Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 86 086 [The idea of ​​the club]

Chapter 86 086 [The idea of ​​the club]

Outside the hotel——
The lights are feasting and the night is charming.

After finally sending Fatty and the others away, Song Zhichao suddenly asked Mark, "Do you want to eat lobster?"

Mark smiled at him.

Nonsense, who can have a full stomach on an occasion like this.

Immediately, the two turned back to the restaurant and ordered a big lobster each.

When the steamed lobster was served, Song Zhichao and Mark started to work directly, and quickly peeled off the skin and bones of the huge lobster, eating up the white and tender meat.

Almost full, Mark pushed the plate away, wiped his mouth with a paper towel, leaned back on the chair contentedly, bit a cigarette in his mouth, and said happily and comfortably: "I finally came back to life. "

Song Zhichao was still struggling with a shrimp leg, biting the leg, sucking the white meat into his mouth and tasting it.

Seeing Song Zhichao eating lobsters so politely, Mark laughed, raised his chin and puffed out the smoke: "Achao, sometimes I really can't understand you, you can speak foreign languages, English, French and Italian... now you eat so politely , to be honest, are you the illegitimate son of a rich man in Hong Kong, who fled to the Mainland, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?"

Song Zhichao smiled and replied, "I think you watch too many Hong Kong dramas."

"Then how do you explain that you know three foreign languages?" Mark insisted, "I can't even speak English."

Song Zhichao took a tissue, dipped it in his mouth, then threw the tissue into the wastebasket, drank a mouthful of tea, rinsed his mouth, and said, "You can learn by yourself, do you believe it?"

"I believe you!" Mark scolded with a smile, "You say you are a magician, maybe I still believe you."

Seeing that Mark didn't believe him, Song Zhichao smiled and didn't explain, just poured a glass of water from Mark's cup and passed it over, "Drink water first——Zhong You, thank you for your arrangement tonight."

Mark just laughed: "It's good that you know, I have introduced all the best contacts to you."

After laughing, Mark frowned again, smoking a cigarette, and stopped talking.

Seeing him so silent, Song Zhichao observed his words and said, "Are you worried about the ballroom?"

Mark nodded, "Although the dance hall business is booming now, I'm afraid this is a sign before the storm..."

After a pause, he continued: "Recently, Cheng Fafa led people to start construction. It is just opposite our ballroom. The five-story building has an area of ​​more than 5000 square meters, and the area is larger than our Caesars...Broadway Grand Stage, the name Very domineering, isn't it?"

Mark took a deep puff on his cigarette, "I also heard that the Broadway store invested a lot of money. Not only the audio equipment, but also the floor tiles are the best in China. When it really opens, it may take away more than half of us at once. guest."

Maybe because he felt that he was too pessimistic, Mark deliberately smiled and said: "Of course, just like what you said, since they have such a big battle, it will definitely take a lot of time, at least half a year, at least we can still earn money." a bit more."

While talking, Mark flicked the cigarette ash.

Song Zhichao laughed.

Seeing Song Zhichao's strange laugh, Mark couldn't help but said, "Are you laughing? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

Song Zhichao didn't answer him directly, but asked suddenly: "Why did the three directors refuse to go to the Caesar Ballroom just now?"

"What?" Mark froze for a moment, then thought for a while and said, "Didn't they say that they want to go to a formal place, drink tea or something, don't like the excitement, and like to be quiet."

Song Zhichao pointed to Mark: "Who are you?"

"What, what charades are you playing with me?"

"I'm asking who are you, a man or a woman?"

"Nonsense, of course I'm a man. You've seen it in the bathroom. How big and mighty." Mark patted his chest and said manly.

"That's right, you are a man, so who are the three directors just now?"

"Of course he is also a man! It goes without saying."

"OK, since everyone is a man, from your point of view, do you want to have a good time after drinking?"

"Uh—" Mark fell silent.

"Taking a bath, taking a sauna, killing chickens, finding a beautiful woman, do you want to?" Song Zhichao's tone was very seductive.

Mark swallowed, "If Anna doesn't know, of course I do!"

"That is! Since you want to, why don't the three of them want to?"

Mark was questioned.

Seeing that Mark started to think about this question, Song Zhichao said from the side: "So, many people think that only when the business is busy can they make money, but who knows that opening a restaurant has a quieter environment, higher-level customers, and one-stop service. You can make more money in entertainment venues that are customized!"

Upon hearing this, a light flashed in Mark's heart, as if he had caught something, but it was not clear.

No longer caring about face, Mark immediately asked Song Zhichao for advice: "Achao, please don't be a fool, tell me, what should I do?"

Song Zhichao smiled, "It's actually very simple. At that time, you can renovate the dance hall to achieve a real one-stop meal, drink, and entertainment, and improve the quality. There are only things that customers can't think of here, and there is nothing we can't do... The most important thing is to implement it. With the card-charging membership system, people with less than [-] net worth will not be allowed to enter, and those who can enter are all prominent figures!"

"Choose some beautiful beauties, handsome boys, and let them serve as waiters. You have only one purpose, to make this place more luxurious than the palace; the floor tiles on the opposite side are the best in the country, so you can import them. In Italy, the audio equipment on the opposite side is the best, so you can designate a few private rooms, and get a set for each private room. Don’t be afraid to spend money, it’s called money when it’s spent, and it’s called paper if it can’t be spent. Making money with money is the only way to find money Isn’t money the highest level?”

Mark's whole body has fallen into a state of crazy daydream, and Song Zhichao's slight movement is equivalent to opening a closed door for him.

Seeing him like this, Song Zhichao didn't speak, but picked up the teacup and drank slowly.

After almost two or three minutes, Mark woke up from his reverie, looked at Song Zhichao with burning eyes, and said, "According to what you said, is this still a dance hall?"

"Of course not!" Song Zhichao sipped his tea and said slowly, "It should be called Caesars Club, or Caesars Private Club!"


Song Zhichao then told Mark the details of starting the club.This form of entertainment and leisure mode actually exists in Hong Kong, but it became popular in the Mainland ten years later.Now that Song Zhichao informed Mark of this concept in advance, he is actually thanking him for his selfless help.

Relationships between people are all about fate and affection.

Mark treats him with sincerity, and he, Song Zhichao, repays the past a hundredfold. This is his temperament.

But at this moment, after listening to Song Zhichao's narration, Mark knew that he had made a lot of money. He just did Song Zhichao a small favor, and the other party gave him such a big gift package.

If according to Song Zhichao's setting, when the club is really established, the membership system alone can make a lot of money.

Happy in his heart, Mark couldn't help blurting out: "Achao, if your club proposal is really successful, I will count you in!"

Just come up with an idea, and you will make money!

Mark is also generous.

Song Zhichao smiled, "You said this, don't go back on your word when the time comes!"

Only Song Zhichao knows how profitable this kind of business is, and behind the money is a channel to communicate with the top class. The value of this channel alone is limitless.At that time, if people outside need help with something, if they don't put money in, they won't bother you at all.It can be said that this business is definitely taking both sides.

Of course, Mark didn't think so much, and immediately made a decision: "If I go back on my word, I'm yours..." He moved his little finger at Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao laughed, "It's not good to be a grandson, I don't want to be a grandpa!"

Mark punched Song Zhichao, and said with a smile, "Damn you, don't tell me if you see through, you dare to take advantage of me!"

Song Zhichao deliberately pretended to be injured by his internal force, clutching his chest and shouting: "Such a sharp Qishangquan!"

"Sharp bastard! To be honest, Ah Chao, what are you going to do with your toy business?"

"How to do what?" Song Zhichao was taken aback by the sudden change of subject.

"You care about my career, so of course I care about you too!" Mark said, "The formalities have been completed, your company has done everything you need to do except not setting off firecrackers, what's the next step? "

Song Zhichao scraped his chin with his right hand, "Of course it's a toy."

"Make toys, buy a toy factory?"

"I'll take 1 yuan!" Song Zhichao said, "I'm going to find a toy factory and invest in making toys..."

Mark smiled: "Have you found it?"

"Find it." Song Zhichao smiled slightly, "A target has been locked."

"Oh, so fast? Which one is it?"

"No. 18, Heping Road, Dahai Toy Factory."

Mark was surprised, "It sounds familiar, but the name is not very famous! Why did you choose this factory? Because the toys are good enough and the craftsmanship is good enough?"

"No!" Song Zhichao leaned on the chair and swept his eyebrows with his little finger comfortably, narrowed his eyes, and said solemnly, "Because the heroine of this factory is pretty enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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