Chapter 19 Daxia in action

"What a big wolf king, you really have a problem~"

Song Long stared at the wolf king with bright eyes, his eyes almost shone.

Below the hillside, more than a dozen wild wolves stared fiercely, each of them was about the size of a calf, and their silvery-white fur looked exceptionally smooth.
Especially the wolf king surrounded by these dozens of wild wolves in the center was as fat as a cultivated buffalo, with only a strand of golden miscellaneous white hair all over his body.

It looks majestic and majestic, showing the true qualities of a wolf king. At first glance, it looks like a good animal.

"Aww~" The Snow White Wolf King's wolf eyes were scarlet, and the tyrannical aura couldn't be concealed at all.

"The principal once said that the vitality of the world will soon recover. Perhaps some deep mountains and old forests have already begun to have vitality, so it is very likely that the beasts with the phenomenon of returning to their ancestors will recover the exotic blood in their bodies."

"It's just that I didn't expect that I, Song Long, would meet the first one. It's not a bad feeling!"

"The weather is so lacking in vitality, and you can revive your blood. It seems that the blood of your ancestors should be very good. Maybe you will become a climate in the future, and now you will be killed."

"Brother Long, I should be able to get the principal's reward, right?"


The Qi and blood in Song Long's body exploded violently, and a small hole exploded in the grass under his feet.

Martial arts, martial arts, is the way of killing. He has slaughtered dozens of wild wolves along the way, and the blood in his body is boiling.

The surging aura rushed towards the wolf king fiercely and solidly. The wolf king, who is not low in wisdom, shrank his wolf eyes and pupils slightly, raised his head and screamed: "Oh~~"

A dozen wild wolves the size of calves rushed forward and waved their claws without hesitation.

Just blasting away a few wild wolves, Song Zhenfei, who scared the wolves away with a shotgun, and a group of people came up the hillside.

Immediately, the pupils of the six men shrank, and their complexions turned pale.

It was a bit scary, a dozen wild wolves the size of calves, and a fat wolf king the size of a big buffalo, scratching their paws like a chariot.

But what horrified them even more was Song Long, who was erratic in stature.

Even for these wild wolves, they were injured when they were rubbed with fists and palms, and they were killed when they touched them. After a while, four or five wild wolves were lying on the ground.

"Shuang, it's my chance to go on vacation once, and I'm also an extreme quasi-warrior!" Song Long burst out violently with agitation.

With a jerk, the already fiery energy and blood in his body became even hotter, and the strength between his fists and palms became even stronger.

With one punch, one kick, one palm, all the heads of the thirteen wild wolves exploded with blood, and fell to the ground, twitching.

The qi and blood continued to erupt, and Song Long's eyes flashed with blood, "It's up to you next, my Song Long's martial arts are like a dragon, beast, let me succeed~"

Song Zhenfei:
The son of the second year of middle school, why did Mao Mingming look so excited, but was drowned out by this brat's mouth?

"Ahem, big brother, you. Ahem, you gave birth to a good son~" Someone holding a shotgun wanted to laugh, but seeing the situation below, he stopped laughing immediately.

"That's a good one. Cough, young man, martial arts like a dragon, I didn't choose the wrong name."

"Yes, I said at the beginning that Xiaolong will do something in the future."

"Xiaolong, kill this big guy and taste its flesh at night, there must be a problem with growing such a big one!" Song Zhenfei drew a black line across his forehead.

But it doesn't matter, if I have this opportunity, I will be a little bit in the second grade.

As long as it doesn't affect marrying a wife in the future, it's fine to make a doll for him to play with, otherwise, he can only practice trumpet.

Raising his hand to slap the wolf king's sharp claws away, Song Long responded, "No problem, father, this wolf whip will definitely be a great tonic for you to drink with."

"Ahem." Song Zhenfei almost didn't come up in one breath, and cursed secretly.
Does your dad look like someone who needs that stuff?
Not to mention that your father is only in his late forties, even... huh, it seems that it is not impossible.
It's really a bit empty recently, a man who is [-] must make up for it, otherwise the old women at home are like wolves and tigers, how can they stand up to it.

There was a whimpering sound, and the wolf king's snow-white hair was stained with blood.

Its ears, nose, and mouth were covered with blood foam. It had just revived its blood. It was an opponent of an extreme quasi-warrior. It was hit on the head by Song Long several times in a row. Now it has not directly fell to the ground in a daze. It is considered to be in good shape.

But Song Long didn't pay the price, he lacked actual combat experience, his arm was cut several times by the wolf king's claws, and his clothes were also stained with blood.

"It hurts a bit~" Song Long gritted his teeth, controlling the muscles in his arm to squeeze the wound to stop the bleeding.

"Hey, it looks like you're done~"

"Aw~~ woo woo woo woo~~~" A wolf howl resounded through the grassland.
The remaining dozens of wild wolves in all directions ran back quickly. The wolf king watched the wolves leave with cold eyes, and then lowered his head and panted heavily.

It had already consumed a lot of physical strength, but this time it caused the wolves to retreat again. It could almost be regarded as waiting to die now.

"Death~" Song Long urged his blood to explode.

"Woo~" The wolf king wanted to hide, but staggered and fell, "Oh~~"

The blood exploded, and the skull shattered directly. The wolf king, who was as fat as a buffalo, sprayed blood from his mouth and nose.

It wasn't until he couldn't sense the life breath of the wolf king that Song Long calmed down the blood in his body, and sat on the grass with his buttocks, feeling exhausted due to excessive blood consumption.

Immediately, he took out the qi and blood pill and swallowed it, and torrents of qi and blood flowed all over his body.

Song Zhenfei and the others standing on the hillside were still in a daze. The bumpy grass should not have too much impact on them.

Just now I watched my son smash and fight with the wolf king, and I didn't feel much if I couldn't catch the action, but when it was over, the pitted grass was full of holes that my son smashed and stepped on.

That impact is really too big!

Before they finished being surprised, Song Long's body was full of energy and blood.

"Oh ha ha ha~"

"Quasi warrior, I am also a quasi warrior, genius? No, I should be the pride of heaven~"

Song Long stood on the grass with his hands on his hips and laughed loudly.

After a hearty fight, I went directly from 168 cards to 180 cards. As long as I spend a little time polishing, I can break through and become a warrior!

Just thinking about it makes me so excited that I feel like I'm going to float~

"Hey, brat, are you all killed?" Song Zhenfei's voice trembled.

"If you don't kill him and save it for the New Year?" Song Long rolled his eyes.

"Okay, hahaha, it's good to kill it, these bastards are not bad for my good horse~" Song Zhenfei laughed suddenly.
In a certain base, inside a satellite monitoring station.

A few old men stared at the picture on the screen with piercing eyes
It wasn't any other pictures, it was Song Long's whole process from killing the wolf pack to beheading the wolf king.

At the beginning, a pack of wolves appeared on the racecourse, and they were discovered by Daxia Satellite. They were planning to notify the racecourse to move, and check the movements of the wolves by the way.

As a result, I saw this scene appear.

" he so strong?" An old man's voice was filled with disbelief.

"Are our fighters so strong?" Another old man asked.

"I don't think so. It should be possible for the warriors of the twelve detachments to pick out the wolves, but the wolf king and the wild wolves who are as big as calves can fight one-on-one. Only the twelve captains have that ability." Strength, the wolf king is invincible!"

A white-robed researcher shook his head and said slowly.

"Immediately, find him, and be sure to invite him to come!"


 The new book sets sail, please collect it! !

(End of this chapter)

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