Chapter 20 Frightened
There was a knock on the door, and the Yao family who were eating were stunned.

The food was ordered, why did someone come to the door? Could it be that the neighbors came to complain that their house was too noisy just now?

Suspicious, Yao's father asked his son to continue eating, and he went up to open the door directly.

"Mr. Chief Detective?"

Opening the door, Father Yao saw a very familiar person.

The last time I reported my son's disappearance, I was received by the chief arrester in front of me, and asked about my son in detail.

Seeing him coming now, Father Yao immediately understood that he was here for his son, Yao Qingshan!

Yao Qingshan held his rice bowl and looked at the people who were wearing clothes outside the door, his pupils shrank slightly, he put down his rice bowl and said:

"Are you here to find me?"

"Dad, let them come in first, let's have a chat after dinner!"

"Sorry to bother you, Mr. Yao!" Liu Qishen said with a slight smile.

Seeing the missing person return to reality with his own eyes really stunned him for a moment.

I thought that they might be rejected, or that the other party was not willing to cooperate with their investigation at all, or they might disappear again.

So at the moment of shock and thought in my heart, I forgot to say hello to Yao Qingshan's father, and first explained why I came here!
"It's not in the way, it's not in the way, sir, come in first~" Father Yao welcomed him into the house.

"Qingshan, don't rush to eat, follow"

"I said, Dad, people are iron, rice is steel, and if you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry~" Yao Qingshan chewed and ate slowly, and said slowly: "Besides, the chief arrester should have done nothing. Are you ready to go back without gaining anything?"

"Since I have promised to chat with him, there should be no time for me to have a meal, right?"

"Yes, what student Qingshan said is very reasonable, you should eat and drink, and I was the one who disturbed Mr. Yao's family for dinner, so you should wait!"

Regarding this, Liu Qishen had no opinion at all.

After all, what they said was right, before coming here, he had planned to go back without any gain.

Now that people are willing to chat with me, it shows that the attitude of that Martial Arts University towards the public is not too bad!
On the way here, he has already watched the video sent to him above
The little guy in the video slapped hundreds of wild wolves to death with one punch, one palm and one leg lightly, completely turning a blind eye to their threats. This kind of fighting power is simply shocking.

And after the above calculations, perhaps ordinary small-caliber firearms have no threat to such existence.

What's more, their speed is too fast, ordinary people can't even find a chance to aim and shoot, and they may be killed.

So even if they were eager to know something, they didn't dare to push each other too much to avoid any mistakes!
After a while, Yao Qingshan finally finished his meal.

It's just that eating at home is at most a taste test and a mouthful!
If a warrior wants to be full in the true sense, he still has to eat beast meat, and half a catty is enough for him to digest for an afternoon.

"Chief arrest?" Yao Qingshan's voice was very calm.

"It's not an adult, Liu Qishen, Tian is the chief arrester of the six gates of Longdu, in charge of all safety issues in Longdu!" Liu Qishen waved his hand quickly and said.

"Since Qingshan student, you are already full, then I won't go around too much. I wonder if Qingshan student can tell you about Longting Wuda?"

"We are very curious about this, especially after practicing physical training in the army!"

"Physical exercise?" Yao Qingshan was taken aback for a moment, then thoughtfully said: "Who are those classmates who were eliminated?"

"Yes, after they came back, Longting Martial Arts University said that they would give them another chance to enroll, and even imprinted the body training method in their minds, and explained that they could teach it to Daxia." Liu Qishen explained.

"So it's like this~" Yao Qingshan nodded.

He didn't care about such small things, although body training method is the core method of martial arts.

But it originally belonged to the human race, and it was created during the Great Shang Dynasty, and the Shang Emperor passed this core method of martial arts to the world.

Since then, all dynasties have devoted themselves to spreading martial arts to the world.

If Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty hadn't gathered martial artists from all over the world to seal off the gates of foreign lands, perhaps the world today should still belong to the Ming Dynasty.
After all, according to the books in the college library, it is not a problem for martial arts experts to live for thousands of years, but the martial arts experts of the human race all fell when resisting foreign lands.

"What do you want to know?" Yao Qingshan asked.

"As long as it is something that can be said, I can tell Daxia, after all, I am also a citizen of Daxia!"

"Then thank you, student Qingshan, for your help!" Liu Qishen and Dong Biwu looked at each other, and felt instantly relieved.
"Can you tell me more about the martial arts and Wuda?"

"This..." Yao Qingshan paused for a moment.

Immediately, Liu Qishen and Dong Biwu looked at each other in blank dismay. Did they ask a taboo question as soon as they opened their mouths?
Without waiting for them to think about it, Yao Qingshan said slowly: "It is possible to say, but it is a bit complicated, maybe you need to spend more time to understand, things may be a little different from what you imagined."

"It's okay, we have the most time today!" Dong Biwu said directly.

"Okay then, let me tell you about the history of martial arts told by the principal of the academy." Yao Qingshan began to speak directly.

Yao's father, Yao's mother, and Yao Qingshan's younger sister also sat down and listened carefully.

The family is also very curious about the martial arts that their son and brother are practicing now and the Wuhan University they are going to.

"Martial arts, the origin is unknown. According to the records in the college books, it started in the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, and it flourished in the period of the Great Qin Shihuang. After that, successive dynasties distributed martial arts. The first emperor of the world cast the Great Wall and Yongzhen to alien races. The Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty towned the gate of foreign lands in the starry sky, and Tang Dynasty Emperor Li Shimin towned alien races at the border of the Great Wall and slaughtered hundreds of millions of alien races. After that, Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty conquered alien races five times. Above the starry sky, at this time, the history of martial arts has been subverted and no longer exists."

"Because of this, the wild boar skin was able to harm the people of our Great Xia for hundreds of years when our Great Xia was in turmoil."

"This, this, this is simply." Dong Biwu didn't know what to say for a while.

"The history of martial arts, all of it true?" Liu Qishen's lips trembled slightly, and his heart throbbed endlessly.

I really don't want to believe that the history that Yao Qingshan said belongs to the real history.

But there was a thought that kept beating in his mind, telling him that all this was just as Yao Qingshan said!

And he could tell that Yao Qingshan did not lie at all when he narrated.

In other words, the knowledge Yao Qingshan learned in school is to interpret the history of Daxia in the past 5000 years.
In a room in a certain place, a group of old people were also listening to Yao Qingshan's narration.

"Impossible, impossible, history. How could history, how could it be like this?" an old man muttered to himself.

"Are we all wrong?" Another old man said bitterly with red eyes and tears, "But why did they tamper with history? Could it be that martial arts can not be preserved?"

"That's right, the dragon veins are condensed into a large suppressing formation, the vitality of the world is out of balance, and martial arts are about to retreat!"

"If you put it that way, it can be explained."

 The new book sets sail, please collect it! !

(End of this chapter)

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