Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 4 Freshman Assessment, Elimination

Chapter 4 Freshman Assessment, Elimination

Longdu six doors.
A group of people crowded into the reporting room.

The policeman in charge of taking notes looked at the person in front of him in a daze.

If it weren't for the parents of more than a dozen families saying that, he really couldn't believe that there are such miracles in the world.

The person was right in front of him, and disappeared with a 'shua'.

A white light flashed, and then their son and daughter disappeared like dream bubbles.

I was stunned to search around my home for a long time, but I couldn't find where the person went, even if I brought a mobile phone, I couldn't get through.

Half an hour later, the abnormal disappearance cases were summarized, and a total of fifty young people disappeared.

In the conference hall with six doors in Longdu, a group of people were staring at the screen carefully.

It was a picture recorded by a camera in a public square. A group of young men and women were walking on the road. Suddenly, a black scroll appeared in front of a young man.

Immediately, a milky white light burst out from the scroll, and the young man enveloped in the white light disappeared immediately.

After watching it for a while, the screen froze at the second when the black scroll appeared.

"Okay, let's discuss it now, do you find anything?" The chief arrester of the six doors sitting at the top asked.

"It's a bit mysterious, it's unbelievable." The middle-aged man at the bottom right gave a wry smile.

"If you let me tell you, there are only three possibilities." The first person sitting on the lower left is a beautiful woman in a flying fish suit. Alien abduction, and third, a prank organized by this group of young people premeditatedly and spontaneously!"

"Of course, the third type has been investigated, and it is basically confirmed that it is not!"

"Then it's on the first and second possibilities, but whether it's true or not, maybe we can only find out when the person who disappeared reappears!"

A group of people in the conference hall were speechless.

Although it is unbelievable, it seems that there is no more reasonable inference than this.

After all, as soon as the incident happened, after more than half an hour of investigation, the six doors did not have the slightest clue.

The chief catcher tapped the table with his fingers lightly, took a deep breath, and said:
"Closely monitor the disappearance location. If the person who disappeared really has hope of returning, he should have returned where he was!"

"I will take full responsibility for this matter for the time being. Situ Yan, you are in charge of monitoring this area."

"Lei Tao, arrange people to stabilize the family members of the victim, and the rest will wait first."

A fisherman in a flying fish suit rushed into the conference hall.

"Report to the general arrest, thirteen monitoring locations sent back information, and the person who disappeared appeared!"

"What?" The chief catcher at the top fixed his eyes and said quickly: "Quick, bring him back immediately and ask what happened."

"Situ Yan, ask them separately, but remember one thing, they are all students, not prisoners!"


One fell down, as if the dominoes were opened, one after another fell.

In an instant, thirteen young men and women fell to the ground, their faces covered with cold sweat and fatigued, panting heavily.

The moment they found themselves falling to the ground, the frightening coercion on their bodies disappeared, and their whole bodies relaxed.

However, the clothes and the like were already completely soaked in sweat, and the sweat was like rain.

Looking over, Su Ran waved his hand without saying anything.

The thirteen men and women who fell on the ground disappeared into the martial arts arena.

In the real world, wherever they are teleported into Wuhan University, they will reappear there.

Three minutes and 30 seconds later, there were 23 people left standing, and another [-] young people fell down.

Four minutes later, there were seven standing people; four minutes and 4 seconds, there were only three standing people, two girls and one boy standing, trembling as if they were about to fall down.

However, he still gritted his teeth and held on, allowing himself to continue to bear the mental pressure.

A look of satisfaction flashed in Su Ran's eyes, but he never expected that the girl he met by chance, Chen Xiaoxiao, could survive until now.

One of the two girls is Chen Xiaoxiao, the other girl's name is Wen Jiao, and the only boy is Yao Qingshan.
At 5 minutes, Wen Jiao fell to the ground and almost fainted, and at 20 minutes and [-] seconds, Chen Xiaoxiao also fell to the ground.

In the end, Yao Qingshan was stunned to last until the full 6 minutes with a dead force.
"Very good, welcome to Longwu Academy!" For the first time, a smile appeared on the corner of Su Ran's mouth.

"The reward has been sent to your student ID card, you can check it yourself, let me tell you in advance, credits are very precious, please don't waste them~"

"Take a break for 10 minutes and wait for the dormitory arrangement!"

After the voice fell, the rest of the people looked overjoyed instantly.

Seeing those thirteen people being eliminated just now made them very worried.

But now it's all right, I finally passed the entrance test and became a real Wuhan University student.

"It's terrible. I didn't expect that there will be an entrance examination. If you don't pass, you will be eliminated."

"Who would have imagined it, I almost thought I couldn't hold on."

"Unfortunately, the friends I just met were eliminated. I thought I was a Wuhan University student~"

"Yao Qingshan is too good, how did he last for 6 minutes?"

"One hundred credits reward, and I don't know what the credits are for?"

"Look at the admission letter. It has become my student ID card. It seems that I can log in to check my credits and their functions."

"Quick, see how many credits you have"

The scroll of the acceptance letter, which had been ignored by them, was pulled out of the pocket by a certain student.

The original dark golden scroll has been transformed into a dark golden card with their basic information imprinted on it.

Student: Chen Xiaoxiao
Age: 17 years old

Grade: freshman
Vitality: 23 cards

Spirit: 8 Hz

Grade: no entry
Credits: 50 points

Thirty students checked their messages one after another.

Regardless of boys and girls, basically the energy and blood are hovering between 20 and 35 calories.

As for credits, freshmen will be rewarded with [-] credits when they enroll, and there will be rewards for supporting the mental pressure.
More like Yao Qingshan has 120 points, but as few as those students who just survived for 3 minutes only have 20 credits + 1 reward!
In the school's shopping mall, it takes five credits to redeem a Qi and Blood Pill for cultivation assistance.
In addition to the Qi and Blood Pill, there are even more powerful pills and various kung fu cheats, treasures of heaven and earth, but unfortunately all of them require credits, and there are quite a few of them.

There are places that require credits, even those gravity rooms and secret realms in the school that assist cultivation, are also expensive.
"Good guy, a Yunshen Pill that nourishes the spirit will cost 100 credits."

"Except for that perverted Yao Qingshan, it is estimated that no one will be able to exchange it in a short time."

"Hey, rich in culture and martial arts, the ancients did not deceive me~~"

 New book for collection! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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