Chapter 16 The Shocking Fact

"Dad, Mom, little brother." Chen Xiaoxiao froze for a moment.

I haven't been at home for more than [-] days, and I usually spend most of my time practicing, but I don't feel anything.

But this time, when I came back, I suddenly felt a burst of longing in my heart began to surge.

Growing up, it was the first time for Chen Xiaoxiao to leave home. She went there for more than [-] days, and didn't even leave a single message from her parents, making her parents worry about her safety.

The limit of a quasi warrior made Chen Xiaoxiao's perception extremely strong.

It took only a moment for her to feel that her mother's spirit was on the verge of its limit, and perhaps the collapse would be the next moment!
"Xiaoxiao~" Chen's mother rushed forward.

Hugging her daughter in her arms, the feeling of familiarity and reality came up all at once, which made Chen's mother burst into tears.

Even Father Chen couldn't help but burst into tears, but he just stood aside and stared at his daughter, for fear that she would suddenly disappear again.

On the contrary, the younger brother, Chen Zhongting, was very curious about where his elder sister had gone these days!
"Mom, I'm fine~"


Chen Xiaoxiao comforted her parents softly.

Soon, Chen's father and Chen's mother also calmed down, and they were pulled by Chen Xiaoxiao to sit on the sofa.

After twenty days of separation, the family is finally reunited!

"Xiaoxiao, where have you been these days?" Father Chen asked quickly.

"Sister, Dad said that you were taken away by a ball of white light, is it true?" Chen Zhongting also asked eagerly.

"That's right, Xiaoxiao, mom can't find you everywhere these days, she's almost dying of anxiety~" Mother Chen was very worried.

My daughter has been well-behaved since she was a child, and she has never left her since she was born. Unlike this time, she disappeared for more than half a month, and almost made the husband and wife look for her all over the world.

I was afraid that there would be news from the six doors that day that my daughter was gone.

With such fear and fear, they haven't eaten or slept well for more than half a month.

Even relatives and friends say that they are ready to give up, but they still believe that their daughter is somewhere in the world, and she will be fine!
"Dad, Mom, I'm fine~" Chen Xiaoxiao held her parents' hands tightly.

"Actually, I've been in Longdu these few days, but it's in a relatively secret place~"

"Where is it called Longdu Longting Martial Arts University? It is a university that specializes in teaching martial arts. Now your daughter is also an extreme quasi-martial artist!"

"Extreme. Prospective warrior?" Father Chen froze for a moment.

"Longting Martial Arts University, is it really Martial Arts?" Chen Zhongting was overjoyed in an instant, and as a fan of novels, he immediately thought of many things.

"Warrior, what is a warrior, is it dangerous or not, Xiaoxiao?" Mother Chen was more worried about her daughter.

"It's not dangerous at all, is there anything dangerous in the school?" Chen Xiaoxiao smiled.

"By the way, I brought back something for you. Our school cafeteria serves the beast meat for the teachers and students. This is the first-order beast rhinoceros. The principal said that it is a beast with dragon blood. Yes. It’s good for you too!”

"Fierce beast." Another word that confused Chen's father and Chen's mother.

"Sure enough, it's an adventure," Chen Zhongting thought with his eyes shining brightly.

It's not just Chen Xiaoxiao's family.

For all the students who chose to go home, similar things happened at home.

Moreover, the return of their own children also made these families breathe a sigh of relief, and their worries these days dissipated in an instant.

"A school that teaches martial arts?" Father Chen frowned and couldn't relax.

"Sister, what kind of martial arts do you teach in your school, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms or the Tathagata Divine Palm, the Beiming Divine Art or the Little Formless Art?" Chen Zhongting's face was full of excitement.

I'm afraid that few young people are not excited. About martial arts, that person doesn't have a little dream?

Even Father Chen, watching those martial arts novels and TV dramas when he was young, would he not have a little martial arts dream in his heart?
Mother Chen didn't understand the vocabulary her daughter spoke, but knowing that there was no danger and there would be no problems, Mother Chen felt relieved.

"Dad, what I said is true, and the history since ancient times has been tampered with!"

"History has also been tampered with, how is it possible?"

Even if Father Chen retorted, he stopped and couldn't say what he had just said.

On the large marble tea table at home, there was a palm print half an inch deep, with cracks all around, telling him that what his daughter said might be true.

The Qi and blood in Chen Xiaoxiao's body erupted with great power in an instant, but fortunately, it was the practice during this period of time that gave her a lot of experience in controlling power, otherwise she might collapse the tea table with a single palm.

Even so, the cracks around the palm prints also showed that she still didn't have enough control over her power.

Taking a deep breath to suppress the panic in his heart, Father Chen lightly touched the marble tea table, and a thought arose in his heart, it had not been replaced
Marble slabs, fleshy palms, press gently to make palm prints.
I know how strong my daughter is, and my own marble tea table knows it.

When we first moved into our new home, four or five grown men struggled to move in from the outside.

The table top is seven or eight centimeters thick and weighs about three or four hundred catties. Such a tea table is now useless
Except for Chen Xiaoxiao herself, the three members of the Chen family all looked horrified. They felt that the decades-old world view had collapsed in an instant. They couldn't imagine that their daughter would become a martial arts master in just twenty days.

"You did it?" Father Chen swallowed.

"Yeah!" Chen Xiaoxiao nodded, and then took out the beast meat, "Dad, this is ten catties of rhinoceros meat, stay at home and eat it slowly, this can slowly improve your body and restore the damaged spirit." .”

"Sister, can I eat this like you?" Chen Zhongting's eyes lit up.

"Of course not. To practice martial arts, you not only need to eat, but you also need to practice exercises, otherwise you won't be able to digest much!"

Taking a blank look at her silly brother, Chen Xiaoxiao said angrily.

Practicing the exercises, when Chen Zhongting heard these four words, his eyes immediately lit up with golden light, and he wanted to ask when he moved his lips.
But who is Chen Xiaoxiao, the limit of her training as a quasi-martial artist, plus she is very familiar with her brother's personality...
"Stop it, don't say it out loud. Although the school didn't say that you can't spread the exercise method outside, they didn't say you can spread it outside. So don't worry about it!"

"Besides, cultivation requires resources to supply oneself. If you don't have money, you can't learn anything. If you have money, you can learn literature and martial arts."

"Resources are only available in schools, your sister and I don't have enough resources to support you"

"Ah..." Chen Zhongting suddenly became wilted.
"Okay, then you will be more powerful in the future, old lady, teach me again."

"This is not a problem." Chen Xiaoxiao agreed directly.

 The new book sets sail, please collect it! !

(End of this chapter)

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