Chapter 6 Martial Arts
"Student Chen Zhen, can I trouble you to tell me something about Wuhan University?"

In a conference room at the six-door headquarters of Longdu, Situ Yan asked in a cold voice.

Looking at the young lady who was the top pick in terms of body and appearance, Chen Zhen was a little dazed.

But immediately, he came to his senses, took a deep breath and said slowly, "If I tell you, I don't really know, do you believe me?"

"Xin, some people say that you were eliminated by the school?" Situ Yan asked again.

"The speed of the six doors is really fast~" Chen Zhen nodded silently, and said again: "Yes, I was eliminated if I didn't last for 3 minutes!"

"Mental coercion?" Situ Yan quickly recorded.

"Yes, the principal said that it is mental coercion. If you last for 3 minutes, you will be able to enroll, and you will be awarded credits for more than 3 minutes." Chen Zhen continued.

"Can you tell me in detail how it feels?"

Situ Yan glanced at the notebook, and then recalled the information given by the previous students.

After a comparison, they are basically the same. It is obvious that Chen Zhen is not lying.

"I don't know how to describe it." Chen Zhen thought for a while and slowly shook his head.

"In short, it feels like I have encountered a great horror. I am so scared that I can't move a finger all over my body, and I am dripping with cold sweat."

"When I fell down and regained my senses, I was already home, and I felt a little bit out of strength."

"Then can you tell me about the structure of the school?"

"I don't know, but I saw a school gate, about 100 meters away, and when I entered, I saw a square."

"Then I saw the principal and said that the entrance examination would start, and then I was eliminated."

"Any more?"

"Or did you get any gifts?"

When asking this question, Situ Yan stared firmly at Chen Zhen.

When asked about this matter, Chen Zhen immediately recalled [Basic Martial Arts Training Method], looked up at Situ Yan, nodded and said:

"Yes, a training method called [Basics of Martial Arts]!"

"Okay, thank you, Chen Zhen, for your cooperation. You can go home later."

"Can you go home?"

"Yes, go home early, your parents are very worried about you!"

In another meeting room, a screen was playing the whole process of Situ Yan questioning Chen Zhen.

More than a dozen elderly or middle-aged people of different ages all became thoughtful, with unknown lights shining in their eyes.

After watching the whole process, the transcripts were distributed to everyone.

"Look, everything is recorded on it!"

"Except for the language description, there is basically nothing missing. It seems that our children's education is still doing very well."

"A [Martial Arts Fundamentals] training method is almost divided into hands-on teaching. This so-called Longting Martial Arts University is really humane!"

"Now, let's discuss, how should we treat this martial arts university?"

"And do you want to stop the fermentation of online public opinion?"

Hearing these words, everyone fell into silence.

This time, the coverage of the situation is too large. In the Internet age, fifty people disappeared in broad daylight.

It has already been widely publicized on the Internet, and it was banned directly. Isn't it a bit like there is no silver 300 taels here?
Besides, this thing is different from the things that need to be cleaned in the past~
There were various rumors on the Internet, and a group of bigwigs were anxiously graying their hair in private.

However, those students who are still in Longting Wuda University can't sleep, and they are a little excited when they think that they will be able to practice martial arts tomorrow.

The next day, the light still fell on the earth as usual.

A new day begins!

In the two dormitories, the guys who used to stay in bed during the holidays opened their eyes and quickly washed up.

Su Ran, who had practiced all night, opened her eyes, and a dazzling light shot out
"Good guy, the headmaster's practice room can increase my cultivation speed by ten times, and one student can increase my cultivation speed by 0.1 times."

"In one night, I have completely stabilized the cultivation of the first level!"

"I really hope that there will be more and more students."

Standing up and stepping out, Su Ran had already disappeared into the principal's training room.

A group of freshmen, led by Yao Qingshan, Chen Xiaoxiao and Wen Jiao, 37 of them stood in the classroom.

The classroom of the freshman class is not very big.

But accommodating 37 students is not a problem.

All the guys were excited and stood in the classroom shining brightly. There were futons on the floor, but no one was in the mood to sit down.

They just want to wait for the teacher to come, study hard and make progress every day!
The Wuhan University is filled with vitality of heaven and earth, even if he didn't sleep well last night, he is nourished by the vitality of heaven and earth, so he is not afraid of dark circles under his eyes.
A figure appeared and walked in from outside the classroom step by step.

"Yes, respect the teacher, you can sit down~" Su Ran said softly.

"Hello, principal~" Yao Qingshan took the lead, and a group of students quickly greeted loudly.

"Well, we all sat on the futons. In the first class today, we will talk about the liberal arts of Wuhan University, the history of martial arts, the cultivation of martial arts, and the establishment of Wuhan University!" Su Ran nodded slightly.

Yao Qingshan, Chen Xiaoxiao, Wen Jiao and others sat on the futon in sequence.

Seeing that they were all seated, Su Ran nodded, and then said: "About the history of martial arts, the cultivation of martial arts, and the founding of Wuhan University"

"It is impossible to trace the origin of the history of martial arts, but according to historical records, martial arts already existed during the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties."

"Martial arts can shatter the void, the golden body is indestructible, a drop of blood can be reborn, one force can break all laws, and the physical body is immortal and immortal."

"You don't need to remember much about this, just get a general understanding of the origin of martial arts."

"As for the practice of martial arts, each school has been different since ancient times. Taoism has the method of Taoism and martial arts, Confucianism has the method of Confucianism and martial arts, Buddhism has the method of Buddhist martial arts, yin and yang, vertical and horizontal, and military schools have their own inheritance. Martial arts are as vast as the sea, and a hundred schools of thought are open."

"However, after summarizing, later generations have summarized the cultivation realms of various martial arts, so there is a cultivation method for the thirteen realms of martial arts."

"And the person who sums it up is the founder of my Wuhan University, the first president of Longting Wuhan University—Wang Chao~~"

"Roughly, that's it!"

"Principal, where are the old principal, the teacher, and the former seniors?" Chen Xiaoxiao asked suddenly.

Everyone stared at Su Ran for an instant.

This question, they also want to know, the school is really too spacious, no matter in the dormitory or anywhere, there is no trace of people living there.

Very good, it is indeed the first admission notice I sent out, it really is a deep fate, it is really good that God assists you, Su Ran secretly thought.

Looking at each other with a group of freshmen, Su Ran sighed:

"Dead, a catastrophe in a foreign land, the inheritance of Longting Martial Arts University has been broken hundreds of years ago, and all the teachers and students have all perished!"

"Dead?" Everyone lost their voices instantly.

"Remember what I said yesterday?" Su Ran reminded again, and said slowly:
"Wu University, cultivate a new generation of warriors for the human race!"

"Why do you want to cultivate warriors?"

"Because... the seal that the sages sacrificed their lives for is loose."

"The alien world is coming again."

 The new book sets sail, please collect it! !
(End of this chapter)

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