Chapter 13

"One hundred credits, what is the effect of Yunxue Pill?"

"Blood Accumulation Pill, condenses qi and blood, used when purifying the muscles and bones of the body, can increase the condensing effect by [-]% in the body training state!"

"Damn it, if you increase the qi and blood concentration by [-]% at one time, if you get down to nine times, maybe the original aptitude is weaker, and the person who can only refine the physical body four or five times can refine the physical body one or two more times, and the future prospects of martial arts will be even better." broad!"

"No, the school's rewards are too good. It is said that the school does not have alchemists now, and the stored blood accumulation pills are not enough!"

"Wouldn't it be one less if you exchange one?"


All the students are well aware of such a good thing as condensing qi and blood.

They, who were no longer Wuxia Amon, naturally knew that the more condensed their qi and blood, the greater the benefits to their own martial arts.

The same fighters in the first realm of martial arts are all muscles and muscles that have been refined seven times. One has condensed qi and blood three times, and the other has condensed qi and blood seven times. No matter the strength of qi and blood or strength, it is definitely more than a multiple of the former.

With such a big gap, the further you climb to the peak of martial arts, the more obvious it will be.

Maybe in the future, one person will be able to beat you more than three or five times in the same realm, and even some Tianjiao monsters will be able to leapfrog the ranks to fight.

However, for such a good thing as Yunxue Pill.

Everyone's eyes are on Chen Xiaoxiao and Yao Qingshan
Perhaps except for these two, the rest basically have no hope of getting No.1..
"No. 1 and No. 2 are not in dispute, but No. 3 is fine~" Song Long's eyes were full of high-spirited fighting spirit.

"You have a good idea. Lanlan and I haven't even spoken yet, and you're thinking about No.3?" Chu Qian raised her swan-like neck and said proudly.

"No.3, I want to fight~" Zhang Lanlan, who had been a little taciturn, said softly.

"I'm afraid you have forgotten that there is me?" Wen Jiao was extremely depressed!
Obviously he was one of the top three in the entrance examination, but his aptitude didn't even make it to the top five.

Although because of the many credits he got, with his own hard work these days, the increase in energy and blood is not much worse than that of Song Long Chuqian and the others, and even slightly better.

But when she heard that there were still three days left, Wen Jiao felt a little depressed.

In three days, I am afraid that I will be threatened. I really don't have many credits left.

Chen Xiaoxiao and Yao Qingshan are competing for the first and second place, while four classmates are competing for No.3.

The eyes of the rest of the students were dimmed. Although they were a little bit reluctant, they still had to admit that the six of them were the most talented in the class.

Back in the principal's office, she settled down to practice, and a smile appeared on the corner of Su Ran's mouth.

"That's right, there is competition to make progress. Fighters only fight. Don't fight for how you become the strongest warrior. The stronger you are, the more you have to fight. Not only do you have to compete for resources, but you also have to fight for martial arts. If you don’t fight, you will retreat, and you will live hard.”

"Wu Da, Wu Da, you are not here to play, little guys, you have to fight for your martial arts by yourself"

The faint words passed through the principal's office and slowly spread into the martial arts arena.

In an instant, all the students stared blankly, and there was only one thought left in their hearts, the only way to fight for martial arts
Three days passed in a flash.
The first monthly exam starts.

Qi and blood test stone, exchange for 1000 credits.
Su Ran stood on the podium and said calmly:
"January exam of freshmen, passing the blood value of 120 calories or more!"

"When you call out your name, press your hand on the qi and blood test stone and run your own qi and blood!"

"The first one, Song Long!"

"Yes~" Song Long answered loudly.

Take a deep breath and step forward to the podium.

According to the steps Su Ran said, press the palm of your hand on the Qi and blood stone to start circulating Qi and blood.

Soon, a boiling red light lit up on the blood stone, and a number was directly reflected in the blood stone, 168 calories!
"Okay, very good results. The blood value is 160. In half a month, I should be able to try to strengthen my muscles and bones!" Su Ran said softly.

"Thank you principal~" Song Long looked relaxed, and secretly made a victory gesture as he got down.

The other students below who hadn't gone up to test their qi and blood were a little shocked and horrified. The 160 eight-calorie qi and blood value was no worse than those two.

And the headmaster said that in another half a month, Song Long will be able to refine his body and muscles.

At that time, I and others will still be a quasi-blood quenching warrior, and he will already be a serious first-level warrior!

"Next, Ou Yunfei!"


"The blood value is 123 cards, passing!"

"Next, Liu Weixing, with 112 blood cards, failed!"


Several people in a row failed the Qi and blood test, and their cheeks were flushed with embarrassment.

Everyone cultivates in the same way, why others failed, but they failed, it is a little bit sad and indignant.

Make up your mind that if you can't go home this time, you can't go home, so you will stay in school and practice hard.
"Next, Yao Qingshan!" Su Ran shouted.

"Yes!" Yao Qingshan's eyes froze slightly.

Glancing at Chen Xiaoxiao, she stepped forward steadily and reached out to press the blood stone.

A blood-red light erupted from the Qi-blood stone, even Song Long couldn't compare with it in the test, it was more than a little inferior.

Su Ran's eyes lighted up slightly, and he said lightly, "That's right, 180 calories of energy and blood are complete, you can try to refine your body!"

"Fuck, Qingshan is going to become a warrior?"

"It just exploded. Could it be that Yao Qingshan is going to counterattack this time, and Chen Xiaoxiao is the second?"

"You're thinking about farts, Chen Xiaoxiao reckons it's also 180 calories, full of energy and blood, do you believe it?"

"I believe it, of course I believe it, they are all evildoers, how can we mortals not believe it?"

"I'm so envious and jealous that I burst out with hatred, my talent~"

"Thank you principal!" Yao Qingshan said softly.

After getting off the podium, he went back to his seat, quietly waiting for the thing he was looking forward to
I can complete 180 calories of energy and blood, and I am ready to refine my body and muscles.

Chen Xiaoxiao. It doesn't make sense that she, who is more talented than herself, can't do this.

"Next, Chen Xiaoxiao!" Su Ran nodded slightly.

"Yes!" Chen Xiaoxiao came to the stage, a blush flashed across her beautiful little face.

Stretching out his hand to press the Qi and Blood Stone, Qi and blood began to circulate, a red light burst out violently from the Qi and Blood Stone, which was far superior to Yao Qingshan.
The light in her eyes turned, and she carefully looked at the first little girl she met in this world, Su Ran smiled lightly.

"Chen Xiaoxiao, 180 calories of qi and blood are complete, and the qi and blood are transparent as desired. You can cleanse your body for the first time at any time!"

"Thank you principal~" Chen Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up.

"Well, go down and have a good rest, come back from vacation, and strive to become a warrior as soon as possible!" Su Ran encouraged.

"Yes!" Chen Xiaoxiao quickly responded.


Soon the blood test of all the students in the class was completed.

No.1 Chen Xiaoxiao, No.2 Yao Qingshan, No.3. Song Long
It really made this young man in the late stage of the second disease win. Zhang Lanlan has 167 calories and blood, and Chu Qian also has 167 calories and blood. There is only a slight difference between the two
The second item, strength and speed test
When everyone came to the testing room, curiosity burst out in their eyes.

There is a big black stone on one side, and a [-]-meter-long runway inlaid with black stones.

Test the strength and speed of the students here!

 The new book sets sail, please collect it! !

(End of this chapter)

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