuegui suit store" he visited last time. ".


"What's the use of you doing that, you're not a trash guy, and you won't be awarded an honorary citizen award for picking up watermelon rinds."

"It's different for him. Cleaning up is of course his duty. Your government pays him a salary." Qi Wanda said plausibly.

Song Zhichao didn't bother to pay attention to him, but looked at the old man who was walking towards him.

When the old man approached, Song Zhichao politely stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, but are you Master Luo?"

The stooped old man froze for a moment, glanced at Song Zhichao with cloudy eyes, and immediately his eyes lit up. He knew that the clothes Song Zhichao was wearing were made by their Yuegui suit shop.To be precise, this suit was the first work he gave to his female apprentice Baoxia to make, and every stitch and thread was done under his nose.

"You are...Mr. Song who made the suits?" Master Luo only knew that the person who made the suits was named Song, and he was a young man. He didn't expect to see him here today, and he looked so handsome.

Song Zhichao took out his cigarette and let him pass, and said with a smile, "I'm here. Master Luo, I'm sorry to bother you. I need your help with something."

Master Luo took the cigarette and said with a smile, "I'm a bad old man. I can't do anything except make clothes. What can I do for you?"

Song Zhichao said: "I just want you to help make clothes, make a few more sets, hurry up!"

Master Luo smiled even more happily, "So you are taking care of my business, and I want to thank you—we'd better go into the house and talk!"

It can be said that Master Luo has a good impression of Song Zhichao, young, handsome, and so polite.

Immediately, they warmly invited Song Zhichao and Qi Wanda into the shop for a detailed discussion.

There is just a huge laurel tree on the left in front of the door of the laurel suit store, with lush branches and leaves, and a tall and straight body. When a gust of wind blows, the branches and leaves are whirling.

Song Zhichao guessed that the name of this store might be derived from this.

I asked casually, and sure enough, Master Luo said that this laurel tree is very old. It is said that it was here in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, and it is almost a hundred years old now.


While opening the store, Master Luo said: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I should have come to open the store a long time ago, but my health is not good, so my apprentice Baoxia took me to the nearby Tongrentang to get medicine... No, I met you just after I came back." After saying this, Master Luo couldn't help coughing twice.

Song Zhichao asked him how he was with concern.

Master Luo said again: "When a person is old, he is like a machine. He always commits old problems—" He raised the "Wujia skin" in his hand, "To tell the truth, it doesn't work for me to take any medicine. This Wujia skin is the best, take a few sips, Baoling!"

It turned out that this old master was still an out-and-out "old drunkard", Song Zhichao couldn't help smiling.

Later, Qi Wanda, a Hong Kong guy, said impatiently: "Didn't you say that Zhong has a female apprentice, who is she? Our custom-made suits are in a hurry, and it is best to have more people."

Master Luo removed the door panel of the store, put it aside, and led the two into the store, not caring about Qi Wanda's urging, and said with a smile: "The girl Baoxia will fetch the medicine for me in the back, and she will be back later; Come in and drink some water first, let me write down the requirements for custom-made suits for you!"

Song Zhichao, Qi Wanda and Master Luo walked into the store at this moment, and saw that the store was not very big, only twenty square meters at most, surrounded by various plastic models wearing suits and cheongsams; And on the four walls of the store, there are very old posters of celebrities from the 30s on the beach, both men and women.

Song Zhichao recognized two of them, one is the female star Ruan Lingyu, and the other is the big star Butterfly.

These celebrity posters are all framed and look well preserved. The most noticeable thing is that the suits and cheongsams they wear are obviously handcrafted by Master Luo's ancestors. They look extremely exquisite and look like they are brand new. .

In addition to these more eye-catching things, what surprised Song Zhichao the most was an old-fashioned gramophone placed on the counter on the right. It was an old-fashioned machine with a big speaker. Playing the record, rustling, and began to play a retro Cantonese opera...

Song Zhichao tried his best to listen, but couldn't hear the track.

At this time, Master Luo chuckled and said to him: "This is "The Emperor's Flower", written by Tang Disheng, sung by Ren Jianhui and Bai Xuexian."

Song Zhichao couldn't help being startled after listening to it. He knew the story of "Emperor's Flower". It was about the end of Ming Dynasty and the early years of Chongzhen. Weakened day by day.The opera tells the tragic love story of Princess Changping and Zhou Shixian.

As for the writer Tang Disheng, and the singers Ren Jianhui and Bai Xuexian, Song Zhichao knew very little about them.

At this moment, Qi Wanda next to Song Zhichao suddenly looked greedy, and said impatiently, "Master Luo, you have these posters on the wall for your record, are you selling it or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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