Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 82 082 [Come on, show me a circle! 】

Chapter 82 082 [Come on, show me a circle! 】

Because of the change in the situation, Qi Wanda, the "puppet" boss, was about to show up to meet people tonight. Song Zhichao had to tell Master Luo to try his best to finish the fat man's suit tonight.

Because Master Luo owed Song Zhichao a big favor just now, he said that he would do his best to get him to pick up the clothes before 07:30 in the evening.

Song Zhichao took advantage of this opportunity to take Fatty Qi to the "Big Throat", which specializes in second-hand goods, and spent money to buy gold rings, famous watches, boss bags, business card holders, etc., and put Qi Wanda, a loser, from beginning to end. , to become a successful person from Hong Kong.

After finishing all this, seeing that the time was almost up, Song Zhichao took the fat man back to the Yuegui suit shop. At this time, the girl Baoxia who was in charge of making the suit had just finished ironing the suit. When she saw Song Zhichao and the others coming, she smiled and babbled. Said: "Just finished, my master is overworked, resting inside now, if you look for him, I will call him out."

Song Zhichao waved his hand: "No need, we're just here to pick up the clothes, Zhong You, thank you master for me, I didn't have to rush to take advantage of this, thank you for your hard work."

"It's nothing, this is what we should do." Baoxia looked at Song Zhichao with big black eyes and couldn't help but blush.

Fatty Qi saw it clearly, wondering if his boss was having an affair with this dumb girl, and seeing their flirtatious glances, he almost regarded himself as a transparent person.

"Ahem, Miss Baoxia, can you let me try on the clothes first, and then you can talk?" Fatty Qi shamelessly interrupted the chat between the two and stood up and asked.

Baoxia's face turned red even more, she closed her mouth and didn't dare to look at Song Zhichao, and handed over the ironed clothes to the fat man.

Qi Wanda took the clothes and put them on in front of the mirror like a dog. Soon, a fat man in Hong Kong with a shiny face, a gold ring, a briefcase, and a suit and leather shoes appeared in the mirror.

"Well, not bad!" Fatty posed in front of the mirror narcissistically for a few poses, then raised his belly and patted his belly: "Especially this belly, I feel the most powerful."

Song Zhichao didn't bother to talk to this guy, so he directly took out the prepared fee and handed it to Baoxia, saying, "This is the reward that was agreed before, and I will give it to your master."

Baoxia took the money and counted it, and after negotiating it was 150 yuan, Song Zhichao gave another ten yuan, making a total of 160 yuan.

This time Miss Baoxia refused to accept anything she said, and she didn't run errands to measure the clothes. They came to order clothes by themselves, so there was no reason to charge so much, so they took out ten yuan and insisted on returning it to Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao smiled and said that the ten yuan was not for nothing, and he wanted to ask her to help with something, and he said what he asked to do.

After listening, Baoxia looked shocked, "You are taking care of our business, and I can't accept this money!" After speaking, she wanted to return the ten yuan.

Song Zhichao couldn't resist her, saying that it was the money to compensate Master Luo for the purple sand teapot, and before Miss Baoxia could speak, he stuffed the money into her hand, and dragged the fat man away.

In the back, Miss Baoxia was still in a daze, holding the money and wondering what she was thinking, mainly because the thing Song Zhichao asked her to do just now was too strange—to make clothes for toys?What a surprise!
Fatty Qi hadn't flirted enough in front of the mirror before he was dragged out by Song Zhichao, full of displeasure, "Choose, you won't even let the dumb ones go, are you still human?"

Then he explained, "I saw it, you were flirting with her, and in the end you put in an extra ten yuan, obviously there is a conspiracy!"

Song Zhichao glared at him, and the fat man immediately confessed: "I mean, boss, you are generous and like to care for the disabled..."


Although "Ronghua Fugui Restaurant" is not as famous as "Deep Sea Yugang Hotel", it can be regarded as one of the best high-end restaurants in Panyu County.

Since the last time Mark completely fell out with Cheng Fafa, he no longer patronizes the Deep Sea Yugang Hotel.

To put it bluntly, the "Deep Sea Fish Harbor" Hotel was opened by Master Cha in Hong Kong, and Cheng Fafa was Master Cha's horse boy.The reason why Mark frequented there in the past was to curry favor with Master Cha, hoping to win his favor and obtain capital investment.But now, there's no need for that, so Mark didn't go to that hotel, and changed to this Ronghua Fugui restaurant as his base for inviting friends to eat, drink and have fun.

When Song Zhichao brought Fatty Qi over by taxi, when he entered the restaurant, he saw that Mark was not sitting in the private room, but was drinking tea in a secluded place in the lobby.When he saw Song Zhichao, he smiled and waved to him, but didn't get up.

Song Zhichao walked over with the fat man, and said hello, "We're not late, are we?"

Mark looked at his watch: "It's not too late, I moved the time forward on purpose." Then he pointed to the chair opposite and signaled Song Zhichao to sit down.

When Fatty Qi was about to sit down, Mark spoke, pointed at him and asked Song Zhichao, "Is this the Hong Kong guy you mentioned?"

Fatty Qi was stunned for a moment, and just about to introduce himself, Mark said to him again: "Please, turn around and show me."

"What did you say?" Fatty murmured in his heart, he was not an animal, and this was not a Roman market where slaves were bought and sold, so what kind of circle did he make himself go around!
"Just turn around on the spot," Mark said, circling with his fingers, "Gently one."

The fat man got angry, "Why do I have to spin around? What do you mean?"

Mark smiled: "It's not interesting---it's just that I like Hong Kong people the most!"

As soon as he heard the words "I like Hong Kong people the most", the fat man immediately thought of the bald man who was like a nightmare.

Shivering, the fat man gritted his teeth, I will bear it!
At this time and at that time, ever since he was tricked into boarding a pirate ship by Song Zhichao, he has already lost his personality.

Qi Wanda danced a ballet in front of Mark, and then opened his suit, "How is it? What do you want?"

Mark applauded, "No more, you're very nice. It's just that you can't tell from the surface that you're a cheat at all."

Qi Wanda suddenly had the urge to vomit blood.

"Please sit down!" Mark then invited Qi Wanda to sit down and ordered tea to be served to them.

Qi Wanda felt aggrieved, and seeing the tea coming up, he took a big gulp regardless of whether it was hot or cold, then put it down with a bang, and stared at Mark with his small eyes, expressing his strong dissatisfaction.

Mark pretended not to see it, and said to Qi Wanda, "By the way, what's your name?"

"Qi Wanda!" The fat man said angrily.

Mark applauded again, "Good name! Wanda is much better than Fafa—A Chao, you chose the right person!" His tone was full of envy and praise.

Fatty didn't understand these words, but Song Zhichao did.

Mark has always been unhappy with Cheng Dafa, but unfortunately now that Cheng Dafa is fawning on Cha Shao, he, Mark, is breaking up with the Fu family. In contrast, Mark even hates Cheng Dafa's name.

In addition, due to his own reasons, Mark has always been in awe of Hong Kong people.

In his eyes, Hong Kong people are capable and omnipotent, but now Song Zhichao has found a Hong Kong person to be a puppet, and he is playing around with this Hong Kong person. This opened Mark's eyes and re-realized , It turns out that Hong Kong people are nothing, and they are not all delicious from beginning to end. As long as you have the ability, you can play with them in minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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