Chapter 100 Seven Killing Dao

"Too reckless" the song title smiled wryly.

Immediately, his expression was also cold and serious, and his eyes turned to a place, and there was a person standing there, who was from Wuhan University!

Seemingly aware of the way he looked at him, the man also turned his head to look, and then his eyes lit up, wanting to say hello.

"The name of the song of the First Military Academy in Daxia, I invite Situ Feng, a student of the top [-] list of Longting Military University, to fight, I hope you will give me your advice~"

"Situ Feng fights!"


It was still a voice, and a battle platform appeared on the martial arts field again.

The eyes of the two figures were also blacked out, and when they opened their eyes again, they were already confronting each other on the battle platform, and there was a fighting spirit in their eyes.

It is normal for warriors to fight, and it is normal to invite their companions, brothers, or strangers to fight when they see Liexin, after all, only by fighting with each other can they promote their own martial arts cultivation and refine their martial arts methods!

In short, there are many good things.

And basically, the warriors who are invited to fight, in the same realm, will never be timid to fight against others, but will only fight with high spirits.

"Situ Feng met Brother Qu~" Situ Feng looked like a gentleman.

"The name of the song is impolite!" The name of the song sighed slightly in his heart, and then he said seriously: "I hope Brother Situ will go all out in the future, and let me see how far the Longting Martial Arts University is from me!"

"After the sparring, the name of the song is an apology to Brother Situ, and I will treat Brother Situ to drink!"

"It's easy to say, easy to say~" A folding fan appeared in Situ Feng's hand, and he cupped his hands and said, "Situ Feng, a student on the top [-] list of Great Xia Longting Martial Arts University!"

"The name of the first military academy in Daxia!" The title of the song is also a long gun held in his hand.

"Do you all use guns in your military academy?" Situ Feng was curious.

When I was in the outside world, although I saw many warriors from military academies, they were all in the city, like the first city, basically it is not allowed to show magic soldiers, so as not to accidentally hurt ordinary people.

That's right, there are ordinary people living in the small world city, after all, many living facilities must be provided by someone, right?
Warriors hunted and killed ferocious beasts, obtained resources to practice, and naturally did not have so much time to deal with chores, so many large enterprises entered the small world and opened various service industry companies.

For example, nannies at home, people who wash clothes and cook, etc., even waiters in inns, and some people who help run errands in the city.

Under such development, it has provided Daxia with a lot of jobs and supported a large number of ordinary people.

I don't know how many people want to work in the small world because of no other reason, it is because the vitality of the world is relatively strong in the small world, and people with lower qualifications have more opportunities to become warriors.

"Almost all heavy weapons and long weapons!" The title of the song explained patiently.

"That's it~" Situ Feng smiled faintly, and then said, "Then ask Junior Brother Qu to learn some of my methods!"

"Sword, gun, sword and halberd. Kill!"

The Civil and Martial Academy practiced mental power warfare, and the spiritual power stimulated the blood, and one after another divine soldiers rushed out in an instant.

Qu Ming's eyes were fixed, and the spear swept out, and he was fighting with Situ Feng in an instant, but he fell to the disadvantage as soon as he collided.

Situ Feng's cultivation base was already at the peak of the Divine Ability Realm, and the Nine Apertures of the Divine Hidden Realm were opened, and now in the Divine Ability Realm, all nine apertures contain supernatural powers, and he is practicing the strongest martial art of the Civil and Military Academy!

The nine great treasures respectively contain the embryonic form of a divine weapon. The stronger the cultivation base, the stronger the divine weapon. If one can prove to be a master, the combination of the divine weapon will be more powerful.

Because he promised Qu Ming to go all out, the nine magical weapons in Situ Feng's body that had been accumulated for a while directly collided with Qu Ming's spear and suppressed it in an instant.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Situ Feng was a little merciful, otherwise he would suffer a big loss if he collided with the title of the song!
There are not many people in the Civil and Military Academy who can successfully practice the martial arts attack method of the Nine Daoes of Divine Soldiers, but as long as they cultivate into a divine weapon with one aperture, the power of the divine weapon in the great aperture of Shenzang will be stronger.

Now that Situ Feng has cultivated all the nine orifices of Shenzang, and the power has been superimposed nine times, the title of the song may be hard to regret.

"Kill, kill, kill" is the title of the song, his eyes are red, and a murderous aura is gushing out from his body: "The way of killing, the seven methods of killing, stop killing with killing!"

"Damn, pervert~" Song Long trembled for a moment, his eyes widened and he muttered, "Mother, this kid looks so gentle, but he actually practiced the Dao of Seven Kills. Could it be that he couldn't kill him alone?"

"The God of Killing Bai Qi proves the Seven Killing Dao of the Martial Dao Myth, this guy is not another lunatic, right?"

"Should not be?" Yao Qingshan couldn't help swallowing.

There are also in the Qisha Dao Martial Arts University. After all, it is Bai Qi, the God of Killing, who proves the myth of Martial Dao. Naturally, it is included in the academy for students to practice.

But who the hell killed someone in peacetime?
If you have never killed anyone, how do you understand the method of stopping killing by killing? If you can’t understand it, how do you practice?

Therefore, there is no student at Wuhan University who can practice the Seven Killing Dao, so he is shelved!

"But this kid is the real murderer. He has already started the seven kills way, and he can shoot three seven kills in a row. How many beasts did he kill?" Ye Naihuo was also a little scared.

Seven kills of the seven kills, one can double the combat power, three times the combat power can be superimposed three times!

And if you want to condense the Qi of the Seven Kills, you need to kill the life to condense the Qi of the Seven Kills, and you need to condense the Qi of the Seven Kills from the beginning of cultivation.

If the name of the song is to practice the seven kills in the body training state, then he has to kill a hundred first-level beasts to condense the first seven kills. The divine treasure state needs to kill a hundred second-order beasts, and the spiritual state needs to kill a hundred beasts. Kill hundreds of Tier [-] beasts, and so on.
"Fierce god, he~" Song Long calculated carefully, and said with a wry smile: "In the past year, I have only killed more than forty beasts in the realm of gods!"

"I don't want to talk about thirty or so." Ye Senlin also smiled bitterly.

"Thirteen!" Chu Qian sighed.

"21!" Wen Jiao held her forehead and smiled wryly.

"Nonsense, the name of the song can be condensed and the seven murderous auras only need to be in the supernatural realm. Every time you kill a third-order beast, it is a leapfrog kill. How do you compare it to the early stage of the supernatural realm and the middle stage of the supernatural realm?" Yao Qingshan flipped. Roll eyes.

When everyone thought about it seriously, it seemed that it was true that they and others didn't have time to slaughter ferocious beasts.

Most of the time, beheading fierce beasts is to hone one's own martial arts attack method, or to covet the heavenly materials and earthly treasures guarded by fierce beasts or their flesh and blood to supply one's own cultivation needs.

While a few people were watching a play and chatting, the students from Daxia Martial Arts University challenged the top [-] students one by one.

Among the top ten, only Chu Jiang was challenged, and there was Situ Feng, who obviously had the strength in the top ten of the top 31 list, but he wanted to stay at the [-]st place in the top [-] list.

Every time, it is a good name: let the younger brothers and younger sisters, don't rush to compete for the ranking now, and wait until the rewards are distributed~
(End of this chapter)

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