Chapter 83

It can be said that because Qi Wanda is a Hong Kong native, Mark took a high look at Song Zhichao at this time, thinking that he was right, this young man is not simple, even Hong Kong people dare to use it, and thinking of Song Zhichao teasing Miss Fu before In the scene of Fu Qingying, Mark admired Song Zhichao even more, and made up his mind even more. He must spare no effort to help Song Zhichao build the company, which can be regarded as a great favor to him.

In fact, this is exactly where Mark is shrewd. In addition to investing in careers, he also knows how to invest in interpersonal relationships.

Next, Mark chatted with Song Zhichao about his cousin Zhu Fugui working in the ballroom.

If it were someone else, Mark would definitely not be so concerned. A new waiter under his command would never get him to worry about this kind of person. However, Zhu Fugui is Song Zhichao's cousin, so Mark would inevitably intervene.

How should I put it, Zhu Fugui's work in the ballroom was not very smooth, Song Zhichao actually guessed this.

Because of his personality, he is a bit dull, and it's okay to do trivial things such as serving plates and serving drinks, but when it comes to receiving guests, it's not good to serve them.Not only is he stupid, sometimes he reacts slowly, and he doesn't understand Cantonese well. He always causes a lot of accidents, and there are many complaints from customers.

According to what Mark said, if it wasn't for your face, Song Zhichao, I would have fired him long ago.

Song Zhichao apologized to Mark on behalf of his cousin, and told the reason why he pushed his cousin there, mainly to train him.

Mark expressed his understanding, and said that Song Zhichao was born to do big things, and he must be short of people in the future, so his relatives still use it smoothly.

Song Zhichao didn’t explain too much. In fact, for him, it’s not about “employing nepotism” and planning to create a nepotism system, but in this era, the nepotism system and the relative system are the easiest to succeed in starting a business, like many excellent family businesses in the future. , Suning, Gome, Zhengda, etc., were all born in this era. The reason is still related to the old-fashioned traditional concepts of Chinese people. To put it bluntly, it is actually very simple, that is, "family members, don't worry."

After talking about Song Zhichao’s cousin Zhu Fugui, Mark talked about the recent business of the dance hall. He said that since Song Zhichao invented the so-called “pole dance”, the business has been very hot recently, and he made a lot of money every day. He also asked Song Zhichao about the company’s capital Is there a need, if there is a need, just ask, he still has some money on hand.

Dare to say such a thing, it shows that Mark's dance hall has really made money. You must know that when this dance hall was sold, Mark bet all his net worth, and even almost lost his Santana. Sold it.Now that he dares to lend money to Song Zhichao, it can be seen that he really has a lot more money on hand.

In fact, it is true. Ever since Song Zhichao reformed the performance system of the song and dance hall, a pole dance has become popular throughout Pan Yu, and even spread to the entire Yangcheng... As long as the big bosses with money on hand are all flocking here, they want to come here Get acquainted.

Since then, the singing and dancing hall has made a lot of gold and silver. In just one day, a net profit of [-] to [-] yuan has been recorded in the account, which is even more ruthless than robbing a bank. Not to mention Mark, even Jin Jiu and Wu Bingkun who participated in it, They were all happy from ear to ear.

In this regard, Song Zhichao actually expected it long ago. Why is there such a hot money making situation?In addition to the pole dance of his own design, the most important thing is that Caesar has no competitors.

Mark and Jin Jiu are well-known, and no one in this area dares to compete with them to open a dance hall, unless Cha Shao and Cheng Fafa's "Broadway" dance hall opens, otherwise, Caesars will still be the best, and can still make a lot of money for a while.


Song Zhichao and Mark chatted for about five or six minutes, basically talking about everything, but they didn't say that Song Zhichao asked Mark to handle the formalities for the company.

Mark didn't say anything, and Song Zhichao didn't ask.

In the end, Mark couldn't bear it anymore, so he asked Song Zhichao, "Achao, you can really bear it, so why don't you ask how the things I helped you do?"

Song Zhichao picked up his teacup and took a sip, "Brother Mark is doing business, I don't worry."

Upon hearing this, Mark laughed out loud, shook his head, took out a cigarette from the table and put it in his mouth.

Song Zhichao possessed himself and helped him light the fire.

Mark thanked him, and was about to speak when he saw three people coming in from outside the restaurant.

When Mark saw him, he didn't care about smoking, so he just crushed the unsmoked cigarettes in the ashtray, and said to Song Zhichao with a solemn expression: "Achao, the person I want to introduce to you tonight is here, can it work? It's up to you!" After speaking, he stood up.

Song Zhichao hurriedly stood up with Qi Wanda, looked around, and saw that the other party was three men.

Mark had already walked over to greet the three of them at this time, and Song Zhichao and Qi Wanda hurriedly followed.

Apparently, Mark and the three of them seemed very familiar, chatting and laughing as soon as they met.

Immediately afterwards, Mark began to introduce Song Zhichao to them.

As soon as he heard the introduction, Song Zhichao fully understood Mark's painstaking efforts for him, which clearly invited three gods to help him build relationships.

According to Mark's introduction, Song Zhichao is his relative's younger brother who has been studying abroad. He recently returned to China and joined Wanda Trading Company as a secretary. As for Qi Wanda, he is a boss in Hong Kong. Do this game yourself.

Song Zhichao was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Mark would dare to brag like this. He insisted on blowing himself up as an "international student". Not afraid; on the contrary, Qi Wanda glanced at him, the meaning of the fat man is obvious, this Mark is overblown, be careful to blow it up later.

They have a good impression of Song Zhichao. Young people who have studied abroad, been gilded, and drank foreign ink are basically popular everywhere, not to mention that in the 90s, when college students are extremely precious, "foreign students" like Song Zhichao are very popular. It's even more eye-catching.

I also have a good impression of Qi Wanda, a Hong Kong businessman. After all, most of the fat people are naive and have an advantage in being kind.

Since then, the images of "Boss Qi" and "Secretary Song" have been established, which at least makes the three bosses very satisfied.

Fatty Qi is very skilled at pretending to be a Hong Kong businessman. Originally, he is a Hong Kong native and a cheater. He is more than enough to fool the three big bosses, and he soon became one with the three.

(End of this chapter)

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