Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 84 084 [Mountain Yang Zhi]

Chapter 84 084 [Mountain Yang Zhi]

After everyone is seated in the private room, the wine is opened and the food is served.

Liquor is the best baijiu five-star Feitian Moutai at the moment.

The dish is the most famous abalone banquet in Ronghua Fugui Restaurant.

Even the young lady serving at the side is the prettiest, most beautiful and gentle girl.

This shows how carefully Mark arranged this time.

After half a round of drinking, the main show begins——
While the wine was hot, Mark directly took out the completed procedures from his handbag, handed them to Song Zhichao in front of everyone, and said: "Achao, it's not mine to complete these procedures." For the credit, I would also like to thank the three present here, especially Director Kong of the Industry and Commerce Bureau and Director Liu of the Taxation Bureau..."

No matter who Song Zhichao was, he understood everything immediately.

Originally, Mark could have left these completed procedures to himself in private, and let Song Zhichao accept him as a favor.

But Mark chose to take it out on such an occasion and hand it over to himself. He didn't take any credit for it. Instead, he asked Song Zhichao to thank the two bureau chiefs.

Dare to introduce the contacts he has accumulated to Song Zhichao, and only people like Mark can do it.

Song Zhichao wanted to understand Mark's good intentions for him, and immediately got up with a smile, picked up the drink, and said to Director Kong of the Industry and Commerce Bureau, and Director Liu of the Taxation Bureau: "Sorry, I have eyes but don't know Taishan, two great benefactors Right in front of me, but I don’t know—this glass of water and wine is supposed to be from me, Mr. Song, to respect the two big brothers, I hope you will forgive me for being disrespectful before.”

After finishing speaking, Song Zhichao respected him first.

Then he took the initiative to pour wine to the two bureau chiefs, and said that the reason why Panyu County's economy is so prosperous and the business atmosphere is so strong is entirely the result of the two leaders taking the express train of reform and opening up and working together. .

Finally, he said that the fast running of the train depends entirely on the headband. Without the leadership of the two leaders, Pan Yu's economic train would not run so fast. Therefore, no matter what, the two leaders have to drink this glass of wine , to fulfill the gratitude of someone Song who replaced everyone.

For such a reason, such a toast, whether it was Director Kong or Director Liu, all of them were praised by Song Zhichao with open eyes and smiles, holding a glass of wine and suffocating, and they had a good impression of Song Zhichao in their hearts.

The two directors, Kong and Liu, just sat down, and here Mark introduced the Director Zhang of the Public Security Bureau to Song Zhichao.

In contrast, Director Zhang didn't actually help Song Zhichao with anything this time, and it wasn't his turn to register with him to start a company.But everyone knows the importance of the Public Security Bureau in this era.If you want to set up a factory and start a company, you will inevitably encounter some stumbling and miscellaneous things in the future, some small gangsters making trouble, some sneaky people come to fight the autumn wind, etc. At this time, the Public Security Bureau needs to take action.

Mark knew this, and Song Zhichao of course also understood this truth, so he didn't dare to be negligent at all. He poured another glass of wine, first of all as a respect, and then he poured the wine for the director Zhang, took it up and told him that Pan Yu's economy can develop momentum It is so good and the investment environment is so good because of the escort under the leadership of Director Zhang. Without the hard work and hard work of comrades in the Public Security Bureau, Pan Yu would not be where he is today. Just a glass of wine.

These remarks showed Song Zhichao's sophistication in dealing with the world. Even an upright man with rich officialdom experience like Director Zhang couldn't help being cheerful, feeling that Song Zhichao's words had come from his heart.

After toasting the three official figures, Song Zhichao poured another glass of wine. As usual, he drank it up first, then filled it up for Brother Mark, picked it up and handed it to Mark, saying: "Brother Mark, this glass of wine I respect you alone, don’t say too much, everything is in silence.”

Mark also gave Song Zhichao a lot of face. Without further ado, he took the wine glass and finished it in one gulp, then turned the glass down to show how clean he drank. Then he pointed to Song Zhichao's wine glass and said, "Your one can raise goldfish!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing, and the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became active.


After all, Qi Wanda is a cheater, so he pretends to be whatever he wants. Seeing that "secretary" Song Zhichao has already "walked for a while", and he is the "boss" of the company anyway, of course he has to walk again, so he stands up with a glass of wine , pour wine for everyone, toast.

Fatty Qi walked around the rivers and lakes, and the high-end people in the wine market would gag and make witty remarks. The toasting skills were also very good. Coupled with his identity as a Hong Kong businessman, after one round, everyone drank several more glasses of wine than before. I felt this in my heart. Boss Qi is too enthusiastic, if he drinks less, he will feel a little sorry.

After two rounds of toasting, Fatty Qi and Song Zhichao became more impressive.

Fortunately, Fatty Qi said that he is a "Hong Kong businessman" after all, and it is necessary to be able to handle this situation with ease. The one who surprised the three big bosses was Song Zhichao and Secretary Song.

He is courteous and well-spoken, with a kind of maturity that does not match his age.

You know, Song Zhichao is too young. No matter how you look at it, he is seventeen or eighteen years old at most. According to his age, he is either working in a factory or going to school, but now he is sitting at the wine table talking and laughing with them, and he is so comprehensive. , which is a little more complicated.

After drinking and eating a few mouthfuls of food, Director Kong put down his chopsticks, and suddenly asked Song Zhichao with a smile, "Where did Secretary Song graduate from abroad?"

Upon hearing this, it was not Song Zhichao who became nervous first, but Mark.

At the beginning, in order to impress the three people on Song Zhichao, let them take a high look at Song Zhichao. Of course, the most important thing is to put money on his face, so Mark fabricated that Song Zhichao came back from studying abroad. When he got to the bottom of it, Mark was afraid that Song Zhichao would accidentally tell the whole story.

"A Chao, Director Kong asked you, where did you study abroad and graduated?" Mark turned the wine glass in his hand with a smile on his face, but his heart was extremely nervous.

Looking at Song Zhichao again, with a relaxed expression on his face, he put down the chopsticks in his hand, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and then replied with a smile: "I have always studied in London, England, and occasionally traveled to France and Italy..."

Mark was startled when he heard this, and said to himself, my super boy, I can blow, you are bigger than me, and you are also French and Italian...

But what happened next left Mark dumbfounded, because Song Zhichao began to introduce the local customs and customs of these three countries in English, French and Italian, as well as the anecdotes he encountered during his "study abroad" and "travel".

Looking at the three directors, Kong, Liu, and Zhang, they also opened their mouths and stared wide-eyed, watching Song Zhichao talking in different foreign languages ​​in disbelief.

Fatty Qi held the chopsticks, and when Song Zhichao bragged that he was studying in London, he scoffed.

As a cheater, he certainly knows the details of his boss. He used to be a wage earner in a toy factory. He heard that his education level was only high school. Generally speaking, his education level is not as good as his own. At least he also went to Pheasant University.So when Fatty Qi was blowing water with Song Zhichao, he picked up vegetables with chopsticks and didn't bother to pay attention.

However, Song Zhichao's fluency in English, French and Italian suddenly shocked him completely.

At this moment, Fatty suddenly began to doubt life. Could it be that the education methods in China and Hong Kong are different, and high school students can master three languages?

After finally waiting for Song Zhichao to finish what he wanted to say, when he looked at the banquet, everyone else looked confused and shocked.

Song Zhichao immediately understood that he had shown his sharpness, and just now on a whim, he said a little more.

In fact, not many people present could understand what Song Zhichao said.

It’s easier to speak English. Even Mark, who is not highly educated, can roughly recognize some vocabulary such as London, Cambridge, oh oil, hao belly oil belly, not to mention Kong Liuzhang, the officialdom bosses; only French and Italian come out. , they were all confused.

After all, in this day and age, it is very rare to be able to understand English, but it is not unusual to be able to master three languages ​​at the same time, it is amazing!

That's why everyone was so shocked when they looked at Song Zhichao, and they looked up at him so high.

After understanding the situation, Song Zhichao couldn't help but smile, thinking, if he told them that he actually knew eight foreign languages, would their jaws drop in shock?

 I have a cold and have been lying in bed resting. It is super uncomfortable. I have an update today. Please forgive me! ! ! !Ah-choo--!

(End of this chapter)

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