Chapter 235
A wisp of purple air comes from the east, and mighty purple clouds fill the starry sky
The void was rippling, and it was shattered in an instant. A huge warship slowly pierced through the void.

Ji Wushang, standing on the hull of the ship, stared at the tomb of the starry sky with purple light in his eyes
With a majestic and majestic body, he seems to be completely unaffected by the coverage of the Dao, and still retains the combat power of the invincible emperor.
Even half-step detachment combat power can still be displayed perfectly.

"Brother Su, why don't you come out and meet?" Ji Wushang's eyes flashed purple, and he looked towards a void.

"The tomb needs to suppress the sea of ​​blood. Please forgive me, brother Wushang. I will see you later!" Su Ran's faint voice resounded through the void in the star field.

"how is this possible"

The demon warship turned into the sky, and the elders of the clan looked sluggish, and even Namoro, who had just joined up, couldn't believe it.

The chaos between the ancestral world and the primordial universe, unless it is sheltered by the transcendent, or just the existence of the emperor, it is absolutely impossible to cross it easily, even if it is half a step of transcendence, I dare not say that I can cross the two realms.

But Su Ran obviously passed through the ancestral world. Although the crisis of the ancestral world has been eliminated now, Su Ran shouldn't come back?

Could it be that he has reached the level of detachment now, using martial arts to transcend in the ancestral world, and achieved the supreme level of detachment?

The old eyes of the big demon clan were filled with a faint devilish energy, as if they wanted to see where Su Ran was, but he still didn't want to believe why Su Ran was able to cross the passage between the two worlds that he couldn't even cross.

Or, Su Ran has never left, but has always been in the original universe. Did someone else solve the crisis of the ancestral world?

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he searched, Su Ran who was hiding in the void didn't want to be seen by him, so with his strength, it was absolutely impossible to find Su Ran's existence.

In a short time, huge warships flew across the sky, penetrated the void, and came across the space
One after another, the auras are surging, and the arrogances of all races, whose age is less than a thousand years old, stand on the big ship, exuding their own vast aura.

These Tianjiao are all existences who failed and fell down in the competition with the same clan for the places in the ancestral world, but what they didn't expect was that they lost the opportunity to go to the ancestral world to baptize their own rules.
But in the primordial universe, they have obtained even greater opportunities and adventures.

Being able to obtain the inheritance of martial arts in the first place, in the future, they may not have the opportunity to surpass the group of arrogances who have already been in the ancestral world.

"Mokui, these are the little cubs of your demon clan behind you?" The elder of the fairy clan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What?" The voice of the old Mokui of the big demon clan was cold, and he said coldly: "The pride of our clan, but compared with you, a group of fairy clan's little bastards, it seems to be at least a grade higher."

"Is there no one in the fairy clan?"

"Hmph, the geniuses of our clan are all in the ancestral realm, with the cultivation of the martial arts rules of the ancestral realm, maybe they can create the supreme martial arts by themselves," the elder of the fairy clan said unwillingly.

There is no way, in the last round of giving away, relying on the strength of the ancestors in the clan, they sent away most of the ancestors in one fell swoop.

Now that the Starry Sky Tomb has been opened, it has become a little bit like two or three big cats and kittens.

Mokui smiled coldly, and said playfully: "Create your own martial arts, haha, we are all acquaintances, so stop talking around, who doesn't know who?"

"The foundation of martial arts, the foundation of the practice of qi and blood, exists in the hands of all clans. Even the ancestors can't use it to create a supreme martial arts. Just rely on the little brats of your clan to do it?"

"Don't say it's you, even if it's my clan plus the gods and the four holy clans, it may not be able to do it"

"Mokui old ghost, do you think we are your demon clan?" The great emperor of the White Tiger clan was originally a violent guy.

As soon as he came here, he heard this old devil talking bad things about the Four Saints, and immediately he was filled with the aura of the Golden Way, ready to kill him, and teach this old guy a hard lesson.

Let him understand that Grandpa Baihu was able to beat him back then, and today he will definitely be able to beat him to the point of calling him father and mother
Mo Kui's old face suddenly darkened, he snorted angrily, and didn't pay attention to the old white tiger. Even the emperor of the White Tiger Clan wouldn't give him face to this guy, let alone an elder of the big demon clan himself.
Besides, my own strength is not as good as this murderous white tiger, so it's better to say a few words less.

And what's even more frightening is that the four holy clans have always been a race that advances and retreats together. If the old white tiger calls out a few fellows of his generation, he is afraid that the three clans on his side are all elders, and they cannot be opponents.

"seal up!"


Three golden lights lit up, a ray of light flashed in the starry sky, and three big characters suddenly fell on the sea of ​​blood under the tomb of the starry sky.

In an instant, the sea of ​​blood was stripped away, and figures fell out of the sea of ​​blood. Shangguan Longwu and the others watched exhaustedly, with an extremely bright color shining in their eyes
Fortunately, I didn't embarrass Wuhan University, nor did I embarrass the principal, so hold on!
The sea of ​​blood that was stripped out was only for a moment, but it was sealed into a ball of blood cells about the size of a fist, and the sea of ​​blood inside was still churning.

The blood of the Dao of Yuanyuan is still consuming the Yuanyuan, and an endless sea of ​​blood power is emerging, as if it wants to break through the seal, unwilling to be directly blocked again.

But when the third word fell, the sea of ​​blood fluctuated for a while, and the surging sea of ​​blood stopped instantly, and a wave of Dao origin pervaded
In the next breath, the original source of the sea of ​​blood was divided into two parts, and then divided into four parts again, and finally divided into eight parts.

If it continues to be split like this, it will completely lose its original power of regeneration. What kind of power is it from now on?
Even if a great emperor came, he could easily erase the original source of the sea of ​​blood that it split, and if the eight original sources were completely wiped out, it would be completely gone.

Instinctively, Xuehai was trembling with fear
"It's impossible to let you go, and with the sea of ​​blood you condensed, those negative avenues have been eliminated, but it is an extremely powerful source of life"

"Blood of the Dao, the heavens and myriad races don't know the benefits you can bring, but we martial arts experts can feel the endless and majestic power of the Dao within the origin of your blood sea."

"It only needs to be refined a little, and the realm of the Great Emperor can be achieved immediately. Although martial arts now cover the Dao of the original universe, such a huge source of Dao can allow me to create some more martial arts to pass on."

"Then, that's it for you!" Su Ran's voice was very calm.
With a light wave, the Blood of the Dao, which was split into eight parts, split again.
(End of this chapter)

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