Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 87 087 [Pan Yu 1 flower]

Chapter 87 087 [Pan Yu a flower]

Panyu County, Heping Street, NO.18.

Haihai Toys Factory——
As the earliest private enterprise, the founder of Dahai Toys Factory is Hai Chengfeng, one of the most capable people in Panyu County.

The Hai family's ancestors have been honest farmers for generations. In the early 70s, Hai Chengfeng's younger sister and younger brother were born one after another. The family's life depends on their parents to work in the fields and exchange the harvest for their needs.It was very difficult.As early as the 70s, Panyu began to explore handicrafts. By 1980, Panyu had become the most famous toy capital in China.

Affected by this, after graduating from junior high school, Hai Chengfeng also went to the plastic toy factory in Ximen in order to take care of his younger sister and younger brother to study and help the family to bear the burden of life. The main job was to make plastic speakers according to the mold .How much gold can a plastic speaker have?Hai Chengfeng worked hard for 3 months before he was able to make independently.

In 1983, with the support of his cashier mother, Hai Chengfeng raised a total of 200 yuan from relatives and friends, and bought a hand press machine to make a small speaker.Cooperated with a cousin who made moulds, but due to the disagreement between the two people and the wrong product, they lost all their investment. In this way, Hai Chengfeng's first venture ended in failure.In desperation, Hai Chengfeng had to return to work in the factory.

But fortunately, Hai Chengfeng got a second chance to start a business in the factory.

One day, the boss showed Hai Chengfeng a big loudspeaker made in Yiwu, and asked him to try to imitate it.After many efforts, Hai Chengfeng finally succeeded. One week after the product was put on the market, the sales volume of the loudspeaker was extremely hot, and orders came in one after another.

Encouraged by the success of imitating the big speakers produced in Yiwu, he opened five sets of molds again, bought five injection molding machines, and opened his small processing factory.Mother was still a little worried, but Hai Chengfeng said: "Don't be afraid! If I don't seize this opportunity, I will regret it even more!"

After two or three years, Hai Chengfeng earned back a certain amount of capital, and took this opportunity to expand production and start producing various types of toys, making Hai Hai Toys Factory a well-known large enterprise in Pan Yu for a while. The number of employees in the factory alone was as high as More than 500 people.

It's a pity that the heavens are jealous of talents, just two years ago, Hai Chengfeng suddenly became seriously ill, and spent a lot of money to treat the illness, but in the end he still couldn't escape.

After Hai Chengfeng passed away, a mess was left behind. Because the factory was left unattended during the treatment, the profit plummeted, and many orders were taken away by competitors; in addition, the funds for purchasing raw materials were also taken away to treat his illness. , so that the creditors came to collect their debts, and the factory had to close some unnecessary production departments.

Now two years have passed, although Hai Chengfeng's younger sister Haitang has taken over the Dahai Toy Factory, but it is already dying of illness.

The loss of skilled workers was serious, and most of them were poached by the nearby big toy factories. Only the more than 30 old employees who were willing to stay in the factory were the ones who were willing to stay in the factory.

Wage arrears are serious. In many cases, employees cannot even pay the most basic wages because there are no orders to make.

Most importantly, although the factory is now taken over by Hai Chengfeng's younger sister, Haitang, the idea of ​​"boy preference" is still very serious in this era, and many people do not believe that a girl's family can shoulder such a heavy burden.

To save the Hai family and save the Haitang Toy Factory, the first thing that Haitang, the female director of the factory, announced after she took office was, "If the Haitang Toy Factory can't come back to life, she, Haitang, won't marry!"

As soon as this announcement came out, it immediately caused a huge sensation in the surrounding area.

The reason is that Miss Begonia is a well-known beauty in Pan Yu, known as "Pan Yu's flower".

Rumor has it that countless rich and wealthy once wanted to use money to open a way to win the favor of Haitang girl, but they were all sent back.Some people used all kinds of stunts to chase girls, sending flowers and cars, but they were all ignored by Haitang girl.

After bumping into walls too many times, everyone will know that Miss Haitang is determined to run the toy factory well, and she really doesn't consider anything else.It's just a pity, it's really a waste of money for such a beautiful beauty to be tossed around in a broken toy factory like this.

At this time, outside the Haihai Toy Factory——
A black Xiali sedan stopped, and first a horse-like man got out of the car, walked to the door very respectfully, and opened the door.

A leather shoe landed on the ground, and a short-bodied man got out of the car wearing sunglasses and biting a cigar. He looked arrogant and imitated the style of a big boss getting off the car in Hong Kong movies, but he was immediately beaten back to his original shape when he saw his face. There's no way, his greasy hair parted in the middle made people recognize him, who else would he be if it wasn't Cheng Fafa, the director of Fafa Toy Factory.

At the entrance of the toy factory, a group of toy factory workers who were idle swatting flies pointed at Cheng Fafa when they saw Cheng Fafa get off the car.

"Look, isn't that Cheng Fafa?"

"Yeah, it's really him, what is he doing here?"

"This bastard is not a good person, there must be nothing good for him to appear!"

"As far as our factory looks like now, what are you afraid of? Dogs don't even sniff!"


Cheng Fafa took off his toad sunglasses, breathed out pretending to be chic, took out a handkerchief and wiped it, and then asked the factory workers who were too idle to kill flies: "Where is your director Hai, where is it?"

This group of employees are old employees brought out by Hai Chengfeng, and they are of one mind with the Hai family, and when they saw this mangy dog ​​questioning him, no one would take any notice of him.

Ma Zai next to Cheng Fafa became angry, pointed at their noses and cursed: "You guys are rushing to the street, our boss is asking you something, you are all dumb?"

The old people in the factory are not easy to bully. They are pointed at their noses and scolded in their own territory. How can they swallow this tone? Immediately, a strong young man with a big waist and a round waist stood out from the crowd. The horse boy shouted: "What are you talking about, you poor man?"

at this time--
"What did he say? He said that you guys are all rushing to the street!" While speaking, the door of the Xiali sedan opened again, and a big black man like an iron tower descended from it, with ferocious muscles and a fierce face.

As soon as he saw this person, the strong young man who had been so courageous just now became soft-hearted, and said with a look of horror: "Niu Xiong?"

The big black man bared his teeth and smiled viciously, "It's because you still recognize me! I thought that after leaving Pan Yu for a few days, everyone would forget about me!"

As he spoke, Niu Xiong, a big black man, walked towards the strong young man step by step.

The strong and blunt man braced himself, and did not retreat, but bravely met Niu Xiong's eyes with his eyes.

"What do you want to do?"

"What are you doing?" Niu Xiong smiled arrogantly, and after finishing speaking, he slapped the opponent's face with one slap.

With a slap, it was hot and painful.

"How do you hit someone?"

"How can you do this?"

People around have accused.

Niu Xiong glared at him, "I, Niu Xiong, can beat whoever I want, no need for a reason!"

His eyes were sharp and his aura was captivating.

Suddenly, the surroundings were silent.

(End of this chapter)

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