Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 2 Longting Martial Arts University

Chapter 2 Longting Martial Arts University
"Open the novice package!"

"The novice gift pack is opened, and you will get a martial arts college, admission letter*50, basic martial arts practice method*1, points 1000~"

"The principal of the martial arts college is bound as the host, and the host is specially rewarded for the completion of the basic martial arts cultivation method."

"Congratulations to the host for stepping into the Body Tempering Realm from Martial Dao Realm!"

"The host please choose the address of the Martial Arts University campus as soon as possible, and open the Martial Arts University!"


In an instant, a complicated message flooded into Su Ran's mind.

Then a surge of warm energy and blood began to emerge out of thin air, sinking into the whole body and limbs began to temper.

The scorching qi and blood continuously tempered Su Ran's flesh and bones, and his own qi and blood began to roll endlessly.

One after another hot breath emerged, and all the eliminated impurities in Su Ran's body were ignited and burned, his complexion turned red, and the veins on his neck burst out.

But just counting the interest time, all these disappeared again.

Even Chen Xiaoxiao, who was lying on the ground to avoid the aftershocks, failed to realize that Su Ran was unusual at this moment.

"Hiss~" Su Ran opened her eyes, a frightening light flashed in her eyes.

"Body quenching state, qi and blood are perfect, reaching the point of [-] calories, breaking through ten thousand catties, just like the strength of nine galloping horses!"

"Am I going to be a warrior now?"

Pupils shrank slightly, and Su Ran soon realized that something was wrong with her.

The me at this moment is completely different from the me just now in terms of temperament.

Concentrating her qi and blood, the terrifying aura surging around her body dissipated, and Su Ran returned to her previous appearance, but a little more handsome.

"Are you all right?"

Chen Xiaoxiao raised her head in fear, her teary eyes made people want to hold her in her arms to comfort her.

But there is only Su Ran here, and he doesn't have the heart to think so much when he has a heavy responsibility.

"It should be fine, it's better for us to leave here quickly~" Su Ran said lightly.

"But. But, but my legs are weak." Chen Xiaoxiao said with a flushed face.

She found that she was so frightened by the earthquake just now that she almost peed in fear.

Now a urge to urinate welled up, but fortunately she held back, otherwise she really wanted to jump into the sea.

Looking at her helplessly, Su Ran had no choice but to pull Chen Xiaoxiao up, and helped her walk out of Guanhai Terrace step by step.
"Thank you~"

The sound as thin as a mosquito moan sounded.

After more than half an hour, the two had already walked out of the viewing platform and returned to the exit of the bay.

The crowd here has increased, and Chen Xiaoxiao has recovered her strength, but her face is still flushed.

Today was a disaster day for her. Not only did she almost fall into the sea, but she was also watched all at once, and she was almost scared to pee by the earthquake.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaoxiao wished she could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

However, staring at Su Ran's profile, Chen Xiaoxiao had another strange thought in his heart.

Was watched by a handsome guy. It seems that I am not at a loss?

With a whoosh, Chen Xiaoxiao blushed again.

"Okay, I'll take you here, take a good rest and go home by yourself!" Su Ran said coldly.

"Where are you going?" Chen Xiaoxiao asked hastily, then blushed and hesitated and said, "My name is Chen Xiaoxiao, what about you?"

"Su Ran!" Su Ran turned around and left.
But... soon turned around and walked back, stepping up to Chen Xiaoxiao.

What is he doing?
Do you want my contact information so that you can pursue me?
Seeing Su Ran walking back, Chen Xiaoxiao, who was absolutely confident in her figure and appearance, lowered her head and thought wildly.

"Here, take it, it's just one copy!" Su Ran put a scroll in Chen Xiaoxiao's hand.

"Ah?" Chen Xiaoxiao grabbed the scroll tightly and raised her head immediately.

But there was no trace of Su Ran in front of him, it had already disappeared.

Feeling lost, Chen Xiaoxiao looked around, but was soon completely disappointed.

Man. Gone.

When her eyes fell on the black pan-gold scroll in her hand, Chen Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment.

"Longting Martial Arts University Admission Notice!"

Longdu, the capital of Yanxia Empire.
Standing on a mountain in the suburbs, Su Ran was very satisfied.

After searching casually, I found such a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, which just happened to be the campus of Budo University.

"System, is the school completed?"

"The construction of Longting Martial Arts University is completed, please host to recruit students as soon as possible!"

"It's not a big problem, let's talk about our school first!" Su Ran smiled lightly, and disappeared in place in an instant.

In a different dimension, Su Ran came to the gate of Wuda.

In front of him was a huge school gate with a line of golden characters on it.

【Longting Martial Arts University】

Stepping into the school, countless messages flooded in instantly, and Su Ran had a general understanding of the school's structure.

Longting Wuda University is divided into four grades from freshman to senior, with teaching buildings, dormitory buildings, martial arts arena, library, canteen and a series of teaching buildings.

Su Ran strolled around the campus, inspecting the whole school.

The thing that pleased him the most was that the Longting Martial Arts University was located in Longdu, covering an area of ​​a hundred kilometers.

As long as you have a thought, you can immediately send as many admission letters as you want to young and qualified people with good qualifications within a hundred kilometers.

"Ding, do you want to send a letter of admission to Wuhan University?"

[Note: The admission notice letter of Longting Wuhan University will randomly appear in the hands of young people aged [-] to [-] after sending, and will be randomly sent according to the qualifications of students of the right age within the coverage of the school! 】

The mechanical sound of the system appeared, and the corner of Su Ran's mouth curled up.


"Of course, a notification letter will be sent immediately, asking if the students will enroll!"

Words that couldn't wait came out of Su Ran's mouth.

The next moment, dozens of admission notices were presented in front of him, and then quickly disappeared.

"Longting Wuhan University admission letter has been sent!"

"Because the host only has 49 admission notice letters, 49 admission notice letters have been sent successfully!"

at the same time.

Within a radius of [-] kilometers covered by Longting Wuda.

In front of the boys and girls, a black and golden scroll suddenly appeared!

The scroll is black, with a simple style, reflecting a faint golden light.

After a light touch, a mechanized sound sounded the next moment.

"Ding, congratulations on getting the admission letter from Longting Martial Arts University!"

"Excuse me, do you agree to join Longting Martial Arts University?"

In an instant, the boys and girls were stunned.

Immediately reacted quickly.

"Longting Martial Arts University?"

"Goldfinger, is it the system?"

"Fuck, I really am the Son of Destiny~"

"Nonsense, of course I agree!"



One after another figures disappeared in front of their family members or friends.

Or disappear in the public, turning into a ray of white light like a dream bubble!
"Student Yao Qingshan joins the school!"

"Student Wen Jiao joins the school!"

"Student Meng Ziyi joins the school!"

"Student Hu Shanshan joins the school!"


"Student Chen Xiaoxiao joins the school!"

[Longting Wu University student recruitment task progress: 18/30].
 New book for collection! !
(End of this chapter)

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