Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 79 079 [Bullying the Soft and Fearing the Hard]

Chapter 79 079 [Bullying the Soft and Fearing the Hard]

The little dog shook his head, shook off the blood and tea on his face, and tried to wake himself up.

He came back to his senses and stared at Song Zhichao viciously: "What did you say? You hit me and broke my head, and now you want to talk to me about the broken teapot?"

The two little boys next to him also stood up together, staring at Song Zhichao fiercely, as long as Xigou gave an order, they would immediately tear Song Zhichao to pieces.

Facing the crowd of Xigou, Song Zhichao still looked very calm. He folded the handkerchief he had just used and put it in his arms again, and then said to Xigou: "You heard me right, that's what I said——" Pointing to the broken teapot on the ground, "This is an antique, how much is it worth, five hundred or eight hundred."

Qi Wanda next to him answered immediately: "800 yuan! This is the famous purple sand teapot from Longquan Town. It was carved and made by a generation of famous craftsman Mr. Wang Tiehua after several years. It is a priceless treasure in Hong Kong!"

"Fatty man, which green onion are you?" Xigou was angry. He didn't know Longquan Town, and he didn't know Wang Tiehua or Hu Tiehua. He only knew that he was smashed by this thing.

Qi Wanda calmly took out his wallet from his body, then took out the card from the wallet and said, "I am a Hong Kong citizen! Besides, I am also a permanent director of the Hong Kong Kowloon Antiques Association. My name is Qi Wanda, and you can call me Mr. Qi, you can also call me Director Qi."

It has to be said that Qi Wanda's words, which were both true and false, really frightened Xigou and his group.

In this era, all Hong Kong people who can work in Pan Yu basically have a lot of background. I heard that Cheng Fafa, the big brother of their brother Xiong Niu Xiong, also took refuge in a young man named Cha in Hong Kong, and only then did he achieve what he is today.

Because of this, when they heard that Qi Wanda, a fat man, was from Hong Kong, the three of them softened a little.

No way, who makes Hong Kong people in this era so popular.

After receiving the card and looking at it, it turned out to be a bronzing business card marked "Permanent Director of Hong Kong Kowloon Antiques Association".

At this time, Xigou and the others softened by another three points.

Holding that business card, Xigou felt that it was hot.

His two younger brothers are also looking at me and looking at you, and they have no idea.

For those in their line of work, it's okay to bully ordinary people, but when it's the turn of Hong Kong compatriots, they feel a little scared.

After all, this era emphasizes reform and opening up. In order to attract investment, there are great preferential measures for Hong Kong compatriots. Generally speaking, as long as you offend Hong Kong people who come here to invest, it is tantamount to undermining reform and opening up, undermining economic construction, and undermining investment promotion. The consequences of attracting capital and destroying the great cause that the people are building can be imagined.

What's more, you are just street bastards, blackmailers, ruffians who only know how to collect protection money, and the comrades of the police station will severely crack down on you, and even make you wash your ass and sit in prison.

This is definitely not alarmist.

There is such an example around Xigou. Once, a friend of his accidentally blackmailed a Hong Kong businessman who came to invest in Panyu. In the end, he was sentenced to ten years of heavy punishment, and he has not come out yet.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he looked at the business card in his hand, but Xigou is not a brainless person. He was taken aback for a while, and then said to Qi Wanda: "What the hell, you just say you are from Hong Kong, and I still say I am I am the President of the United States!"

"That's right, there is a way to show evidence!"

"Take it out!"

Xigou and his gang yelled at Qi Wanda.

Qi Wanda was not in a hurry, took out another card from his wallet, and handed it between two fingers: "Check it out first, this is my ID card, it cannot be faked!"

Xigou took the ID card and looked at it carefully, and the two younger brothers also came over.

God is sorry, this is the first time they have seen a real Hong Kong ID card. They still recognize the Chinese characters "Qi Wanda, Hong Kong resident" on it, but they don't understand the English on it.

After looking and looking, touching and touching, they couldn't tell whether the ID card was real or not, but it seemed that there were more of them.

Without waiting for Xigou and the others to figure out the authenticity of this ID card, Fatty Qi snatched the ID card back and said arrogantly: "Do you know English? It looks like you don't have a high degree of education!"

The three of Xigou looked very embarrassed. The three of them had the highest education in elementary school and hadn't graduated yet.

"I saw it for real just now. This Mr. Puppy broke this priceless, 800 yuan purple sand antique teapot with his own head, and then wanted to slander Mr. Song and beat him. I can see clearly, and I will definitely report the facts to Comrade Public Security at that time, what else do you three have to say?" Fatty Qi refused to let go, and directly blamed Xigou and the other three.

The three of Xigou suddenly felt that this tactic was very familiar, and they usually like to use this tactic when they are subduing others.

"Fatty man, don't talk nonsense! It's obvious that he hit me!" The little dog couldn't hold back anymore, and pointed at Qi Wanda's nose and cursed.

Qi Wanda smiled, then snorted coldly, and said to Xigou: "Whatever you say, guess, when the police come later, do you believe me or do you believe me?"

Xigou and the others were stunned.

Qi Wanda continued: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that besides being from Hong Kong, I am also a director of the Antique Association, the chairman of the Hong Kong Chinese Entrepreneurs Investment Association, and a long-term member of the China-Hong Kong-Macau Overseas Chinese Friendship Association..." A series of titles that have been tinkered with during the old man's time have all been thrown out.

With the IQ of Xigou and the others, they couldn't tell the truth from the fake at all, so the three of them were completely dumbfounded.

But immediately, Xigou's cunning heart made him smile sinisterly, and said to Qi Wanda: "It's useless to talk too much! I don't care what director, member, or chairman you are—he hit me, and you have to give me today." Let me explain!" After speaking, he pointed at Song Zhichao viciously.

Qi Wanda didn't expect this guy to be so unscrupulous, and even now he is still biting Song Zhichao.

At this time, Song Zhichao smiled.

"Do you want to explain? I'll give it to you!" While speaking, Song Zhichao suddenly stepped forward to pluck the curly hair on the dog's head, pressed his head down hard, and at the same time raised his knee, hitting him hard.

Make a sound!
The little dog was directly hit by Song Zhichao's knee, the bridge of his nose was split, and his nosebleed was so violent that he squatted on the ground with a thump, covered his face, and howled endlessly.

"That's a good explanation, what else do you want to explain? I'll satisfy you!" Song Zhichao said to Xigou in a sharp tone with fierce eyes.

Violence, too much violence!
How can there be such a person in the world who starts fighting when they disagree with each other?

For a time, everyone was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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