Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 81 081 [Starting a company]

Chapter 81 081 [Starting a company]

Fatty Qi opened his arms and let Baoxia measure his bust and hips... Facing Miss Baoxia, it was rare for this fat man to be very honest.

But this honestly only lasted for three seconds.

"Is your name Baoxia? Well, the name sounds nice. I forgot to tell you, my name is Qi Wanda, and I'm from Hong Kong!"

Baoxia remained silent and continued to measure the fat man's arm length.

"Zhong You, don't look at me as older, but I'm only in my thirties, and I know how to be considerate!"

Baoxia remained silent and continued to measure the length of the fat man's trousers.

"Oh, I almost forgot, you can't speak, but it's okay, I think it's fine, silence is golden."

""Silence is Golden" is still a Cantonese song, sung by Leslie Cheung; do you like Leslie Cheung, if I have a chance, I will take you to Hong Kong to watch his concert."

At this time Baoxia raised her head and looked at Fatty.

Qi Wanda was delighted: "What do you want to say?"

Baoxia gestured at him a few times.

The fat man didn't understand sign language, "What did you say, can you write it down?"

At this time, Song Zhichao came over and said to Fatty, "Miss Baoxia tell you to shut up."

Fatty Qi was stunned.

Baoxia glanced at Song Zhichao, covered her mouth and smiled, then dodged aside.

The fat man's face was embarrassed, but it quickly dissipated. He said to Song Zhichao, "I haven't asked you yet. Whose business card did you throw just now? It's sharper than mine! I think his legs are weak."

Song Zhichao smiled, and said to the fat man, "Who owns the business card, you don't want to know."

A bald man immediately appeared in Qi Wanda's mind, he hurriedly shook his head, and said, "You're right, I don't even want to see you for the rest of my life!"

Song Zhichao smiled, and at this moment the BB machine in his pocket rang.

Song Zhichao took it out and took a look, but it was Mark calling, so he said to Qi Wanda, "I'll make a call back!"

Qi Wanda nodded, "You go, I'll talk to Miss Baoxia again." After speaking, he turned around and left.

Before Qi Wanda could move his legs, Song Zhichao grabbed his back collar, "You just stay here and stay for me!"


It turns out that since Song Zhichao decided to do something big, he has been preparing to start a company, and the company's name has been registered. It is called "Wanda Toys Import and Export Trading Company", which is mainly engaged in toy development, production, and sales.

The reason why the company name is "Wanda" is of course taken from Qi Wanda's name. Since Song Zhichao wants to use his identity as a Hong Kong citizen to start a company and enjoy preferential policies and benefits for Hong Kong compatriots, he must be more realistic. .

In addition, the company's current address is the guest room where Song Zhichao lives in the Longtaida Hotel, and the phone number is also the room phone number. You just need to give the receptionist a small amount of money and tell them that they can transfer the phone in time if they have a phone.That way, you don't have to spend thousands of dollars installing a new phone.For Song Zhichao, every penny is very important now and must be used wisely.

As for the company's personnel structure, there are currently only two people, Song Zhichao and Qi Wanda.

As the real big boss of the company, Song Zhichao's role this time is the "secretary", while Qi Wanda is the "boss". It's just that he is a bit aggrieved as the boss, and secretly wants to work for his secretary.

Song Zhichao is also very benevolent. He offered Qi Wanda a high salary of 800 yuan a month, which is one of the best in Panyu. After all, the salary of many white-collar elites in this era is only 80 yuan, and more people only get [-] yuan a month. money.

Of course, because Qi Wanda issued an IOU of 1 yuan before, he can only get a salary of 300 yuan a month for the time being, and deduct [-] yuan as the debt repayment... At this rate, the fat man will have to pay the debt for at least two years.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly. To set up an import and export trading company in just a few days was something that was unthinkable in this day and age, but now it was half done by Song Zhichao.

However, such a "great" achievement is a bit "decay" in Qi Wanda's view.

Not to mention anything else, the company Song Zhichao runs is not even as good as the "leather bag company". At least the leather bag company will set up a signboard, set up an office, and invite a few more people to perform a good show. This is good, everything is kept simple .

Although he was very dissatisfied with Song Zhichao's "setting", as a "wage earner", he had no right to speak at all.

Now, everything is ready and only owes the east wind.

The company name, company address, company members, business content, and investment projects are all determined, and the only thing left is to ask Mark to help with some necessary business procedures.

You know, starting a company in this era is not that simple. In addition to formally registering the company name, you also need to apply for a series of documents, including "legal business license", "tax certificate", etc., which will definitely give you a headache.

As an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will be very troublesome to go through these procedures. Not to mention wasting time, many procedures will be stumbling.

At the first moment, Song Zhichao thought of Mark, and planned to ask Mark to help. After all, he was in this circle, and he couldn't be more familiar with those who are familiar with business and taxation.

After receiving Song Zhichao's request, without further ado, Mark asked Song Zhichao to provide some necessary information, and then said to Song Zhichao, "Just wait for the good news."

Now, in just a few days, Mark called, and it seemed that the formalities and documents were ready.


Coming outside, Song Zhichao walked a long way before finding a small convenience store.

In the store, the boss was putting his head down to put beer and drinks in the freezer for freezing. Song Zhichao said, "Make a call."

"At the counter, one piece for long-distance, [-] cents for domestic." The boss didn't even look up.

Song Zhichao walked over, and sure enough, he saw an old-fashioned rotary dial landline on the counter.

He dialed the phone according to the information on the BB machine.

After a while, the phone was connected.

"How is it, Ah Chao, how are you doing recently?" Mark's voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

"It's okay. I don't know what you need to call me, Brother Mark." Since the other party didn't take the initiative to ask, Song Zhichao didn't ask.

"I miss you, do you have time, let's have dinner together tonight." Mark's tone became relaxed, without mentioning the formalities at all.

"Yes!—when, where?"

"Eight o'clock, Ronghua Fugui Restaurant!"

"Okay, I'll be there on time."

Immediately, Song Zhichao and Mark chatted a few other words, neither of them mentioned the formalities of documents, to see who could hold their breath.

Finally, Mark said: "Remember, dress smartly; and bring your Hong Kong wage earner here, and introduce someone to you."

Song Zhichao knew that after all the above, this sentence is the key point. It seems that tonight's meal --- oh easy to eat!
(End of this chapter)

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