Chapter 10

"Well, sit down~" Su Ran nodded slightly.

Immediately, his eyes fell on the cafeteria, looking at those ordinary ingredients, a thought flashed in Su Ran's mind.

Then I scanned all the students' dinner plates, all of which were the most common food. The essence contained in it may be enough for ordinary people, but it is not enough for students who are new to martial arts.

However, if you eat enough, you can barely fill your stomach, but it has no meaning for cultivation.

Not only does it take a lot of time to eat, but it is also impossible to obtain essence from food to fill the deficiency of energy and blood during training
"I'm so hungry~" a student shouted hungrily.

"Yeah, I've already eaten the third portion of food, and I still feel very hungry~" a girl said worriedly.

"Is there something wrong with cultivation?" Yao Qingshan was also puzzled.

"The eighth time, Lanlan, Xiaoqian, Jiaojiao, how about you?" Chen Xiaoxiao was a little distressed.

"Fifth share~" Chu Qian said resentfully.

"The sixth share~" Wen Jiao was also troubled.

"I'm the seventh copy." Zhang Lanlan had a crazy expression on her face.

Girls have always paid attention to their figure, and today's appetite is unbelievable for them.

If he eats like this normally, it doesn't take two days for his weight to skyrocket and his whole body to swell.

But now I clearly want to control myself not to continue eating, but my body just can't control that appetite, and my stomach keeps sending out signals, asking me to continue eating to replenish energy.

"Hehe, I forgot to upgrade the kitchen!" Su Ran chuckled.

Directly injecting a thousand credits into the cafeteria, Su Ran stretched out his hand with a thought, and with a light swipe, a black crack opened in the cafeteria.

With a hand grip inside, Su Ran grabbed the creature in the space and threw it out.

It was a monster about three or four feet tall, and its shape was like the western giant dragon in the game booklet, except that it didn't have a pair of fleshy wings.

Dead, this monster is a corpse that has been beheaded, but the ferocious aura on its body directly overwhelmed all the students in the cafeteria.

"Principal, what kind of monster is this?" Yao Qingshan swallowed.

"Could it be that these are the strange beasts from other lands?" Song Long's eyes lit up slightly.

"Yes or no, this is a rhinoceros beast, which belongs to the mixed race of alien beasts and beasts on the earth. It is a first-order fierce beast. Its flesh and blood contain a lot of blood, which can well supplement the deficiency of Qi and blood. Your cultivation is very beneficial." Su Ran explained lightly.

"Starting from today, the canteen will serve beast meat, and one portion of first-order beast meat will be worth one point!"

The dropped rhinoceros will be taken away by the cafeteria soon, and the fully automatic cafeteria is good, as long as it is thrown in, the food can be processed quickly.

Not long after, portions of fragrant beast meat were brought up.

Looking at the ferocious beast meat, the hungry students couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately squeezed past one by one.

"Give me a piece of beast meat, how can I deduct credits?" Yao Qingshan was the first to shout.

"The credits have been deducted, please take away the beast meat~" A plate of about half a catty of beast meat was brought up, and the mechanical voice reminded again: "Please be sure to eat it within half an hour, the effect of stagnant Qi and blood will gradually weaken "

"Okay, thank you for the reminder!" Yao Qingshan quickly left with the beast meat in his hand.

"Give me some beast meat too," Chen Xiaoxiao said quickly.

"Give me one~"

"Then I have two copies, and I will continue to practice at night~" Song Long said viciously.

"If you haven't entered the first-rank warrior realm, you are only allowed to order one piece of beast meat per meal!" The mechanical voice directly handed out a piece of beast meat.

"Just one serving, I'll go to practice after eating~" Song Long naturally didn't dare to say anything.

Seeing the students start to consume credits, Su Ran smiled lightly, and disappeared with one step.

For him who is already at the second level of martial arts, the beast meat of the first level is not enough for him to supplement his body's consumption, even for the second level, he still needs to eat a lot.

Moreover, Su Ran also has the college to continuously provide essence, qi, and blood for cultivation, so there is no need to eat fierce beast meat to replenish qi and blood.

Back in the principal's office, Su Ran began to choose martial arts methods to practice.

His next task is to complete the cultivation of Shenzang as soon as possible, and step into the realm of the gods.

In the cafeteria, staring at the beast meat on the plate, Yao Qingshan swallowed hard, his stomach churning to remind him to eat it quickly.

The other students who got the beast meat also stared at it intently.

At this moment, no matter how ugly or disgusting the beast was just now, it doesn't matter anymore.

It's all food, so what's there to be afraid of? Just eat it. What else are the people of Daxia afraid to eat?
After biting down and swallowing it into their stomachs, the expressions of the 37 students suddenly changed.

A majestic energy rose from the stomach in an instant, and then poured into the limbs and bones, and the pale face caused by cultivation quickly returned to rosy.

"Okay, it's comparable to the effect of Qi and Blood Pill!" Song Long's eyes lit up.

"No, the effect is not bad, but it is obvious that the continuous flow of Qi and Blood Pills has a better effect!" Yao Qingshan shook his head slightly.

"After we go back, we need to temper our qi and blood, the qi and blood contained in the beast's flesh are not pure enough~" Chen Xiaoxiao reminded all the students softly.

"Yeah, hurry up and finish eating, go back and exercise for a while~" A student said in a good mood.

"A few mouthfuls of beast meat, I feel full." Some students found that they couldn't finish it.
"Can't sell it, 1 yuan, how about giving me the rest?" Song Long asked directly.

"This" some students hesitated, 1 yuan is not a small amount.

"Cultivation resources. You can't buy them with 1 yuan~" Yao Qingshan reminded.

"Then I won't sell it anymore, I will go back to practice and have a bite, and I will catch up with you monsters."

"Damn, Qingshan, you are a good ghost~"

"Song Long, you won the monthly exam, you can beat him~"

"that must"

In the principal's room, Su Ran was very satisfied looking at the Shenzang in her body.
All the nine martial arts methods have been practiced, the only thing is that it still needs some time to comprehend the meaning of the gods.
However, it costs a lot to practice the Nine Martial Arts Attack methods.

14700 credits, now there are only 4700 points left.
The school cafeteria invested a thousand credits and bought ten beasts from the system mall, which can probably last for a while without worry.
Of the nine martial art techniques that Su Ran practiced, one of them would cost a thousand credits.
Fortunately, it is not a one-time consumable, and it can be put in the library after being exchanged. If students need it, they can spend credits to buy cultivation.

But in a short time, it is estimated that those students will not be needed.

 The new book sets sail, please collect it! !

(End of this chapter)

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