Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 77 077 [Nature is hard to change]

Chapter 77 077 [Nature is hard to change]

What do you mean by "the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change"?
For Qi Wanda, he is a "little cheat" at heart, and for him, anything that can make a profit is a good thing.

So after seeing these old posters and old records collected by Master Luo, Qi Wanda immediately thought of "picking up leaks"!
After living in Hong Kong for so long, Qi Wanda can be regarded as a figure in the world of vision. Among other things, the song "Emperor Flower" composed by Tang Disheng and sung by Ren Jianhui and Bai Xuexian is a well-deserved "drama treasure"!
Not to mention anything else, once Qi Wanda participated in an auction for a rich man, and the auctions on site were all old antiques.One of the records of "Emperor Flower" in the 50s was auctioned by these Hong Kong billionaires for [-] Hong Kong dollars!
Thinking about it is very exciting, who would have thought that such a humble old record would have so much value.

Therefore, after knowing the arranger and singer of the record in front of him, Qi Wanda immediately thought of taking it as his own and then taking it to auction in Hong Kong.

"Master Luo, for your poster, is Zhongyou's record for sale or not?" Seeing that Master Luo was silent, Qi Wanda couldn't help asking again. For him, this is not a simple record. It's money, white money.

Unexpectedly, Master Luo didn't care about him at all, he picked up his pick-beaked teapot casually, shook his head and said, "Don't sell it!" His attitude was firm, and there was no room for negotiation.

Qi Wanda is still a little bit unwilling to give up, thinking that I am an old man from Hong Kong, and I can't beat you, an old man from mainland China.So he restrained the trace of greed on his face, tried to make his expression honest and credible, and said, "To be honest, Master Luo, I really like this song. If you can part with me, I will be grateful."

Master Luo still shook his head.

Qi Wanda continued his efforts, "Master Luo, I have to tell you now. In fact, I am an orphan! My father passed away very early, but I remember clearly that his favorite song was this "Emperor Flower" sung by Ren Jianhui and Bai Xuexian..."

Qi Wanda's eye circles were red and moist.

"Because of this, I boldly ask you, can you give up your love and sell me this record... I am so grateful!"

There was a slap, and before Master Luo could answer, Song Zhichao slapped Qi Wanda on the back of the head, "Don't trust him, his old man is still walking his dog in Causeway Bay!"

With a puff, Master Luo almost spit out the tea he drank into his mouth. In order to hide his embarrassment, he hurriedly said, "Sorry, I'm choking. Cough cough, do you want some water?"

Song Zhichao waved his hand, "No need, let's get down to business."

Qi Wanda had a thick skin, and sighed: "The old man who walks the dog is my stepfather! I really like this record!"

Master Luo had no choice but to cut through the mess quickly, and said to Qi Wanda: "I'm sorry——no matter what you say, I won't sell this record!"

Only then did Qi Wanda give up, staring at the record worth [-] yuan and said: "Oh, what a pity!" He shook his head.


"Mr. Song, just tell me what you want. Since you are here, you will definitely not make an ordinary suit jacket, will you?" Master Luo brewed tea, invited Song Zhichao and Qi Wanda to sit down, and cut straight to the point road.

Song Zhichao nodded, "You talked a lot, but I have some special requirements."

While speaking, he took out a suit design drawing from his pocket and handed it to Master Luo.

For Song Zhichao's clothing design attainments, Master Luo has long been prepared. The Korean suit designed by Song Zhichao last time is quite different from the current popular style. Therefore, Master Luo is also very curious and looks forward to what kind of style Song Zhichao can design this time.

Master Luo took the design sketch handed over by Song Zhichao and looked at it carefully, but felt that his old eyes were dim and he couldn’t see clearly. He remembered that he forgot to wear glasses, so he got up and found his own reading glasses and put them on. Looking at the draft again, it was very clear .

Although he was prepared in his heart, Master Luo was still shocked by the clothing style on the blueprint.I saw that the style of this suit was similar to that designed by Song Zhichao last time, and it was quite different from the current suits. There was no double-breasted, no dovetail slit at the back, no wide open collar, and the overall appearance was very fit and thin; in addition, It is different from the suit Song Zhichao ordered last time. This time I chose bold vertical stripes, and the color is also marked to use black and white.

Unable to bear it, Master Luo glanced at Song Zhichao through his thick reading glasses.

Song Zhichao smiled and said, "This time I didn't do it for me, but for my friend."

Master Luo glanced at Qi Wanda again.

Qi Wanda is obese, so she really has to order her clothes.I don't think you can buy it in his size at the store.

As an old tailor, although Master Luo doesn't understand the theory of being too fat and too thin, he knows that the stripes and colors of a piece of clothing can affect a person's body shape to some extent.

That's why Master Luo was surprised. He was surprised that Song Zhichao was not a tailor, let alone a fashion designer. How could he know so much?

However, even though he had doubts in his heart, Master Luo didn't ask them out. Everyone has secrets, so it doesn't necessarily have to be answered by you.

"That's right! It's a novelty, we can make it—when will it be?"

"Is tomorrow okay?"

"Time is a bit rushed." Master Luo hesitated and said, "But it doesn't matter, I will try my best."

Song Zhichao nodded when he got the answer, and suddenly he changed the subject: "Master Luo, I don't know if I should say something or not."

Master Luo took off his presbyopic glasses and said with a smile, "If you have any advice, Mr. Song, feel free to speak up."

"Master Luo, I appreciate your clothes-making skills, so it's very strange why you don't recruit more apprentices to pass on this skill... For example, expanding the store, you can also turn the clothing store into a clothing factory..." Song Zhichao couldn't help but speak out what was in his heart.

For him, if this traditional craft can be handed down, it will be comparable to foreign Italian craftsmen.

In contrast, foreign traditional handicrafts have long been "industrialized", while domestic ones are still "passed on from men to women", so that many unique skills are gradually disappearing.

Of course, these are secondary. In fact, Song Zhichao has another purpose, which is to consider whether to invest in the clothing market if he has sufficient funds on hand in the future.

We must know that with the development of the domestic economy, the profits of the clothing industry will be huge in the future. Not to mention anything else, the combined brand value of clothing brands such as Septwolves, Baoxiniao, and Youngor is as high as billions.

It can be said that this era is the best era for the development of clothing brands, and it is also the era when clothing can make a lot of money and make crazy money.

Therefore, coming to Yuegui Suit Store to help Fatty Qi make clothes this time is just a side trip, and the most important thing is to "throw stones and ask for directions".

There is no way, this is also the problem left by Song Zhichao's business in his previous life. When doing anything, he likes to take one step and watch three moves, just like playing chess.

Master Luo didn't know this, he thought Song Zhichao was caring about himself, so he sighed and said, "I'm old, I don't have such big ambitions anymore. These days, I can live every day, and I can do business as long as I can... Besides, my body...cough cough cough!"

Master Luo was coughing violently, and his hunched body was even bent into a shrimp. Song Zhichao had to help him reach out and beat his back so that he could feel more comfortable when he coughed.

at this time--
"Master Luo, it's time to pay the management fee! You've been in arrears for more than three months, don't delay any longer!" With the strange voice of yin and yang, I saw a curly man with a sugar cane in his mouth, and two little brothers swaggering walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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