Chapter 24

Longting Martial Arts University Gate
A series of white lights flashed, and a student came back from school.

Su Ran, who was standing not far from the school gate, nodded slightly, letting them go home for a day off was indeed the right thing to do.

In just one day, the existence of Wuhan University has completely entered the eyes of the senior officials of Daxia.

Moreover, the progress of the creation of martial arts civilization has also been directly raised, and it can be regarded as the initial integration into the real world.
[Ding, congratulations to the host for improving the progress of the martial arts civilization, rewarding 100000 credits, all the martial arts training equipment and resources of the academy are open, and students and teachers can use the credits! 】

A prompt sounded in Su Ran's mind instantly after all the students returned.

The [-] credits are enough to consume in Su Ran's plan. As for the opening of all training equipment and resources.
Randomly looked at the eye academy mall, originally there were only academy resources in the lower three realms, but in an instant there was a resource exchange between the middle three realms and the upper three realms
It's just that Su Ran didn't give the students permission to check it. After all, in terms of credits, they can't accumulate that many credits for the time being.

On the other hand, Mu Yanran followed Shangguan Longwu, Zhu Jianchen and the others could see all kinds of cultivation resources in the middle three realms, and they could exchange them for credits.

"Principal." Chen Xiaoxiao and the others brightened their eyes.

"Well, the martial arts arena is assembled, the academy has good news for you~" Su Ran disappeared after finishing speaking.

"Yanwuchang, let's go, go and have a look~"

"I haven't practiced much for a day, and my body feels a bit uncomfortable~"

"Yeah, I really felt so sad yesterday, the vitality of the world is thin in the real world, and cultivation basically has no effect"

"Stop chatting, the martial arts arena is here~"

The thirteen students who had just entered the martial arts field and had no holidays had already lined up.

Everyone who saw this scene quickly returned to their positions, waiting for Su Ran to appear and tell them the good news.

As soon as he stood up, Su Ran appeared in front of the crowd, followed by Mu Yanran and the others.
It's just that Mu Yanran really stepped into the void, while Shangguan Longwu and Zhu Jianchen completely relied on martial arts supernatural powers, and the imperial envoy's qi and blood connected with the vitality of the heavens and the earth were temporarily stepped into the void.

All this was done to show off his strength.

Of course, for a group of students who have not yet started body training, both of them are perfect existences in the Earth Fiend Realm, and they are extremely powerful.

"Fei Fei?" Yao Qingshan was shocked.

"Is there anyone else in the school?" Chen Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed an expected but unexpected look.

"The Tiangang Realm must be the Tiangang Realm. It is recorded in the book that fighters in the Tiangang Realm can walk through the air." Song Long's soul of the second attribute broke out, and he spoke boldly, "I, Song Long, will definitely not be weaker than them in the future." , and will definitely surpass them!"

"Principal~" Mu Yanran, Shangguan Longwu, and Zhu Jianchen went straight down, and then bowed to Su Ran.

"Teacher Mu, Teacher Shangguan, Teacher Zhu~" Su Ran accepted the gift calmly.

"Teachers first introduce themselves to the students, and I will announce the enrollment in September later."

"Yes~" the three said respectfully.

Although several of them could be regarded as brothers and sisters in the past, they can only be regarded as brothers and sisters if they are separated by one generation in the academy, and the gap of one generation is basically regarded as a difference in generation.

Normally, Mu Yanran can call Su Ran his senior brother, while Shangguan Longwu and Zhu Jianchen need to perform the ceremony to Su Ran.

It's just that now that the personnel of Wuhan University are withered, there are not so many old rules and customs. Inside, they are honored as brothers and sisters, and outside, they are honored as the president of Wuhan University.

"Mu Yanran, a student of the seventh generation of Longting Martial Arts University, with a martial arts cultivation of the fifth Tiangang Realm, is now the head of the Danwu Academy!"

"Shangguan Longwu, the eighth-generation student of Longting Martial Arts University, with a martial arts cultivation level of the fourth realm, he is now the dean of the Weapon Academy!"

"Zhu Jianchen, the eighth-generation student of Longting Martial Arts University, with a martial arts cultivation level of the fourth realm, is now the dean of the Sword and Martial Arts Institute!"

The three of them finished speaking one by one, looked at each other, and then shouted in unison:

"Those who have advanced to the first level of Martial Dao can choose a school to join, and they will be students of this school from now on!"

The surging breath instantly soared into the sky.

In the eyes of many students below, they only felt as if they saw three qi and blood dragons rising.

One big and two small blood dragons soared into the sky and stretched their teeth and claws, all showing the mighty power of martial arts experts, and the students were fascinated by watching.

"From today onwards in Wuhan University, the three courtyards will be reopened. All warriors who have advanced to the first level can choose to join one of the courtyards to practice. The Danwu Academy is for alchemy and martial arts to go hand in hand. Your teacher Mu is a fourth-rank Alchemy expert. There is no shortage of three-level pills~" Su Ran paused, then joked.

"Weiwu Academy's practice of forging soldiers and martial arts goes hand in hand. Mr. Shangguan is also a fourth-rank soldier forging master. There is no shortage of magical weapons!"

"Sword Martial Arts Academy practiced kendo attacks. You, Mr. Zhu, were in the school back then, and ranked seventh among the kendo students of the academy at the fourth rank."

"Again. One month later, Wuhan University will officially start school, and [-] students will be selected based on merit. You will enter the school first, and then you will need to do a good job of supporting things. This is the mission of the college. Leading a new student will reward you with a little credit!"

"The rest of the matter will be handed over to the three teachers to explain the lessons for you. Practice hard and don't slack off!"

"Yes~" The hearts of the students froze for a moment.

New students are coming. At the beginning, among the fifty students, there were one evildoer, one day arrogant and three geniuses. Now there are as many as five hundred new students.
Immediately, everyone's heart tightened. They had practiced for two months when the freshmen entered school, and if they were surpassed by the freshmen by then, don't want this face!

Don't say anything more, it's more important to start refining Qi and blood.
Except for a few students who really had questions about cultivation and asked the teacher, the other students quickly started to practice.

Chen Xiaoxiao and Yao Qingshan stepped forward.

"Teacher, what should I pay attention to when breaking through the first level of martial arts?" Chen Xiaoxiao and Yao Qingshan said in unison.

"As expected of this generation's proud martial artist, he will break through in less than a month of practice." Zhu Jianchen felt a little depressed
"Okay, you are already a teacher, and you still envy your students?" Shangguan Longwu said angrily.

"There is no trick to break through the body training realm, to purify the body. The world in the academy is full of energy, and you can break through as long as you follow the steps." Mu Yanran smiled, and said softly: "But I can still tell you about some things that are careful."

"Thank you, Teacher Mu." Chen Xiaoxiao was overjoyed.

"Thank you, Teacher Mu~" Yao Qingshan also said sincerely.

"No need, since you want to break through, then I'll protect you~" Mu Yanran outlined a touching smile.

Immediately, without waiting for Shangguan Longwu and the two to react, with a light wave of his tender and delicate hand, he took the two of them away into the air
Zhu Jianchen, who was stunned, tugged at Shangguan Longwu's sleeve, and murmured, "Is Senior Sister Mu trying to rob someone?"

"I guess so?" Shangguan Longwu said stupidly with his eyes wide open.

"Damn, senior sister, you don't play like this~" The two of them stood in the martial arts arena and wailed
Tianjiao and evildoers are gone, but yesterday they were planning to drag one of them into their yard even if the old man was empty
In the end, without saying a word, Mu Yanran ran away after robbing the person
The helpless eyes of the two were resentful, and they looked down.
Song Long blinked, revealing his white teeth.
Zhang Lanlan blinked
Chu Qian blinked
Wen Jiao blinked.
 The new book sets sail, please collect it! ! !
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  It's not easy for newcomers~~~
(End of this chapter)

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