Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 8 Martial Arts Training Begins

Chapter 8 Martial Arts Training Begins

The history of martial arts fascinated a group of students.

But I was also a little worried in my heart. After all, the foreign land was about to break through the seal, and if the foreign land began to invade at that time.

Those students who practice martial arts are afraid that they will become the first batch of warriors to go to the battlefield to resist foreign lands, and a wave of pressure instantly gathers in their hearts.

Even the two girls, Yao Qingshan, Chen Xiaoxiao and Wen Jiao, who think they are extremely talented.

They also couldn't help feeling a little heavy-hearted, knowing that before this day, they were just ordinary students who had just grown up.

Su Ran knew what they were thinking, but didn't mind too much.

After all, in the not-too-distant future, many things should be resolved. Not everyone can become an invincible warrior, nor can everyone become a warrior who resists foreign invasions. Perhaps many people will gradually return to ordinary.

But before that, Su Ran's task is to thoroughly create a real martial arts civilization and cultivate more martial artists.

"Everyone knows the basic history of martial arts. If you want to explore the history of martial arts in depth, you can go to the library to borrow related books."

"The next most important thing is to practice martial arts in the afternoon!"

"Take a break for two hours now, there is food in the cafeteria at noon, and the training class will start at two o'clock in the afternoon!"

After the words fell, Su Ran's figure turned into a phantom and disappeared into the classroom.

And after he left.

All the students did not leave, they were all sitting in the classroom, digesting what they had learned all morning.

Of course, some students were discussing the history Su Ran mentioned.

"It's terrible. It turns out that the history we have been learning and knowing is nothing but the history compiled by the ancients for us to see."

"If all these real histories are spread out, it might shock the archaeological world, right?"

"Did you say that so many warriors back then were completely wiped out in history?"

"if not?"

"Perhaps there may be some who survived, the principal should be the surviving martial artist?"

"Yeah, yeah, I don't believe that so many heroes from ancient times have been buried in history. Maybe they have some unknown means to reappear in this world and fight again?"

"Isn't this a bit too high-end? Does reincarnation really exist?"

"Warriors can exist, maybe the so-called reincarnation is just established by ancient martial arts experts, and those myths and legends are just the evolution of martial arts experts who are extremely strong?"

"It makes sense, I agree with this point, maybe I am one of the world's arrogance"

"Being the first batch of students to enter the school, everyone's talent doesn't need to be said. Isn't it clear after practicing in the afternoon?"

"Martial Dao, we can formally contact each other in the afternoon. For the first time to practice, I, Song Long, will definitely not be weaker than Lao Yao and you guys. To fight against foreign lands, I, Song Long, must have a share!"

"Then let's compare and see who is the real martial arts talent~"

A group of students, none of them feel that they are weaker than others.

Su Ran, who was hiding in the college space, was quite satisfied with their mentality. The entrance test did not represent aptitude, it was just a spiritual will.

Only when you really practice, can you tell who has a higher martial arts talent and who has a lower martial arts talent.

But among the 37 students who entered the school, the [-] boys and girls who passed the test have already represented the representatives with excellent qualifications within a hundred miles of Longdu.

The afternoon came quickly, and a group of students came to the classroom early after lunch to wait.

Su Ran's figure also appeared on time, his gaze swept across a group of students, and said: "Martial Arts Field, 3 minutes!"

All the students ran directly outside.

Because after Su Ran finished speaking, the person had disappeared again.

In less than 2 minutes, all the students had already lined up in the martial arts arena.

"What is martial arts, what is a warrior!"

"Using martial arts to fight for the front, using martial arts to fight for the way, and using martial arts to attack and attack are all ways of martial arts."

"Warriors of the Way of Martial Arts take their own martial arts as their will, or they are self-respecting, or family and country vengeance, or martial arts powerhouses who regard love as love, or take protection as their own responsibility, all of them can be called warriors. "

"Since ancient times, all warriors of my generation have taken it as their duty to protect the land of Kyushu and resist foreign lands."

"Or there are bloody feuds between them, but for the land of Kyushu, everything can be discarded. If they hadn't acted like this, perhaps hundreds of years ago or thousands of years ago, the land of Kyushu would have disappeared."

"Martial arts, the first level is the body forging level, based on forging a flawless martial body."

"The physical exercise environment is divided into nine levels, which are respectively washed and refined. The first level is for strengthening the muscles, the second level is for refining the bones, and the third level is for refining the meat. After the three levels of tempering are completed, it is called a body training level. Once the qi and blood reach 450 cards, you can break through and try to break through the second realm of martial arts, the divine treasure realm!"

"However, this time, the body training, the foundation of the forged martial body is slightly weak. If you have the resources, toughness, and talent, you can try the second body training. The fourth, fifth and sixth levels of the physical training state are to refine the martial arts again. The body is a secondary forging body."

"The seventh, eighth, and ninth levels of physical training are three times of refining muscles and bones to forge martial arts. This is three times of physical training!"

"Anyone who is a master of martial arts, must have tempered his muscles and bones three times, and forged a flawless martial body to break through the second realm of martial arts!"

"However, there is another type of stronger Tianjiao, which can be called the Tianjiao with monstrous qualifications. Combined with three times of physical training, the martial body breaks the limit of physical training, and pushes its own blood to reach 1080 calories. And Breaking God Hidden Realm~”

"Next, I will teach you how to practice basic body exercises. For the first time, the academy will give you a Qi and Blood Pill, and the martial arts field will be ten times stronger!"

With a wave of his hand, 37 Qi and Blood Pills worth three credits fell into the students' hands.

Following this, the vitality of the world in the martial arts field increased, and soon reached ten times, almost condensing into a liquid of vitality.

"Swallow the Qi and Blood Pill, and follow me to practice physical exercise!"

"Yes!" X37
The 37 students swallowed the qi and blood pill in one gulp, and suddenly a surge of qi and blood burst out of their bodies.

And there is also a body training method in my mind, a set of nine styles of boxing, which can draw the blood and blood in the body to temper one's own muscles and bones, and can also absorb the vitality of the world into the body and refine it into blood and blood.

The students who originally knew little about martial arts, under the power of the academy's preaching, quickly understood the exercise method extremely thoroughly.

With one move, one draws the qi and blood in the body, absorbs the vitality of the world and tempers oneself.

The 37 students were all caught in the frenzy of martial arts practice, and Su Ran slowly stopped moving.

With a scorching light in his eyes, he carefully stared at the students in the martial arts arena.

Each student practices the basic martial arts exercise method, the speed of drawing blood is different, and the gathering speed of absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth is also different.
From here, one can see whether the individual's martial arts talent is strong or not.

 The new book sets sail, please collect it! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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