Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 9 Terrifying Cultivation Speed

Chapter 9 Terrifying Cultivation Speed
On the martial arts arena, the vitality of heaven and earth is strong.

A group of students who were practicing did not feel the passage of time at all.

In their minds, they just felt that the martial arts cultivation method appeared in their minds, and the more they watched Su Ran's movements, the more immersed they were in the basic cultivation of martial arts.

And as they continue to practice exercise boxing, they continue to correct their own mistakes in boxing.

The Qi and Blood Pill in the body began to take effect, and the vitality of the outside world also poured in continuously, and streams of warm Qi and blood began to be born slowly.

In the limbs and bones, Qi and blood began to interact with the big tendons, marrow, and flesh of the whole body and began to tremble.

It has to be said that the horror of the academy, ten times the vitality of the world is a bonus for the students, so that the students do not need to consume their own blood to temper their muscles for the first time.

Amidst the tremors again and again, students with keen senses could feel that their muscles and bones were getting tougher.

Especially on the skin of the body, layers of scarlet and black impurities were refined.

With the deepening of the practice, Qi and Blood Pill has been completely absorbed, and the students began to practice completely relying on the vitality of the heaven and earth. The amount of vitality absorbed depends on the individual's aptitude.

Soon, there were some students whose bodies couldn't hold on, and the vitality of the world in their bodies was too much, and they couldn't continue to transfer energy and blood to temper their muscles and bones.

A girl quit her practice and was lying on the ground dripping with sweat.

With a big wave of his hand, Su Ran sent him directly to the martial arts arena, and when he regained some strength, he went back to wash himself.

bang~ bang bang~~
One by one fell, and one by one was sent to the martial arts arena by Su Ran.

Not long after, there were only five people left in the martial arts arena, two boys and three girls. Among the boys, Yao Qingshan's aptitude was indeed the strongest, and up to now he still seemed to be practicing vigorously.

As for the remaining boy, Song Long, the second-highest in the class, has already begun to lose strength, but he can hold on for a while.

Among the girls, the girl Su Ran met for the first time, Chen Xiaoxiao, looked a little more enchanting than Yao Qingshan, and her body was stronger.

There were two girls left, one was named Chu Qian, and the entrance test lasted 3 minutes, and the other was not Wen Jiao, who was the best in the entrance test among the girls, but a girl named Zhang Lanlan.

The aptitude of the two of them is not inferior to that of Song Long, and the vortex of vitality around them reaches a radius of about seven meters.

The vitality vortex around Yao Qingshan was less than ten meters above nine meters, and the vitality vortex around Chen Xiaoxiao unexpectedly reached 12 meters.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Martial Arts Field is not big enough, and everyone is separated enough at the beginning of cultivation, it might really affect other people's cultivation.

"The first time I practiced, it was so good, not bad, not bad~"

"Chen Xiaoxiao can charge 1080 calories of blood at the evildoer level, Yao Qingshan is completely enough to exercise three times, and even has the possibility of hitting 1080 calories of blood~"

"As for Song Long, Chu Qian, and Zhang Lanlan, it's probably the seventh or eighth stage. The ninth stage is difficult to cleanse, but it shouldn't be a big problem to break through the Qi and blood barrier!"

Su Ran's eyes were deep, with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

The first time you recruit students, you can recruit several geniuses, and there are even students whose martial arts talents have reached the qualifications of evildoers and geniuses.

And the scope of recruiting students this time is only a hundred miles around the Great Xia Dragon Capital.

If students could be recruited nationwide, perhaps it wouldn't be a problem to cobble together a monstrous class, and Tianjiao students were everywhere.

What's more, there are foreign countries, and it will be very good to harvest a wave of credits by putting on a layer of skin!

[Ding, the first teaching task is completed, and one monster-level student, one Tianjiao-level student, and three genius-level students are found, and the system starts to settle rewards! 】

[The system rewards are now issued: to open the constant cultivation acceleration of the academy, the principal * 10 times the base (and for each additional ordinary student, the cultivation speed * 0.1 times, for each additional genius student, the cultivation speed * 1 times, for each additional student Tianjiao-level students, practice speed*5 times, every additional student of monstrous level, practice speed increases*10 times, the current principal’s practice speed*31.2 times!) For other college positions, the dean level is one-fifth of the principal’s multiple plus Success, the teacher level is a multiplier of one-tenth of the dean! 】

In the mind, a piece of information instantly emerged.

Immediately, Su Ran noticed that his cultivation speed had changed, and endless heaven and earth vitality poured into his body, quickly transforming into the power of Qi and blood.

The surging qi and blood flowed, and the nine great gods in his body emitted a radiant brilliance in an instant.

A surge of qi and blood rushed directly from a divine treasure.

Then there was another roar in the body, and the sacred treasures were washed away, and the endless blood flow turned into the divine treasures.

A stream of qi and blood rushed into the divine storehouse, followed by the continuous expansion of the divine storehouse in Su Ran's body. The dense qi born from the divine storehouse began to blend with the qi and blood to transform.

More powerful qi and blood gushed out of Shenzang again, but the endless vitality of heaven and earth was still pouring in.

And the dense qi born in the deep storage is also getting deeper and richer, and the qi and blood are transformed again and again, turning into stronger qi and blood power time after time.

The second level of Martial Dao opens up the Nine Dao Divine Treasures in the human body, and each of the Nine Dao Divine Treasures can hold a huge amount of Qi and blood, but in an instant, all the Nine Dao Divine Treasures in Su Ran's body were washed away by the power of Qi and blood.

And as the power of qi and blood in the body continues to change, the Nine Paths Divine Treasure is constantly enlarged and filled with the power of qi and blood.

When the qi and blood were fully accommodated, they began to temper and transform the qi and blood. After the transformation, they absorbed the vitality of the world again and turned them into qi and blood to continue the tempering and transformation. Su Ran's cultivation did not stop until the nine transformations were completed.

Slowly opening his eyes, a ray of light flashed away.

"Nine times of metamorphosis, all of the nine gods have been opened. If it weren't for the fact that there is no martial arts in the gods, maybe I have already stepped into the realm of supernatural powers, and the evolution of martial arts has turned into a method of supernatural powers."

"But it's good now, I haven't fully adapted to the second level of martial arts. When I finish imprinting the martial arts methods in the Jiu Dao Shen Zang, it's just a matter of thought to break through."

"Let's see how the students are doing~"

In the martial arts arena, all the students are gone.

Looking at the time, it has been two hours since Su Ran began to practice. According to the records in the academy, Song Long, Zhang Lanlan and Chu Qian were the first to be sent out an hour and a half ago due to exhaustion.

An hour ago, Yao Qingshan was sent to the martial arts arena due to lack of strength, and Chen Xiaoxiao was also sent to the martial arts arena 10 minutes ago.

Looking across the entire academy, all 37 students had already eaten in the cafeteria.

With a soft laugh, Su Ran stepped on her feet, and the person appeared outside the cafeteria.

"Hi principal~"

In an instant, all the students stood up abruptly.

Needless to say, all the students who had washed up could not hide their eyes full of energy and blood.

Student: Chen Xiaoxiao
Age: 17 years old

Grade: freshman
Vitality: 108 cards

Spirit: 27 Hz

Grade: no entry
Credits: 50 points

 The new book sets sail, please collect it! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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