Chapter 15 The Age of Warriors
Dormitory Park
A group of students gathered together.

Although the male and female dormitories are separate and not together, it is still possible if you want to get together.

There is a martial arts pavilion in the park, which is suitable for students to discuss martial arts together, analyze their own martial arts, and verify their own martial arts when they are not practicing.

"Chen Xiaoxiao, are you going home?" Song Long asked.

"Hmm!" Chen Xiaoxiao, who had always been cold and reticent, nodded slightly.

"Everyone should go home, right?" Chu Qian's clear voice sounded, and she said carelessly: "Although we are practicing at school, we don't know at home. In twenty days or so, my parents will be in a hurry. .”

"Who isn't it~" A student said helplessly with a bitter face, "Unfortunately, I failed~"

"Brother Long, your home is so close to mine, can I trouble you to help spread the word when the time comes?" Another student who failed the monthly exam begged.

"No problem, give me your phone number~" Song Long immediately agreed, patting his chest.

"Me, and me, Brother Long, please please~" Suddenly, several students started to ask for help, and the nearest priority was given priority.

Everyone is a classmate practicing together, even Chen Xiaoxiao is helping two female classmates to send messages to their families.

After confirming the information of everyone's family, a group of people began to discuss the issue of cultivation.

After all, both Chen Xiaoxiao and Yao Qingshan are already consummated quasi-martialists, and those who are ready to attack the first realm of martial arts, some experience in tempering qi and blood is still very helpful for them.

Maybe if they help to find out the questions and give some pointers, the effect of tempering qi and blood will soar, and the next time you can get a good grade in the exam.

the next day.

At the gate of the school, all the students who passed the monthly exam were ready to go home.

After all, he disappeared inexplicably for more than [-] days. If he didn't go home and explain, he might be worried about his parents.

Although going home for a day may delay one day of cultivation, everyone didn't care that much, and one day's time would not leave others behind.

"Are they all there?" Song Long was standing at the school gate carrying a package.

"At least ten catties of beast meat, right?" Yao Qingshan glanced at the package in this guy's hand.

The faint smell of meat wafted around, and he knew what it was just by smelling it. Could it be that he didn't know what he ate in the cafeteria every day?
But he just took a look at it for a while, and then touched a package in his hand, isn't it filled with the meat of a beast?
For fierce beasts, after studying and practicing for more than [-] days, almost every student knows very well that for warriors, the meat of fierce beasts can replenish their own energy and assist their cultivation.

But it also has a great effect on ordinary people.

Eat less, the essence contained in the beast meat can slowly improve the body and strengthen the physique of ordinary people.

They didn't dare to pass on the school's basic physical training methods to their families, but they could take back the beast meat purchased with credits for their families to taste.

The 23 students, as long as they still have some credits, all made the same choice at the same time.

"Go home!" Yao Qingshan's voice trembled.


As soon as they stepped out, the 23 students were shrouded in a white light, and their figures began to scatter immediately.

"Damn, where will the school send us to?" Song Long suddenly recalled the place when he first came
"Maybe it's going back and forth." Chu Qian's voice came out of the white light.

"Don't, I seemed to be crossing the road."


"Then you can have a resistance car"

The voice did not completely fall, and a group of students disappeared in the school.

In the principal's room, Su Ran opened her eyes slightly, and said with a chuckle:

"The era of warriors has come"

A civilization that is completely unfamiliar and unfamiliar is suddenly squeezed into history abruptly. No matter how receptive people are, I am afraid that it will be absurd and unbelievable.

Since Longting Martial Arts University entered the WTO, the world should have changed.

It's just that the people who were still skeptical at first will probably follow this group of students back and completely believe in the existence of martial arts civilization.

No matter how much impact it will have on the original civilization, Su Ran absolutely believes that everything is developing towards the good side. There is nothing wrong with the road of science and technology, the fault is that its development is too slow.
However, the martial arts civilization has its own leadership, and within a few years, it is enough to surpass technology and stand proudly in the world.

At that time, a new era, supplemented by technology and dominated by martial arts, will be completely born.

dragon capital
Chen Xiaoxiao's home.
Chen's father and Chen's mother, who looked a little haggard, sat on the sofa, with tears on their sad faces.

Ever since their daughter disappeared at home, their home has been in complete chaos. The two couples even stopped working, looking for their daughter Chen Xiaoxiao like crazy, and started searching almost all day and all night without sleep.

Even after searching all over Longdu, there was no trace of her own daughter.

Although the people from Six Doors kept telling them, their daughter Chen Xiaoxiao was probably fine, but she couldn't come back for the time being.

But such a miraculous thing happened in front of them, how could the husband and wife dare to believe that their daughter was fine, their minds were so anxious, they either couldn't sleep every day, or they woke up together when they fell asleep, and they just stared at their daughter's room.

Chen Xiaoxiao disappeared into white light in the room, so if she came back, she must have come back from the room.

Chen Xiaoxiao's younger brother Chen Zhongting ran in, out of breath.

"Dad, I got some news!"

"What news, is it news from your sister?" Chen's mother was anxious immediately.

"No, it's not my sister. No, it's also my sister. How should I put it?" Chen Zhongting scratched his head anxiously.

"Slow down, drink a glass of water first to catch your breath." Father Chen quickly handed over a glass of water.

"Okay, thank you Dad~" Chen Zhongting took the water glass and poured it down in one gulp.

Looking at his youngest son, Chen's father is still very satisfied. He has a good relationship with his son and daughter since childhood. Chen Xiaoxiao's elder sister also loves her younger brother very much. There is almost no barrier between the two siblings.

Since Chen Xiaoxiao disappeared, his youngest son went out almost every day except for school time to inquire about news.

After drinking the water, Chen Zhongting said, "Didn't Six Doors say that some students who disappeared came back last time?"

"I secretly inquired about the students who came back. Although the six doors blocked the news, I still inquired about the school of a student."

"It took a lot of effort before I asked for a piece of news."

"The person who came back after disappearing that day suddenly disappeared in the central square. Before disappearing, many people saw a black scroll floating in front of the student, and then the student took the scroll and disappeared immediately."

"It seems that the people around him still heard him yelling. "Martial Arts University, here I come, my golden finger appeared~" or something like that."

"Dad, didn't you say that the moment before my sister disappeared, she was also holding a black thing in her hand?"

"I think that should be a thing!"

"The main thing is [Martial Arts University]!"

"This..." Father Chen frowned.
"Old Chen, did Xiaoxiao have something in her hand before she disappeared?" Mother Chen asked expectantly.

"It seems to be there. But I didn't see it clearly." Father Chen smiled bitterly.

"Martial arts university, dance, martial arts, or enlightenment?" Chen Zhongting's eyes sparkled
"How about I go." Father Chen wanted to go to the six doors and ask
But before he finished speaking, a white light suddenly lit up in his daughter's room.
Two or three seconds later, Chen Xiaoxiao came out of the room
 The new book sets sail, please collect it! !

(End of this chapter)

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