Chapter 135 Sumina Mustard Seeds

Everyone's blood stagnates again.
This feeling, I am afraid that no one will forget it, even Yao Qingshan's Vientiane Realm cultivation base also feels a sense of sluggishness in the space.

All of a sudden, the feeling of space stagnation dissipated and disappeared again, and the control of Qi, blood and spirit returned again.
Everyone looked at Song Long in disbelief as if they had seen a ghost. This guy can comprehend such a powerful true meaning. I'm afraid God is making a big joke on himself, right?
Object Martial Art
Shangguan Longwu and Zhu Jianchen looked at each other, slightly surprised in their hearts, the true meaning of space martial arts is among the top ten true meanings
Since ancient times, there have been only a few people who have understood the true meaning of space martial arts, and all of these few people are strong in the myth of martial arts.
"Chongyue sincerely, lost!" Yao Qingshan said jerky.

"It's such a powerful power of true meaning. Before it breaks through, that true meaning can suppress my Chong Yue's true meaning."

"Qingshan, Aaron's true meaning seems to be the power of space, right?" Ye Naihuo asked solemnly.

"There should be nothing wrong with that kind of stagnation in space, the power of sincerity that suppresses the spirit and blood, I'm afraid there is no sincerity that can do it except space," Wen Jiao said seriously.

Endorsement, she is very good at it~
When she was in school, she spent every day in the Library Pavilion after practicing, and she had a little memory of all kinds of miscellaneous things.

Recalling some of the records in the next book, she was sure that the true meaning of martial arts that Song Long had comprehended was the true meaning of the top ten—the true meaning of space martial arts!
It seems that there is such a narrative in a biography, saying that a person who can comprehend space, set foot on the realm of martial arts mythology, I am afraid it belongs to the kind of probability that is sure.

"By the way, I made something good, do you want to know?" Song Long looked excited.

"In the past few days, in order to make this thing, I almost blew up the Zhenwu Furnace, so I got it out."

"Tsk tsk tsk, why is it that I am such a genius and yet come up with such a powerful baby? Sure enough, I am an all-rounder in both civil and military affairs, a genius who can refine artifacts with literature, and Wu Na is definitely a super genius in martial arts myths~"

"It's cool~"

Shouting happily, Song Long was almost ready to dance in the tunnel~
It's a pity that there were too many people, so he still had to say it with a little face, so he didn't really start jumping.

"Are you refining?" Shangguan Longwu was puzzled.
"That's right, teacher, you don't know, I'm really going to get rich this time~" Song Long's face was full of excitement, and he said quickly: "I didn't choose such a good material before I knew about the refining tool. , it was almost scrapped.”

"However, I was lucky. Before refining waste, I understood the true meaning of space, and saved it with all my strength."


Breathing out in one breath, Shangguan Longwu felt exhausted. Forging a magic weapon, he still understood the true meaning of space. Forging a magic weapon by himself, there are eight hundred if not one thousand. How could he even comprehend the true meaning of a fire?
What the hell, is there such a big gap between our master and apprentice?
"Song Long, what did you make?" Wen Jiao asked curiously.

"Hehehe, good stuff, guaranteed to be a treasure~" Song Long smiled, and took out a golden cloth bag from his arms, "See, this is the big treasure I refined."

"Good thing, this thing is really a big treasure, I'm afraid even the headmaster doesn't have this thing."

"I don't have anything?" Su Ran's voice sounded.

With a light wave, the cloth bag in Song Long's hand fell into his hands, and with a sweep of mental power, Su Ran instantly understood the miraculous effect of the cloth bag.

It's really a treasure, no wonder this kid said that he doesn't have such a thing, seriously. He really doesn't have such a thing, and he never thought of making such a thing.

space bag.
It's really interesting, with the help of space attributes, it can carry a Xumi space and turn it into a carry-on space bag.

On Earth and Stars, many novels have described this thing in detail, but all the time, Su Ran has the space given by the system to use, and with the birth of Inner Heaven and Earth, anything can be put in it.
So I have been coming, but I never thought of getting an item similar to a space bag.


Shangguan Longwu and Zhu Jianchen led a group of students to the ceremony.

Immediately, everyone turned their attention to waiting, as if they were waiting for Su Ran's explanation, while Song Long beside him was giggling, his face full of excitement.

The space bag was still in Song Long's hands, Su Ran smiled lightly and said, "The treasure you made yourself, explain it yourself."

"Hey, good, principal!" Song Long scratched his hair with a silly smile.

"This cloth bag is called a space cloth bag, and there is a huge space hidden in it, about two kilometers in length, width and height."

"Because of this material, I almost couldn't come back. The strength of that big guy is too terrifying. He hit me hard with just one blow, but fortunately, he stole all the animal skins back."

"This is the skin of a giant beast." Song Long's mental power fluctuated slightly, and he reached out and pulled out a piece of animal skin from the space bag, "Look, this is it, and it contains extremely majestic power of space. Two slaps can make a bag."

"As for the refining method, it needs to be like this"

Swallowing, all the students stared at Bu Dai with inexplicable expressions.

space bag
That's something from a novel. Everyone has always been envious of this thing, and they picked up a lot of students from the Academy of Weapons and Weapons to study it.
It's a pity that after several years, I haven't seen any results, but now it appears directly in front of several people, can't it make everyone envious?
You must know that they have hunted and killed ferocious beasts all these years, every time it is a waste of time, carrying the hunted ferocious beasts back to the city in exchange for the resources they need, if time is tight, they have to give up those hunted ferocious beasts.
Now that I think about it, I feel so distressed, it was all for small money~
"Is talent a giant beast in space?" Shangguan Longwu touched his chin and thought for a while, then asked lightly: "Can giant beasts be raised in captivity?"

"Keep a few heads at home, peel some if necessary, and refine space bags."

"No need, let it recover well, so as not to be raised to death, isn't it good?"

"This may not work!" Song Long thought about it for a while, scratched his head and said, "This thing is the pouch of a giant beast, just like the pouch in the abdomen of a kangaroo. I got into the cave, killed a female beast and peeled it off. .”

"I guess, if that giant beast meets me again, it will go crazy."

"However, it is not a big problem to refine a dozen interspatial bags for the pouch of a female beast, but it is troublesome to refine."

"It's okay, I will refine it myself!" Shangguan Longwu said immediately.

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(End of this chapter)

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