Chapter 3 Freshman Admission
Chen Xiaoxiao, who was still in shock, rested for a while, and embarked on the journey home.

After more than half an hour, Chen Xiaoxiao, who had just returned home, was lying on the bed recalling what happened today.

First, he almost fell into the sea, then he was rescued by a handsome guy, and then there was an earthquake, and he almost thought that he was going to confess to being on the viewing platform.

Fortunately, there is that cold and handsome little brother, otherwise I would really dare not leave the viewing platform by myself.

"Well, he's really handsome~" Chen Xiaoxiao thought a little bit nympho.

"Hey, Chen Xiaoxiao, what are you thinking?"

"Obviously that little brother has seen you all. Why aren't you angry?"

She blamed herself secretly in her heart, Chen Xiaoxiao seemed to remember something.

She quickly got up and searched in her bag, and soon, she took out a dark golden scroll.

"This is the admission letter from Longting Martial Arts University?"

"But does this school exist?"

"Martial Dao University, I feel so fantasy when I hear it, where is there any Martial Dao University in Yanxia?"

"Ding, congratulations student Chen Xiaoxiao, you have been admitted to Longting Martial Arts University!"

"Do you agree to enroll in Longting Martial Arts University?"

Chen Xiaoxiao, who was about to put down the scroll and take a good rest, was suddenly taken aback.

A mechanized voice sounded in her mind, which made her stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously responded: "Yes!"

White light emerged and enveloped Chen Xiaoxiao's body, slowly dissipating into a misty halo
"Ninny, are you back? I heard that there was an earthquake at Guanhaitai. Are you okay?"

"My dear daughter, are you not hurt?"

The door of the room was pushed open suddenly, and Chen Xiaoxiao's parents walked in very worriedly, their words were full of nervous expressions.

But what came into view was a piece of white light, and Chen Xiaoxiao, who looked astonished, was wrapped in white light and disappeared on the bed little by little.

Except for a pair of slippers by the bed, traces of someone lying on the bed just now, and the bag left by her daughter.

Chen Xiaoxiao. Disappeared!
"Xiaoxiao~~" Mother Chen rolled her eyes and passed out.

"囡囡~" Father Chen was also taken aback, and collapsed to the ground in fright.

"Hurry up, call the police and call 120 to save people"

Brother Chen Xiaoxiao, who was at the back, also witnessed his sister disappear into the white light.

Dumbfounded, he quickly dialed 120 and 110, and followed his father to wake up his mother
The same scene is happening everywhere, either in front of the parents at home, or in the public
A group of young people aged seventeen or eighteen just disappeared into the white light.

Notifications were triggered one after another, and the university pass formation on the admission scroll was activated.

Su Ran, who was sitting in the principal's office, immediately sensed that all fifty scrolls had been activated.

The next moment, Su Ran's figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already standing at the school gate.

at the same time
The figures were wrapped in white light and manifested at the school gate.

As the white light dissipated, young boys and girls opened their eyes and saw the school gate which was more than [-] meters high.

The bright golden letters on the golden school gate exude endless majesty.

【Longting Martial Arts University】

"Really, I didn't expect the golden finger to be real!"

"Hahaha, Martial Arts, I didn't expect that there really is a Martial Arts University"

"Wu breaks the void, sees the gods and is not broken, I never thought that one day I will."

Excited voices reached the audience, and a group of young people waited in shock and excitement.

The doubts that were still in my heart disappeared instantly when I saw the school gate.

"Brother, what's your name?"

"Meng Ziyi, what about you, classmate?"

"I'm Xiao Zheng, what happened today is really unbelievable, but I like it~"

"Nonsense, among the people present, which one doesn't like it? That's martial arts, something good only in fantasy novels~"

"That is to say, I'm so excited~"

As expected of the citizens of the Yanxia Imperial Capital, each and every one of their familiar temperaments are branded in their bones~
After a while, the men and women gathered together, exchanged names, and chatted about the Martial Arts University.

It's a pity that before they could continue their chat, Su Ran who was standing inside the school gate waved his hand.

The school gate opened instantly, and a cold voice came from his mouth:

"Freshmen enter the school, enter the school within 30 seconds, offenders will be expelled!"

The voice was extremely indifferent, and immediately chilled the hearts of a group of young people standing at the school gate, and immediately reacted one by one, rushing into the school gate less than ten meters away like a charge.

Very good, all fifty people entered the school gate without missing out.

Then the school gate slammed shut, everyone's eyes blurred, and when they saw clearly again, everyone was no longer at the school gate.

"Men left and women right stand in line within 30 seconds, and three credits will be deducted for overtime!" Su Ran's indifferent voice uttered again.

"Another 30 seconds~" The boys and girls with trembling hearts didn't care where the voices came from, and quickly arranged them according to male and female.

"Yes, very good, stand still!" Su Ran's figure floated down from midair.

In an instant, the young man below knew where the sound was coming from.

It's actually in the sky. The person in front of me just now has been standing on the sky.

Is this the martial arts that Longting Martial Arts University wants to teach?

With a cold drink, Qi and blood gushed out of his body.

With the help of the school's bonus, Su Ran instantly expanded his blood several times to cover the new students in the field.

For a moment, everyone felt their hearts tremble suddenly, as if they were being targeted by some scourge, and their hearts were trembling and frightened.

Not only that, even at this moment, they realized that they couldn't even move a single finger.

Immediately, all the boys and girls quieted down obediently.

Su Ran was very satisfied, a look of joy flashed in her eyes, but her face was still very cold.

"Longting Martial Arts University, referred to as Longting Martial Arts University, is designed to train the new generation of warriors for the human race!"

"Let me introduce myself. I am the current president of Longting Martial Arts University, Su Ran. I will hold the entrance ceremony for the freshmen this year!"

"Now, let me tell you the first school motto at Wuhan University, that is. I am invincible!"

"As a warrior, if you don't have an invincible heart, then I would like to advise you, go back to where you came from. Wuhan University is not a comfortable nest. The warriors cultivated by Wuhan University are not warriors who play tricks, but want to..."

"Hehe, forget it, it's useless to say so much, you may not be students of my Longting Martial Arts University!"

Without waiting for the surprise from the crowd below, Su Ran said in a cold voice:
"Now, the first threshold of the entrance ceremony for freshmen, those who pass it will enter our Longting Wuda University, and those who fail will be sent back to their original place!"

"Spiritual coercion for 3 minutes, those who can't last for 3 minutes will be repatriated, and those who can last for 3 minutes will be awarded as students of Wuhan University. Those who last for 4 minutes will be rewarded with 5 points.


Don't wait for the students below to make the slightest preparation.

An extremely surging spiritual coercion swept across the audience in an instant, and a terrifying atmosphere permeated the entire martial arts arena.

Just a moment.

A student collapsed with a pale face.

Following that, figures fell down one after another, all with pale complexions and cloudy eyes, dripping with cold sweat.

3 minutes flew by.

Thirteen of the fifty boys and girls fell down.

seven men and six women
 New book request collection! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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