Chapter 7 Alien Invasion
"Exotic catastrophe?"

"Dead? All the teachers and students of a school perish?"

"Is the foreign land coming again?"

"Seal, what seal, is it a seal from a foreign land?"

A group of students were all shocked, with a look of disbelief on their faces.

From their point of view, the old principal who founded Xia Budo University is not an ordinary person.

If you think about it, you can know that it is a top-notch strong man with martial arts cultivation, but such a strong man has already perished now!
Looking at the students talking below, Su Ran felt indifferent.

Although the existence of Wuhan University in the past is false, the invasion of foreign lands is true. If human beings do not produce people who can resist foreign lands in ten years, then the destruction will be self-evident.

Therefore, he doesn't mind fabricating a false past history for some historical figures in this world.

Anyway, they have all been dead for an unknown number of years, so how can they jump out of their graves and make corrections, exposing him for fabricating false history?
Turning around, Su Ran wrote a line of big characters on the blackboard.

"What is a foreign land, the existence of many sages!"

The slightly quieter Wen Jiao read the big characters on the blackboard softly.

Glancing at her, Su Ran slowed down and said:

"Learn exotic knowledge this morning, and also learn the surviving thoughts of the sages!"

"Exotic lands, as the name suggests, are heterogeneous lands, and its historical traceability is as untestable as the history of the existence of martial arts~"

"However, according to the historical records in the school library, the first recorded period of foreign lands was the end of the Yin and Shang Dynasties and the early years of the Western Zhou Dynasty. At that time, the last emperor of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, Xin, used the fortune of the Yin and Shang Dynasties to suppress the gates of foreign lands in the starry sky. Since then, the Yin and Shang dynasty has been broken and divided."

"Of course, this is an extremely ancient matter. It has long been impossible to study and know. There is no need to pursue it."

"Thousands of years later, during the period of the First Emperor of Qin, Kaifeng Town from another land invaded the earth and stars again. In order to protect the land of Kyushu, the First Emperor of Qin built the Great Wall and built the Emperor's Mausoleum, and mobilized the power of martial arts experts from all over the country to suppress the invasion of foreign lands. Then the Second Emperor of Qin Dynasty died."

"Since then, in the Kyushu land dynasty, generations of heroic heroes have achieved success in martial arts, rushing into the starry sky to guard the gate of foreign lands"

"400 years ago, Liu Bowen, a famous minister of a generation, returned from a serious injury in the starry sky, and planned a monstrous plan with Ming Emperor Chongzhen, using the dragon veins of the Kyushu of the Ming Dynasty and the fortune of the Ming Dynasty as the foundation of the formation, supplemented by the remaining dragon veins and more than ten thousand martial arts. The strong guard the formation and seal the gates of foreign lands."

"Afterwards, the world instantly returned to tranquility, vitality dissipated, martial arts declined, and Da Ming also disappeared into the world."

"But fortunately, all the history of martial arts was also completely destroyed by Daming, so as to prevent foreigners from encroaching on the land of Kyushu."

After Su Ran finished speaking, the thirty or so students calmed down.

This history is very different from the history they have learned since childhood.

Although they are very clear in their hearts, maybe the history recorded in the school is the real historical event, but it still makes them have a lot of doubts.

"Principal, besides Kyushu's ancient dynasty having martial arts, do other ancient countries in the world have martial arts?" A student raised his hand and asked.

"Yes, before the vitality of heaven and earth dissipated, outstanding people emerged on Earth!" Su Ran replied with certainty.

"Then they also fight in the starry sky to guard the gates of foreign lands?" Another student asked.

"Guarding the gates of foreign lands, the master is in our land of Kyushu, but the ancient dynasties of Kyushu can recruit warriors from other countries, and those who refuse to accept the conscripts will destroy the whole country without mercy~" Su Ran's voice was full of arrogance.

"400 years ago, Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty recruited more than ten thousand strong men, and all warriors above the second level of martial arts were recruited!"

"During the period, there were three royal families who ignored the conscripts. The Three Kingdoms were destroyed overnight, and the history that existed was also destroyed together, and they were not allowed to exist!"

"Afterwards the vitality of heaven and earth dissipated, countless inheritances disappeared, and martial arts completely disappeared."

"Principal, what is there in the foreign land?" Yao Qingshan swallowed and asked.

"Savage beasts and alien races!"

"What is a foreign race?" Chen Xiaoxiao asked.

"People, or people who look like people but are different from us, are just people with human form!"

"Then they also practice martial arts?" Wen Jiao also asked softly.

"There are similar ways of practice, there are other ways of practice, and there is a way of technological genes. In addition to practice in foreign lands, technology is also extremely advanced!"

A group of students were also shocked.

All morning, Su Ran kept popularizing the history of civilization he created, and the students kept asking questions.

In this regard, Su Ran is also very patient in answering.

In the process of questioning and answering, Su Ran completely created a worldview that was completely different from ordinary history!

The story is simple, foreign lands have been invading the world for thousands of years, and humans have been constantly resisting.

Wu Dao exists in the world to preserve the legacy of martial arts, and now it returns to cultivate a new generation of martial arts experts to continue to fight in foreign lands, and to completely defeat foreign lands one day.

The history course was carried out slowly, and stories were told one after another.

The 37 students listened fascinatedly. After such a morning of history class, everyone has a good understanding of martial arts.

The first realm of martial arts, the realm of body training, is divided into nine levels~
According to the number of qi and blood on the student ID card, when the blood qi reaches 180 calories, the physical body can be purified once, and the maximum increase of 90 calories will be increased every time after that~
If you can reach the ninth stage of refining, your qi and blood can even break through the limit, reaching 1080 calories!

But those who have achieved this are all Tianjiao monster-level warriors, and most people choose the four-fold purification to break through the next level.

After all, not everyone is talented in martial arts and can reach Tianjiao's qualifications. Most of them are still ordinary people. As long as the resources are sufficient, it is still possible to purify the body four times with qi and blood, and reach 540 calories of qi and blood!
As for the second realm behind, it is the realm of the gods, and the realm is to open the physical body of the gods.

This realm is also divided into nine levels, one for the physical body and one for the divine treasure. Every time you open a divine treasure, you can get a flesh and blood cauldron.

A sacred blood tripod can condense a martial arts method, or the method of attacking and killing, or the method of walking and leaping, or the method of returning weapons to storage.
At the same time, opening a divine treasure blood cauldron will also increase its own combat power by multiples. As for how much, it depends on the foundation of the body training state, and how many times the physical body is promoted to the divine treasure.

Above the realm of the gods, it is called the realm of the gods, and the martial art of turning the gods into the blood tripod is a supernatural power. It can resist the sky by itself, and the power of qi and blood can attack hundreds of feet away from the body~
But no matter how they asked about the specific power, Su Ran didn't tell it.

Just to say, don't be too ambitious, first practice the first-level physical training method with peace of mind.
 The new book sets sail, welcome to collect it! !

(End of this chapter)

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