Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 5 Basic Martial Arts Training Method

Chapter 5 Basic Martial Arts Training Method

[The mission is completed, the Martial Arts University has been successfully established, and various facilities of the school have been opened, rewarding 10000 credits! 】

"The entrance ceremony for freshmen is complete. A total of 37 new students have been enrolled, and 3700 credits will be awarded!"

"The system mall is implanted in the school's logistics department, the host has the highest authority, and teachers and students have purchase authority!"

"A new mission is hereby issued: to expand the influence of Wuda in the secular world, and rewards will be awarded depending on the degree of completion of the mission. Please complete the mission as soon as possible. Time limit: 90 days!"

School: Longting Martial Arts University

Principal: Su Ran

Age: 22 years old

Vitality: 1080 cards

Spirit: 99 Hz

Grade: Body Tempering Realm (Nine Times of Body Tempering Dzogchen)

Credits: 14700 points

One after another reminder sounded in Su Ran's heart.

Look at the rewards issued by the system, and then look at the tasks reissued by the system.

Su Ran smiled, very satisfied with her current state, and then set her eyes on the new student.

"Now the dormitory is allocated. There are four boys in a basic freshman dormitory, and four girls in a basic freshman dormitory."

"Yao Qingshan, lower A in the entrance examination, first-level single dormitory, Chen Xiaoxiao, Wen Jiao, upper-level entrance examination, first-level double dormitory!"

"Now, get up and go to the dormitory, and the class will officially start tomorrow!"


A group of young people roared loudly.

Soon, under Su Ran's arrangement, everyone came to the dormitory area.

Fourteen girls, apart from Chen Xiaoxiao and Wen Jiao, were just enough to be assigned to three basic freshman dormitories.

Among the 23 boys, Yao Qingshan has his own first-level single dormitory, and the rest are assigned to their own dormitories for freshmen.

More than a dozen buildings stand in the dormitory area, and there is a place with well-built pavilions beside it. It is the place where teachers and elite students live. Yao Qingshan, Chen Xiaoxiao and Wen Jiao are all people who will live in it.

"It's so luxurious, this dormitory is bigger than my home."

"Except for a little more space, it seems that there is no student dormitory in that university that is better than this."

"I just went to the university to report today, and the dormitory has been tidied up, but... that's Huaqing University, it's a world of difference, okay?"

"Ahem, you said... the basic dormitory is that good, how good is Yao Qingshan's first-level dormitory?"

"It is estimated that the speed of cultivation can be increased?"

"Damn, that's really cool, isn't it?"

Immediately, all the freshmen looked at Yao Qingshan and the others with envy.
Although it is a building, a building is more than ten floors high.

But there are only four rooms in the four-person dormitory on each floor, and each room has four rooms and a large living room.

However, the toilet is common in the living room, and everything is ready for the bed, except for daily necessities, almost everything is complete.
Looking around, Su Ran said softly: "With a little credit, you can buy a full set of basic equipment."

"I forgot to mention one thing, the first-level dormitory depicts a spirit formation, gathering spirit energy can increase the speed of cultivation"

"But it doesn't mean that they can use it all the time, and you don't mean that you can only live in the basic freshman dormitory all the time."

"Healthy competition, the school does not stop it, as long as your cultivation level surpasses any of them, you can rob the dormitory by launching a challenge, and you can even use credits as a bet during the challenge"

"The winner goes up, the loser goes down, freshmen come on~"

In an instant, Yao Qingshan, Chen Xiaoxiao, and Wen Jiao, who were complacent, immediately stared at each other and became vigilant.

I thought that if I win, I win, but I didn’t expect that the dormitory can still be robbed, and the credits can be used as a bet
This is too tricky, if you slack off a little bit in cultivation, things might get tricky.

The eyes of the other students burst into a fiery light, eagerly staring at Yao Qingshan, Chen Xiaoxiao, and Wen Jiao.

They are all young people, and no one will admit defeat to anyone.

Everyone is at the same starting point, without reason you can always guarantee the leading position
The following days will be the beginning of the real contest.

dragon capital
The eliminated freshmen return to their original places.

All of them were downcast, their eyes full of frustration and unwillingness.

"No, I don't want to be eliminated, give me another chance, I can definitely survive~"

"Damn it, I don't accept this assessment, prepare for me"

"Teacher, give me another chance."

Suddenly returning to the original place, the parents of these students were stunned.

Immediately, they all rushed forward, hugging tightly, for fear that their son and daughter would disappear again.

I thought it would be good to come back, but these parents, including those watching the fun, found that things didn't seem to be what they imagined.

As soon as each young man appeared, unwillingness, frustration, and eager expressions jumped up on his face.

Then it was yelling about doing it again, giving another chance.
But what to say now is useless. If you want to take the Wuhan University again, you can only wait for the opportunity next year.

Moreover, leaving Longting Martial Arts University is not without any gains.

For all the eliminated students, a method called the basic training method of martial arts appeared in their minds.

To temper their energy and blood, wait for next year's Wuhan University admission letter to notify them to enroll again. After all, they already had a chance, and Su Ran didn't completely deprive them of their chance to enter Wuhan University.

The admission notice has not been withdrawn, and each admission notice of eliminated students has a chance to make up the exam in the coming year!

The six-door headquarters dispatched at an extremely fast speed
It didn't take long for the thirteen students who returned from the elimination to enter a certain place.

Afterwards, a lot of news was told, which completely shocked the headquarters of the Six Gates.
"Unbelievable, really unbelievable enough." Lei Tao rubbed his forehead and didn't know what to say.

"It seems that my prediction was right. There really is extraordinary power in the world." Situ Yan's cold voice carried a tinge of surprise.

"Even if you guessed right, this matter is too tricky, how should we deal with it?" The headquarter's facial expression made the heart twitch, "Standing on the ground, one word can make fifty young people unable to move their fingers."

"How should I report this kind of thing to my superiors, and how long will it take for the remaining students to come back?"

"Could it be true that as they said, maybe there will be a holiday after a semester, and students will be able to come back?"

"Do you think the students are hypnotized?"

"No, it has been tested, and there is no trace of being hypnotized." Situ Yan shook his head and said.

"Damn!" The chief arrester couldn't help but swear.

"What should we do now?" Lei Tao was also in a dilemma. Some came back and some didn't. Those parents are going crazy now.
"Wait, I feel that this Longting Martial Arts University will appear again soon!" Situ Yan's voice was still cold.

"Then we can only wait~" the chief arrester said helplessly.

 The new book sets sail, please collect it! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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