Chapter 14 Monthly Exam Holiday

"Xuan Shui Stone, used to measure strength, circulate Qi and blood to strike with all strength, each person has three chances, take the best one!"

"The Xuanshuishi track can counteract the power of qi and blood, run qi and blood quickly, and each person has three chances to get the best result!"

"Comprehensive of the three assessment results, 40 points for Qi and blood, 30 points for strength, and 30 points for speed!"

Su Ran's indifferent eyes swept across the students, and her voice was very calm.

Without waiting for the students to open their mouths, Su Ran spoke again and said, "According to the order of qi and blood assessment!"

"First place, Chen Xiaoxiao!"

"Yes, Principal!" Chen Xiaoxiao walked out step by step.

First she nodded respectfully to Su Ran, and then she set her eyes on the Xuanshui stele.

There was no reflection at all on the pitch-black stone tablet, it looked like a huge piece of ink, and there was no magic at all.


The Qi and blood in Chen Xiaoxiao's body circulated in the limbs and bones, and her breathing was slow and even.

The whole person seemed to be completely relaxed, and within three breaths, his eyes froze for an instant, and the whole person was like a tigress violently bursting out, the muscles, bones and muscles of the whole body instantly condensed with great strength, and the feet, waist, hips, and spine transmitted their own strength .

The right fist was like a missile when it burst out, drawing an arc, and bombarded the Xuanshui stone tablet violently.


A violent sound erupted, and ripples appeared on the Xuanshui stone tablet, which offset Chen Xiaoxiao's burst of qi and blood in just a moment.

The stele stood unmoved on the ground.

Su Ran, who had been staring at the stele, had a flash of approval in his eyes, and immediately said loudly: "612KG strength, do you want to continue?"

"Continue~" Chen Xiaoxiao said without hesitation.

"It's scary. Didn't the principal say that the limit of a quasi-warrior is the strength of a thousand catties?" Song Long felt shocked.

"Are you talking nonsense?" Chu Qian's eyes flashed a little, and she directly retorted: "The principal said that the quasi-warrior is powerful, but they are ordinary warriors, such as Xiaoxiao and Qingshan. Compared with ordinary people?"

"I'm afraid it's you, me, and Lan Lan. The quasi-warrior has full energy and blood, and the strength can break the limit. I don't know how much it can break."

"Why do you know everything?" Song Long was depressed
"Nonsense, is the school library a place for you to eat?" Chu Qian scolded angrily.

"I don't have enough time to practice every day, how can I have time to read books~" Song Long defended himself aggrievedly.

"Sister, I have it. Combining work and rest is the kingly way. Your sister, I spend two hours a day reading, and I don't see how much your progress in cultivation has fallen behind you~" Chu Qian's eyes were full of arrogance, and she snorted and said, "I only know Cultivation, sooner or later you have to train yourself to be a reckless man."

"Qianqian, don't say a few words, everyone has their own way." Zhang Lanlan said calmly.

"." Song Long felt that he was going to be autistic.


"621KG Strength!"


"619KG Strength!"

"Take the best out of three times, Chen Xiaoxiao, with a strength score of 621KG!"

"Next, Yao Qingshan."


"585KG, 582KG, 584KG, Yao Qingshan's strength score is 585KG!"

"Next, Song Long"

The students continued to test their strength one by one, and soon all 37 students were tested.

There is no natural divine power. Basically, the higher the value of qi and blood, the stronger the body's physique will be tempered by qi and blood, and the greater the qi will be.

Speed ​​is a bit different, Song Long is a little thinner, but speed has become his strong point, surpassing Yao Qingshan in one fell swoop, and got No.2 in the speed test.

As for No.1, Chen Xiaoxiao is naturally the overlord, after all, the enchanting talent is really gratifying!

After all the students' tests were finished, Su Ran directly summed up the results, and glanced at the expectant students.

"Comprehensive results have been posted on the martial arts arena, watch it yourself!"

"The rewards will be issued accordingly. Students with a total score of [-] or above will have a day off tomorrow, and must return to school before class the next morning. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" The students shouted in unison.

With a slight nod, Su Ran's figure disappeared.

A group of students rushed out of the teacher quickly, and all rushed to the martial arts arena to see how their grades were.

After all, this is the first monthly exam, if you fail, it will be really embarrassing.

Principal's room
[Ding, it took 23 days to complete the first martial arts inheritance! 】

[The rewards are as follows: 10000 credits, one small beast secret realm, three college teachers (the seal is sleeping, the host needs to go to the sealed place to release the seal)]

After the system rewards are sent, the credits instantly increase by [-] points.

But what made Su Ran even more excited were the other two rewards, a small beast secret realm, and three teachers from the school!

With the presence of a teacher, you no longer need to do things yourself, and many things can be handed over to the teacher, so you have more time to practice.

The sooner he breaks through the realm of martial arts, the more sure Su Ran will be able to do more things.

Checking the sealed positions of several teachers, Su Ran's eyes fell on a ball of colored light again.

A small beast secret realm is not a reward for a bad street.

It can be said that the secret realm is equivalent to a small world. Even if the system says it is small, the internal area has reached tens of thousands of square kilometers, and there are countless beasts living there.

It can not only be the source of ingredients for the school cafeteria, but also a place for students to practice.

Even, the vitality in the inner sky is extremely strong, not inferior to the Martial Arts Field at all, and some areas are even richer than the heaven and earth vitality in the Martial Arts Field, where various spiritual fruits and medicines grow, and primordial stone veins are distributed in it.

With this secret place in the school, there will be no shortage of resources for a period of time to come.

Don't say that there are 37 students, even if there are 370 students, Su Ran dares to say that there is no major problem.

"Yes, yes, the next plan is in the secret realm~"

"Students return to Daxia, and it is time for Wuhan University to officially announce to the world that warriors are born!"

The murmurs dissipated, Su Ran closed her eyes and continued to practice.

The cultivation of the Divine Hidden Realm is about to be completed, and in a month or so he should be promoted to the Third Realm of the Awakening God Realm!

A milky white Yunlong stele rose from the martial arts arena, and rows of names were hung on it. Each name had a ranking before it, and there was also a monthly test score after it.

The students who rushed over immediately surrounded him, and all of them stared up with wide eyes.

"Fuck, I failed the exam."

"I didn't pass either, just one point short of passing, and I can go home."

"Hahaha, 61 points, No.20 three, the last one to pass is me, Ye Naihuo~"

"Tenth, I am the tenth, and I, Ye Wenjun, will rise soon!"

"No.7, hahahaha, my son Yegou, bah, it's Ye Senlin~"

"The first is indeed Chen Xiaoxiao, the second is Yao Qingshan, and the third is Song Long, who is in the late stage of secondary illness."

"Hey, the fourth is classmate Wen Jiao. Zhang Lanlan and Chu Qian have the same score, but one is fifth and the other is sixth."

"The reward is here, ten catties of ferocious beast meat, go home, I want to give my parents a taste"

"Hey hey, I got a drop of ferocious beast blood essence and a Qi and blood pill."

"I want to practice, I want to rise, and I will be a blockbuster in the next monthly exam."

"Brother dei, let's get rid of the shadow of your failure first~"

"Fuck, don't you remind me to fail, can't you?"

 The new book sets sail, please collect it! !

(End of this chapter)

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