Chapter 136 Two years
"Tiangongge space bags are in stock again."

There was a moment of silence in the market, all warriors who were negotiating the price were all taken aback for a moment, then dropped their things and ran away.

The space bag, a good thing just released by Tiangongge, is a blowout once it is born. Countless people are willing to spend most of their wealth to buy one, and every time it can cause a lively scene of looting.

Moreover, every time a space bag is born, the price is extremely expensive, and ordinary warriors can't afford to buy it.

But even in such a situation, countless warriors are willing to spend a small amount of money, buy a space bag, and then hunt giant beasts, bring back the entire beast carcass, and earn more than a single material.

It can be said that today's slightly larger hunting groups develop rapidly because they have a space bag in their hands.

Originally, they were a step too late. They arrived at No. [-] Nova on a battleship from the planet Earth a year later. If they didn't work harder now, they might not be able to catch up with the enthusiasm even if they ate shit.

arrange, must arrange
Outside the door of Tiangong Pavilion, a group of people stood eagerly outside the door, wanting to take a closer look at the space bag and see what it looks like?

After all, City Lord's Mansion has to take [-]% of the space bag refined by Tiangong Pavilion, and Wuhan University has to take [-]%. The rest depends on how much they are willing to sell.
Rock Wall City is three hundred miles to the south.
A figure flickered like a ghost, and every time it flickered, it appeared hundreds of meters away the next moment.

"Why, I've already graduated, Mr. Mao, so Mr. Mao still has to grab my wool. Even if I comprehend the true meaning of space, I didn't do it like this, did I?"

"Right now, I have to do errands in person, it's really hard for me~"

After chopping a huge beast with a halberd chop containing the power of space, Song Long's speed increased again.

He has to rush to Xinxing City No. [-], which is more than a thousand miles away from No. [-] City, which means that he is fast, and it will take Yu Kong two or three days for other people to go there.

If he is a genius who understands the true meaning of space, at most half a day is more than enough.

In the [-]-mile barren world, endless giant beasts survive. Rarely is the human race possessing wisdom and practicing martial arts.

But on the new star, not to mention that it is difficult to move an inch, but it is also difficult to span a thousand miles, barely set up two big cities of the human race, and suppress the giant beasts that are thousands of miles away.

Two years ago, the Rock Wall Dungeon was completed in three months.

The underground city stretching seven or eight miles across the land can carry more than a hundred thousand people for regular living. Once the news is sent back to the earth and stars, it will cause a big climax of moving to Xinxing.

All warriors know that after martial arts enters the fourth realm, if they want to advance quickly, they have to sharpen on the edge of life and death.

Apart from the small world on Earth and Stars, the dangers among famous mountains and great lakes are only just beginning to appear, how can it compare to the cruelty on Nova.

Now the Yanhuang Terran has nine Nova Worlds, and three Nova Worlds are being developed. The difficulties and dangers in them are almost hundreds of times more difficult than those of the Earth and Star Small Worlds.

If you really want to compare, the earth star can be regarded as a novice land at most, and any new star is hell mode.
However, not everyone can move to Xinxing. It is almost impossible for ordinary people not to practice martial arts to move to Xinxing. For martial artists, at least they must have the cultivation base of the second level of martial arts, Shenzang.

Otherwise, if you go to Xinxing, you will be sent to death. Xinxing can have a giant beast cub at will, and it has the strength comparable to that of a quasi-warrior.

On the completion day of the construction of Yanbi City, the elders of Daxia Pavilion discussed and established it as the first day of the new star calendar, which means that the human race has officially entered the real interstellar era and has the ability to colonize different planets across planets.

On January [-]st of the first year of the new star calendar, the first batch of official immigrants from the Great Xia were sent to Xinxing No. [-]. The total number of people was more than [-], and the minimum was a warrior in the realm of the gods.

Afterwards, martial arts warriors immigrated from the Earth Star once a month, including the Flower Spirit Race, Wild Dragon, and Iron Vein Human Race, and even the creatures of other major human races. Along with the Earth Star immigration, they moved to Xinxing No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] ..
Half a year later, the first batch of martial arts graduates were born. Chen Xiaoxiao, Yao Qingshan and others who entered Wuhan University four years ago graduated from Wuhan University one by one.
Among them, the one with the highest cultivation level, Shi Shengwen, can reach the Vientiane Realm and comprehend the true meaning of Haoran Martial Arts, while the second one is Song Long, who has comprehended the true meaning of Space Martial Arts, on the eve of graduation.
In one fell swoop, Chu Jiang, Situ Feng, Yao Qingshan, Chen Xiaoxiao and others were knocked off the horse one by one, and they climbed to the second place in the top [-] list.
If it wasn't for Shi Shengwen's weaker cultivation base, he might still be able to win the first place and graduate with the first grade in the whole year.

But if this is the case, Song Long is already very happy.

The four years of resentment can be said to be exhausted in one day, and once the graduation ceremony is over, martial arts will enter the Vientiane Realm.

As for the others, they are still in the middle of the Vientiane Realm, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to break through for a while, and they will lag behind Song Long for the time being.

In the following year, the new star calendar entered the second year, Yanbi City was officially built on the ground, and the entire rock wall within a hundred miles was completely included in the territory of the human race. within the range.

At the same time, the exploration team went out again, and found a place where a city could be built thousands of miles away.

The second Nova City was formally approved. It took five months to develop the new Nova City within a hundred miles, and the second Nova City was officially completed, and Earth-to-Star immigration began again.

As for Xinxing No. [-], the environment is more difficult than Xinxing No. [-]. Wild beasts are everywhere. Once the city is built, it will cause a wave of wild beasts within a thousand miles.

Even if it is an underground city, it will be invaded and harassed by countless wild beasts, making it difficult to take a step forward.

In desperation, the Nova [-] development team suggested that a central point should be used as the base, and villages or tribes should be placed around it with a radius of thousands of miles.
In this way, they really succeeded. There were not a single city, but hundreds of villages were built, which existed in thousands of miles around like dots.

The scope of influence is so wide that even Xinxing No. [-] cannot compare with it, and the resources obtained every day are countless.

Nova No. [-] is an ocean nova. The only land on the land is the star-like islands in the sea. When you build a city or set up a town or village, you have to face the infestation of those amphibious marine creatures every day.
However, one thing I have to say is that the seafood transported by No. [-] Nova is really delicious.
In today's two new star cities, the restaurants that can get seafood quotas are almost full of money every day. If it weren't for the dividends in their own space bags, they might not be able to afford it every day.
Tsk tsk, when I go back to No. [-] city, I have to eat fresh seafood again. It is said that there are new products
Song Long recalled in his heart
Two years, I'm already 24 years old~
 Ask for a referral ticket! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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