Chapter 21

"History. Human Compilation"

Liu Qishen took a deep breath, a little unable to face the history he had learned.

All history, after Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty, has been falsified beyond recognition. The history learned by the later generations is just the history that the ancients wanted to show to the later generations.

The real and real history is all hidden in Wuda.

Only warriors can know the history, and only when the vitality of the earth and stars recovers, history will reappear.

Dong Biwu, who was also a little confused, asked with a dull face: "Chief arrest, do you believe it?"

"Why don't you believe it?" Suppressing the palpitation in his heart, Liu Qishen turned around and said with a smile: "Then why was Wuhan University born this time?"

"The ancient dynasty possessed the means of martial arts to resist the invasion of foreign lands, so Wuda is now alive"

"Is it because the vitality of heaven and earth is about to recover?"

"Or, there are other reasons, such as the door to the foreign land will be reopened?"

"Huh?" Yao Qingshan's pupils shrank slightly, and he smiled immediately: "The chief arrester is very smart, and he guessed the reason why Wuhan University is here~"

"Longting Martial Arts University has been established for more than a thousand years. The old principal of the previous generation has trained thousands of martial arts experts for the human race. Unfortunately, the gate of the foreign land was sealed 400 years ago, and my seniors of the Martial Arts University also fell to the ground!"

"There is only one sixth-generation senior left, who is now the principal of Wuhan University, and was banned by the old principal from Wuhan University!"

"But now, the vitality of the world is gradually recovering, and the return of Wuda to the world also means that the gate of the foreign land is about to reopen again!"

"The door to the foreign land is really going to reopen?" Liu Qishen's pupils shrank suddenly.

It never occurred to me that a possibility that I had randomly guessed would immediately become a real fact.

Not only him, but also Dong Biwu was shocked, and the old people who were listening to the news in another place couldn't help being frightened by the news.

The foreign land that can force the human race to resist for thousands of years is about to reappear in this world, and they no longer have the martial arts powerhouses like the Ming Dynasty!

What's more, the Ming Dynasty dominated the world, ordering warriors from all countries in the world to gather, and those who refused to obey would destroy their country and destroy their history
Today's Great Xia, no, not even any country in the world can be as powerful and terrifying as the Ming Dynasty...
"Time? Where?" Liu Qishen asked with a serious expression

"Ten years later, the position is still above the starry sky!" Yao Qingshan turned his head to look at the sky outside the window.

"Where humans can't reach?" Dong Biwu understood that it would be difficult to rely on technology.

Time is running out, space fighters are still under research, space combat is simply impossible for ordinary people, even the world's major powers cannot do it!
In ten years, unless there are seven or eight technological revolutions in science and technology, human beings will have to wait to die
No, it doesn't have to wait for death, there is also the martial arts of Longting Martial Arts University.

According to Yao Qingshan's description, the first level of martial arts practice is body forging, the second level is Shenzang, the third level is spiritual, the fourth level is earth evil, and the fifth level is heaven. You can leave Earth Star!

If one can reach the sixth level, and even travel in the starry sky for a short time, the seventh level can control the starry sky with one's own martial arts, and one punch can break through the mountains and fill the sea!

As for the further realm, Yao Qingshan himself doesn't know, even the system he knows now is also seen in the library!

"Martial arts, to what extent can one cultivate in ten years?" Liu Qishen asked again.

"Ten years?" A gleam flashed in Yao Qingshan's eyes, and the surging aura fell instantly, causing Liu Qishen and Dong Biwu to tremble slightly.

"If you give me ten years, Qingshan will break through the seventh realm of martial arts, and if there is a chance, he may reach above the seventh realm of martial arts~"

"If you give ten years to a person with monstrous qualifications like Chen Xiaoxiao, maybe the eighth and ninth realms are especially bad. Even if you have a chance encounter, [-]% more is enough!"

"In the old days of the Tang Dynasty, there was Li Taibai, the sword fairy of Qinglian, who entered the academy at the age of 16 as a third-generation student, one year at the third level of martial arts, and three years at the seventh level of martial arts. Less than ten years later, he was known as the invincible young generation. Suppress and kill millions of alien races"

"Mr. Yangming, who studied Confucianism and Taoism in the Ming Dynasty, was the fifth generation student of the college. He had studied literature for three years and had never practiced martial arts for a moment. When his mind and learning were perfected, martial arts were self-contained, and he entered the ninth realm directly. , Take thousands of blood horses as my human mounts."


Characters in history appeared vividly in front of everyone in an instant.

Just by listening to the biography, everyone seems to be able to feel that there were human races like the proud sons of the sky back then, and they rushed into the starry sky without hesitation when they achieved great martial arts, guarding the gate of foreign lands above the starry sky with their own martial arts.

Generations of human races have died for this, more than millions of trillions of bones, and generations of dynasties did not hesitate to ruin the dynasty's luck.

Only for the gate of foreign lands in Yongzhen, never let foreign lands step into the earth and stars, and harm hundreds of millions of people of our human race!
"If it is true, the starry sky has been filled with the blood of many heroes in the past 5000 years of my Great Xia, and the blood bones of many generations of sages and ancestors of my Great Xia have been buried in the starry sky. Maybe there will be no day to return to the stars in this life~"

"Boundless starry sky, how many blood debts of our ancestors and sages have been stained by people from foreign lands?"

"But why haven't we found any problems when we explored the starry sky?"

"Maybe just like Wuhan University, the battlefield is shrouded in an unknowable and untraceable position, and it should appear slowly, right?"

A group of old people were a little moved.

A person is old and mature, and he has devoted himself to Daxia for decades.

They can naturally hear whether Yao Qingshan is compiling a story or telling a fact.

Unless Wuhan University is fake, all of this cannot be fake, but now that the facts are in front of us, it proves that Wuhan University is real, so history may be just like what Yao Qingshan said
For a long time, the history they knew was only the history that the ancients were willing to tell you!

They don't know what great power the martial arts masters of the ancient dynasty have, and whether they can change the world.

But if martial arts experts are half as strong as Yao Qingshan said, then it should be a very simple matter to conceal the history and eliminate some history that they don't want to let future generations know!

"So, do we have ten years left?" Liu Qishen felt the pressure surge up.

"Ten years is a concept, and this is the fastest time estimated by the principal!" Yao Qingshan said seriously.

"Then can Wuhan University help human beings cultivate martial arts experts?" Dong Biwu asked with fiery eyes.

"I need to ask the principal about this." Yao Qingshan did not dare to agree casually, and quickly said: "I can ask the principal for help when I go back. Maybe the principal should discuss this kind of matter with you!"

"Okay, I'll trouble you, classmate Yao!" Liu Qishen said immediately.

"By the way, I have a recorded video here. I want to ask if he is your classmate?"

Liu Qishen took out his phone and clicked on a video. Wasn't it Song Long's one-on-one fight against the wolves?
From the conversation just now, Liu Qishen has already captured a lot of information, giving Yao Qingshan ten years to reach the eighth realm of martial arts
The other is an evil genius named Chen Xiaoxiao who is also one of the people involved in the disappearance case of Wuhan University.
"Huh?" Yao Qingshan glanced at it, and secretly cursed Song Long as a middle school boy who was lucky.

"Yes, Song Long, a genius-level student of the academy, his ranking in this monthly exam is only below me and Chen Xiaoxiao!"

"His luck is good. He met a quasi-vicious beast. Well, maybe it's not a quasi-vicious beast. After the bloody battle, his blood was stimulated and he became a quasi-warrior~"

"That's not considered a warrior?" Dong Biwu looked dull.

"Quasi-warrior. Untrained body is a quasi-warrior!"

 The new book sets sail, please collect it! !

(End of this chapter)

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