Chapter 23

Military training ground.
Standing alone in the arena, Yao Qingshan was full of energy and blood, and the scorching breath spread throughout the audience.

On the ground, a group of soldiers in training uniforms lay down on the ground, only feeling that the people in front of them were like demon kings, and their whole body hurt~
They are all quasi warriors, but the gap is too big.

"Huh~" Slowly let out a breath, Yao Qingshan calmed down the power of Qi and blood in his body.

"So strong, not an opponent at all~" Liu Qishen secretly rejoiced, but luckily he didn't come to show his strength in my six doors.

Otherwise, those boys below would be ashamed to death.

Fighters who have experienced hundreds of battles, even hundreds of people challenged one person, all of them were picked off their horses, and they lay on the ground moaning and couldn't get up.

Looking at this scene, an old man in a high-rise office building had fiery eyes in his eyes.

The strength of the warrior is too strong. You must know that the group of soldiers under his hands have experienced hundreds of battles before they practiced. It is definitely not a problem to fight ten with one. Afterwards, they have practiced physical training, and their strength is even stronger.

It is not a problem for a single person to defeat their original self, picking four or five.

But it is such a group of soldier kings, under Yao Qingshan's attack, they will be injured when they are scratched, and they will lie down when they touch it.

"Are you all right?" Yao Qingshan stepped forward and picked up the sergeant who had persisted the longest under him.

"It's nothing at all~" Zhan Wuji said with a very different expression, resisting the abdominal pain.

"Is it really okay?" Yao Qingshan looked at him with a strange expression, and said in a low voice, "Shout out when it hurts. I compete with my classmates, and when I get hurt, I just roll all over the floor and yell out loud~"

"Actually, it's good for a man to cry bitterly, and you won't be in pain if you cry~"

"Wuji~" Liu Qishen came and patted Zhan Wuji's shoulder lightly, and forced a smile to say: "I think what Qing Shan said is good, you just cry when it hurts, what are you afraid of, big man?"

"It's okay. At worst, I'll lend you a shoulder. Say, do you want the left shoulder or the right shoulder?"

"Get out~" Zhan Wuji took a deep breath, almost dying of anger.

Staring at Yao Qingshan for a deep look, Zhan Wuji turned to look at his teammates, exhaled and shouted: "Have you had enough lying down?"

"Guys who can get up, help those who can't get up, go back to camp and rest for a day, rest for a day today!"

"Thank you~ I'm in charge of you~" The group of guys resented very much.

But still got up very obediently, supported the brother who hadn't recovered yet, and each went back to rest!

As for originally planning to ask questions about cultivation, it depends on the current situation. Forget it, I should go back and rest first, my whole body hurts~
Today's young people really don't know how to respect the old and love the young, and they don't take a punch or a kick~
Yao Qingshan looked at the group of sergeants returning to the camp, feeling a little embarrassed in his heart.

Before coming here, he also repeatedly warned himself to hold back his energy, but when he recalled Song Long's middle class, a quasi-warrior came from behind, and his energy and blood reached the limit.
So heartbroken, he didn't keep his hand, but this time he was also earning blood.

After a fierce battle, Yao Qingshan, a quasi-warrior who had just reached the limit of perfect qi and blood, basically polished his qi and blood for a while.

It is estimated that when he returns to the academy tomorrow, he can start preparing to break through the first level of martial arts, and begin to train his body to become a real martial artist.

"That's right, classmate Xiao Yao is here, it's very beneficial~" The corner of the old man's mouth on the tall building curled into a smile.

"It is indeed a great benefit, I guess it should be convinced?" A middle-aged man in military uniform behind the old man said with a smile.

"Can you not be convinced?" Another middle-aged man in military uniform muttered, rolled his eyes and said, "It's alright now, a group of arrogant soldier kings are being beaten by a kid, old man, you are not afraid of them being Bring out the shadows~"

"How many resources did our family pool together to cultivate such a thousand martial arts? Well, come here, prospective warriors."

"If their spirits are weakened, it will be up to you what to do then."

"Zhan boy, Zhan boy~" The old man turned his head with a smile, pointed at the middle-aged general who was talking, and said immediately: "They are too proud. The only thing martial artists say is what Xiao Yao said, but he didn't Say warriors are proud~”

"I hope that your kid and his team members can live up to my wishes~"

"Don't worry, old man." The middle-aged general who was called the combat boy assured him directly, "I'm just joking. If they can't understand your intentions, I will punish them personally~"

"Hey, old Zhan, you are not your opponent now, are you?" The middle-aged general who had spoken before said with a smile.

"It makes sense," the old man joked.


Suddenly, laughter rang out in the tall building, and a group of people carried stars on their shoulders.
Especially the two who spoke, the three big stars on their shoulders were particularly bright.

"Here~" Yao Qingshan threw out a porcelain bottle.

"What?" Zhan Wuji hastily reached out to take it.

"The qi and blood pill of Wuhan University College, whether it is for cultivation or to replenish qi and blood, is a elixir with excellent effects. Take water and boil it for your teammates to drink, and then practice physical exercise." Yao Qingshan sent the qi and blood pill It was also well thought out.

"And I think your qi and blood are a little vain, and the qi and blood pill can also polish your qi and blood and enhance your strength!"

At any rate, he was the Great Xia soldier I admired the most before, although now I am much stronger than them.

But whether it's my parents or myself and my sister, they have always been sheltered under the protection of the state, so it's a gift of thanks.

"Boss Liu, can I contact Song Long?"

"Song Long?" Liu Qishen snapped back to his senses, and asked in instant joy, "Do you want to?"

"Yes, although Song Long is a second-year student, but when it comes to patriotism, that guy is the real angry youth." Yao Qingshan seemed to think of something, and his body shivered~
I have been practicing in the academy for more than a month.

But I have heard all kinds of second-year speeches from that guy, among which the cynicism is particularly serious.
Zhan Wuji was not in the mood to listen to what they were talking about, but just stared at the porcelain bottle in his hand, his eyes were full of joy.

Although not for myself, it is for everyone in the team
But at the first moment, what Zhan Wuji wanted was to hand it over to the research institute above, hoping to research more Qi and blood pills.

If it can be done, there may be no shortage of martial arts training resources in the army.

Yao Qingshan, who finished explaining Liu Qishen, watched Liu Qishen leaving the martial arts arena excitedly, and his eyes fell on Zhan Wuji again
As if seeing his thoughts, Yao Qingshan slowly shook his head and said softly:
"I can only give you a Qi and Blood Pill. Even if something is researched above, the country does not have the materials to refine Qi and Blood Pill."

"The world has not yet fully recovered. The resources of Wuhan University are also insufficient. If you wait a little longer, you will have everything."

"Is that so?" Zhan Wuji breathed a sigh of relief
After all, Yao Qingshan gave the Qi and Blood Pill to his brothers and sisters, handing it in or using it really made him very embarrassed.

Since it is said that there is no material for refining, let's use it!

After making up his mind, Zhan Wuji felt much more relaxed, and immediately looked at Yao Qingshan and said with a smile:
"Come on, I'll show you around, do you like to play with guns, let me take you to the shooting range first?"

"That's a good idea. It's a pity that I didn't go to an ordinary university and didn't have a military training gun. Let's try it out." Yao Qingshan was very interested.

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(End of this chapter)

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