Chapter 80

Shoot people first, shoot horses, capture thieves first capture kings!
The most common people in this world are those who bully the good and fear the evil, and those who bully the weak and fear the hard. As long as the hardest thorn is pulled out first, everyone else will become a shrinking turtle.

Xigou is the "stab head" among the three.

He is also an old ruffian, fooling around in places like video halls, game halls, and ice rinks all day long, and got into a lot of group fights.

But his two younger brothers are not.

Both of them are only sixteen or seventeen years old, they don't usually study hard, they can't go on in school, so they come out to fool around.The biggest pastime is watching videos in the video room, or playing billiards with a cigarette in his mouth. The most prestigious thing is squatting on the side of the street, licking popsicles and whistling at beautiful girls. He has no actual combat experience at all.

This time, it was Xigou who wanted to "train" them, so he brought them out to collect "management fees".Unexpectedly, he ran into Song Zhichao, a rare "murderer" in a century, and he shot fiercely, directly killing the little dog brother.

If the two of them were asked to choose again, they would rather continue to stay at school and memorize texts, such as "Sanwei Bookstore", "Hometown", "Runtu"... rather than come out and collect any "management fees".
The rivers and lakes are too dangerous.

At this moment, Xigou was covering his face, grinning his teeth in pain, unable to speak at all. The two servants next to him were frightened. They never thought that Song Zhichao would be so tough. Brother Dog made a critical strike.

They were originally bullying and fearing the tough and the fox pretending to be the tiger. The boss is still okay, dare to bluff a few times, but now that the big brother Xiaogou has been KO, what can they do in the face of the domineering Song Zhichao?
"Brother Dog, are you okay?"

"Brother Dog, do you want it?"

The two yelled, but they didn't dare to look at Song Zhichao, who was full of evil spirits, for fear that this ruthless man would turn the gun and attack him too.

"He can't die yet!" Song Zhichao took out a business card and threw it on Xigou's face, "I don't have so many business cards, I only have this one. If you want to claim compensation, just contact him and find me. I will be responsible to the end--remember, It has nothing to do with this suit shop!"

The little dog gritted his teeth and didn't speak, just wiped the nosebleed, and stared at Song Zhichao with dog eyes.

"Why, still not convinced?" Song Zhichao kicked over and hit Xigou's jaw, "I don't like your eyes very much, restrain yourself!"

Xigou felt that he was about to die, and was about to be kicked to death by Song Zhichao.

He gritted his teeth and wanted to hold on, when one of his younger brothers suddenly pointed out the business card to him with a look of horror on his face, "Brother Dog, take a look first!"

The little dog was dizzy and dizzy, his eyes were kicked out with tears, and after wiping it, he could see the content on the business card clearly, and then his face changed drastically.

If there is anyone who is the most vicious on Pan Yu's road, besides his boss Niu Xiong, it is the person on the business card.

Even, Xigou has heard the big brother Niu Xiong say many times that Hong Kong movies have "two heroes of blood", so he and this person are "two heroes of Pan and Yu".

It's a pity that they don't agree with each other, Niu Xiong is following Cheng Fafa, and the two vent their anger through one nostril.On the business card, this person was with Mark Aberdeen, and now he even took over the Caesars Dance Hall and became the second boss, gaining a reputation far and wide.

No matter how vicious and ruthless the little dog is, it is still a few levels behind this person. Even the boss Niu Xiong dare not easily provoke someone, how can his little dog dare to provoke him.

Thinking of this, Xigou's plan to fight Song Zhichao to the end just now disappeared, and he reluctantly propped himself up from the ground, first glanced at Song Zhichao, and said: "You are doing well!" Then he greeted the two younger brothers ,"let's go!"

"Leave like this? Did you forget something?" Song Zhichao took out a Butterfly cigarette from his suit pocket, bit one, took out a match and lit it, without even looking at the three of them.

"You beat me up like this, what else do you want to do?" The dog spat out blood and said angrily.

Song Zhichao raised his chin to the plastic mannequin who was knocked over by the dog on the ground, and exhaled a puff of smoke: "Help up!"

Xigou didn't speak, mainly because he didn't even have the strength to support the model.

Two younger brothers hurriedly helped the model up on his behalf, and one of them tried his best to put back the severed hand of the model.

After finishing all this with great difficulty, Xigou was ready to leave with the support of his two younger brothers.

Song Zhichao added another sentence later: "Zhong You, the 800 yuan for the teapot will be deducted slowly from your management fee!"

The little dog paused for a moment, but didn't look back.

"Let's go, don't give it away!" Song Zhichao said contemptuously, with a cigarette between his fingers, tickling his eyebrows with his little finger.


"I saw that he was upset when he hit the street, and he had a lack of virtue, so I couldn't hold back the itching for a while--but it didn't scare you?" Song Tianyao looked at the cigarette, looked at the little dog staggering away, and turned his head Facing Master Luo, Baoxia and the others said in a relaxed tone.

After all, Master Luo is old and has experienced strong winds and waves, so the scene just now feels nothing.

Baoxia was different. It was the first time the little girl saw such a "cruel" scene, and she turned pale with fright for a moment.

"It's okay." Master Luo comforted Baoxia and asked her to go to the side to help Qi Wanda measure the size of the custom-made suit, and then said to Song Zhichao, "I know you are actually helping me, and you don't have to show up."

Song Zhichao just smiled, "It's just a matter of convenience, besides, I haven't moved my body like this for a long time."

Master Luo was also amused by Song Zhichao, "It's better to do this kind of activity less, it's easy to become addicted."

"Yeah, it's really addictive." Song Zhichao flicked the cigarette ash, turned to look at Baoxia who was helping Fatty Qi measure, and said, "You didn't think about her... what will she do when you leave in the future? "

Of course, Master Luo understood what Song Zhichao meant, but he still hesitated when he decided to recruit more disciples and expand the clothing store.

Not daring to answer Song Zhichao's words, Master Luo changed the subject, looked at the teapot on the ground that was smashed by Song Zhichao, and sighed: "It's a pity that such a good purple sand."

(End of this chapter)

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