Chapter 99 Challenge
"The name of the song, how many times have you condensed your supernatural powers?" A young man with a strong military atmosphere in the first seat asked slowly.

"Seven paths of supernatural powers, there are still two sacred treasures that have not been condensed!" The title of the song said lightly.

On the first seat was Wu Tianchen, the uncrowned king of the Third Military Academy. His strength had reached the peak of supernatural powers, and the Nine Paths of Gods had already condensed their supernatural powers.

However, the earth evil realm is obviously not that easy to break through, and Wu Tianchen has been cultivating evil energy for more than a month, but he also failed to break through the realm.

So when he learned that he was coming to Longting Martial Arts University for a trial, he put the opportunity of breakthrough on the students of Longting Martial Arts University, and wanted to use the pressure of challenging them to force himself to successfully break through.

In the earth evil realm, Longting Martial Arts University has at least three statues, the Great Xia Martial Arts University, can it always make Longting the best?

Therefore, this plan was also agreed upon by students from thirteen Wuhan universities.

But it wasn't just Wu Tianchen who challenged alone, but they each looked for the students from Wu University who were on the top [-] list, challenged them one by one, accumulated invincible momentum, and tried to force more people to break through.

After all, the students who came to participate in the trial, the one with the lowest cultivation base, all have the perfect state of Shenzang, and they are in the stage of concentrating supernatural powers.

It would be a good thing for them if they could accumulate momentum and break through the situation in one fell swoop. Not only would they be able to show off the strength of their own martial arts university, but they could also proudly declare that Da Xia martial arts university is not weak either!

"But the top [-] guys in Wuhan University are better than each other!" The student from Wuhan University in Second City smiled wryly.

"I asked on the way here just now. The completion of the Divine Hidden Realm does not mean that it is on the top [-] list. There are many guys who have also completed the Divine Hidden Realm, but they failed to challenge and failed to make the list!"

"Do you think we can challenge the Divine Hidden Realm on the top [-] list?"

"That's right, I'm not sure I can win with just Situ Feng!" Qu Ming said after a pause.

If Situ Feng is really regarded as the 31st in the top 31 list, he is a real fool. That guy is obviously hiding his clumsiness.

The guy named Chu Jiang, nicknamed Chu Madman, ranked eighth in the top 31 of Wuhan University, only second to Shi Shengwen, but Situ Feng was obviously not afraid of Chu Madman, and his strength was naturally more than [-] on the top [-] list.

If you really want to challenge Situ Feng, you must at least treat him as a top ten guy in the top [-], otherwise you will lose if you underestimate the enemy!

"Situ Feng" Wu Tianchen's eyes lit up slightly.

A student from the Civil and Military Academy is a good challenger, but unfortunately, he has no intention of challenging the Civil and Military Academy.

If he had to choose an opponent, he felt that Chu Jiang was more suitable. Wu Tianchen still remembered that domineering aura until now, and a fighting spirit was constantly rising deep in his heart.

The other part of Cuizhuyuan is the bamboo hut, the residence of the top [-] students of Wuhan University.

Outside Yao Qingshan's bamboo house, a group of people stared at the towering bamboo houses in the distance, with inexplicable expressions in their eyes.

"Trials are imminent. If they want to achieve good results, they will definitely choose to break through," Yao Qingshan said lightly.

"Difficult~" Song Long nodded, and said slowly: "If the Earth Fiend Realm is so easy to break through, the two of us will spend a lot of narrow escapes. I guess they will have to wait or tomorrow, and they will definitely come to challenge the top [-] members."

"You guys, be careful, don't be picked off by them~"

"Huh~" Zhang Lanlan snorted angrily, and said angrily, "I don't think they dare to challenge, even if they dare to challenge at most students who are not on the list."

"Very confident, but you might guess wrong!" Song Long smiled faintly.

"This Wu Tianchen is at the pinnacle of the spiritual state, with the nine apertures of the divine treasure opened, and the nine magical powers condensed, he must challenge the top ten students!"

"Maybe he's targeting one of me and Lao Yao, and wants to use our hands to exert pressure and forcefully break through~"

Song Long glanced at the information on the table, and found a photo of a young man in military uniform. It was Wu Tianchen from the Third Military Academy of Wuda University in Daxia.

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to be victorious in all battles. After learning that Da Xia Wu University would also participate in the trial, they spent a little time collecting some information about Da Xia Wu University students.

Among them, Wu Tianchen's information is the most conspicuous, known as the No. 1 of the military and martial arts university, and his talent is absolutely unique.

At the beginning, a teacher came to his door and wanted to admit him to the school, but Wu Tianchen refused. The reason was that his parents were both soldiers of the Great Xia, so going to a military academy was his dream!

And Wuhan University, although yearning, is not the first choice!

"So strong?" Chu Qian was a little surprised.

To know the pinnacle of the Divine Realm.
With so many students in Wuhan University, there are only a dozen or so who are at the peak of the supernatural realm, and the rest are all supernatural powers that have not yet fully condensed the great orifices of the gods!
If this guy really came to challenge them, maybe... not the top ten people, they would all be defeated!

"Don't worry." Yao Qingshan chuckled lightly.

"His target is not you, I guess it might be Chu Jiang~"

They were also very clear about the dispute at the school gate. At that time, Yao Qingshan and others were not far away, but they didn't go to say hello, but when Chu Jiang appeared, Wu Tianchen's high-spirited fighting spirit
They were still aware of it, obviously Wu Tianchen could also feel it, the oppression Chu Jiang gave him was very strong.

"Yes, here we come!" Yao Qingshan suddenly stood up
"Wu Tianchen of the Wu University of the Third Army of the Great Xia, invites brother Chujiang Chu, a student of the top [-] list of the Longting Wu University, to fight. I hope you will give me your advice!"

"Fight, Chujiang, the top [-] list of Longting Martial Arts University, challenge!"


Su Ran's voice sounded, and a void battle platform suddenly appeared on the martial arts arena. The two guys only felt their eyes go dark, and when they opened their eyes again, they had already appeared on the battle platform.

With a fixed gaze, no matter whether it is Wu Tianchen or Chu Jiang, the magic weapon appears in his hand instantly!

A pair of purple gold sledgehammers was grabbed by Chu Jiang, and a dragon-patterned spear also appeared in Wu Tianchen's hands. The two burst out of anger and blood instantly, and looked straight at each other.

"Wu Tianchen, Great Xia Third Military Academy!" Wu Tianchen's eyes were solemn, and the oppression brought by Chu Jiang was even stronger at this time.

"Great Xia Longting Wu Da Chujiang!" Chu Jiang grinned and grinned grinningly, and said fiercely: "Yes, you are very good. It has been a long time since no one challenged me. Today is finally a fun time. After the fight, I will treat you to a drink." ~"

"Okay, then thank Brother Chu for a drink first!" A smile flashed across Wu Tianchen's cold face.

"Don't talk nonsense, just fight!"

"Okay, let's fight!"

The dragon pattern spear was directly pointed at the Zijin sledgehammer, even Chu Jiang couldn't help but retreat a few steps, his face was a little stunned.

Such a lot of strength, is there anyone in the same realm as stronger than himself?

In an instant, Chu Jiang's eyes ignited a more domineering fighting spirit, and he was not welcome, and the double hammers were directly thrown out.

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(End of this chapter)

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