Chapter 236

The tomb appears, and the inheritance is passed on.
The tomb of the starry sky across the place appeared in the world, and warships of the great clans came across the sky.

But there is no clan that dares to send warships into the Earth and Star Domain, all of them are waiting silently a million miles away from the Earth and Star Domain.

Even the demon Namoro, who had a close relationship with Su Ran, chose to withdraw from the star a million miles away at this moment, looking at the Starry Sky Tomb from a distance, as if he didn't care about the inheritance in the tomb at all.

As for what Su Ran said, only those under the quasi-emperor can enter the tomb, but that is not his worry.

Na Moluo was not worried about his chance to obtain the inheritance of the Demon Martial Emperor, because since Su Ran had already said it, he would not lie to him.

The void was broken, and a figure slowly stepped out of the void step by step.

It seems to be heavenly and human, and it seems to be sacred. It is entwined with the rules of the avenue, and the surging breath sweeps across the starry sky and the earth.

In just a moment, the supreme beings above the quasi-emperors of all clans trembled slightly in their hearts. This kind of aura, even the ancestors of the clan, was almost the same.

However, the quasi-emperor realm, the trip to the ancestral realm took only a little more than a month, but it directly reached this level.

"Brother Su, did you find the inheritance on your own in the Starry Sky Tomb?" Ji Wushang stepped out.

"Inheritance of martial arts has a destiny. Our martial arts have been passed on for thousands of years. Under the cover of the Dao, every inheritance has an opportunity to change the Dao pattern. The Dao can take our martial arts as the root and evolve the martial arts inheritance of all races." !" Su Ran said lightly.

"The tomb of the starry sky can be divided into three ways. One is the outsider way. The evolution and inheritance can have the realm of the supreme and quasi-emperor. Anyone under the realm of the emperor of the starry sky can enter."

"The second is the inner way. The derived inheritance is all the classics of our martial arts inheritance. Among them, the way of the great emperor is not ordinary."

"The three core ways are the evolution of our family's core martial arts inheritance. The power of each inheritance is the strongest emperor. There are even inheritances beyond the emperor's realm. Our family will also send them to the clan to welcome back the inheritance!"

"There are two places, the inner road and the core road, and above the inner road, you need to enter the quasi-emperor realm"

"Inheritance cannot be destroyed. Obtain the power of derived inheritance. The power of original inheritance is the treasure of our clan. Whoever destroys it at will will be destroyed!"

The faint words spread throughout the heavens and the world.
In an instant, the eyes of all races turned hot. This is the prosperous age of the heavens and all races.

Just outside the Starry Sky Tomb, there are quite a few quasi-emperor-level inheritances. Today's huge martial arts inheritance power, if any race acquires it, will be the foundation of its rise in the future.

Immediately, a group of young Tianjiao began to gear up and prepare to step into the tomb of the starry sky.
But the Yanhuang Human Race has not yet said whether they can enter the tomb now, and everyone dare not offend, so they just stare at it with fiery eyes.

Su Ran saw it, didn't say much, and sent all the teachers of Wuhan University into the tomb with a light wave of his hand. More than a thousand students of Wuhan University stepped into the inheritance of the tomb one by one.
Blessed by the ruled avenue in the starry sky tomb, every human martial arts expert has a rapid rise in strength
In an instant, one after another figure stepped into the Great Emperor or Quasi-Emperor, or the Supreme Realm from the blessing of the Great Dao, and stood at the entrance of each inheritance.

The Yanhuang people do not compete for the inheritance of martial arts. After all, what all the races obtain is the power of the original inheritance, combined with the martial arts inheritance of the various races derived from the origin of the Dao.
The ultimate original inheritance will all be returned to the hands of the human race, and it is impossible to lose it, and the Liang clans dare not violate the original inheritance of the clan, wantonly destroying the power of the original inheritance in the clan.

The eyes of all the races were the only ones, and the original fluke in their hearts was instantly shattered and disappeared.

Dozens of great emperors, hundreds of quasi-emperors exist, and there are even thousands of supreme martial arts experts. No one dares to gamble with his own life
There is no great emperor-level existence in today's heaven and ten thousand clans. It seems that Ji Wushang's half-step detachment and the supreme existence that preserves his own combat power may exist in various clans, but they are definitely the people of the current town clan.

Don't you see that all the heavens and all races gathered here, did Ji Wushang appear alone?

"Come in!" Su Ran said lightly.

In an instant of "going", one after another figures rose from the battleship, and jumped into the tomb of the starry sky in an instant.

As the stream of light flashed by, Tianjiao of all races rushed into it violently, and even burst out their supernatural powers halfway.

The existence of many weak clans avoided the arrogance of the big clan one after another, and did not dare to get too close to the past, lest they suffer from unreasonable disasters and die.

Looking at this scene, Su Ran didn't say anything, just watched quietly
As the arrogances of various races broke into it one by one, nearly billions of creatures rushed into the inner world or the small world, and began to look for their opportunities to obtain the martial arts inheritance of the human race.

Only Tianjiao of the human race patrols back and forth within the small thousand world, as long as the inheritance is not destroyed, and the mausoleum of the strong human race is not destroyed, he will not interfere at all.

Su Ran looked at the strongest of all clans expressionlessly, and said lightly: "In the inner way, quasi-emperor level can enter."

Nearly a hundred quasi-emperors existed, and they broke through the sky in an instant.

Now Yuanchu Dao Dao is a martial arts, there is no inheritance, no way of practice, it is too uncomfortable for their quasi-emperor.

If they can get a piece of martial arts inheritance and practice, with the power of martial arts, maybe they can still launch an impact on the previously unattainable realm of the great emperor.
As hundreds of figures rushed out, Zhundi burst into supernatural power one by one, stepping into the tomb one by one.

Similarly, Su Ran did not interfere with all this, but said again: "The core Tao, there are only 49 inheritances, but not all inheritances are willing to be in harmony with the Dao, heaven and earth."

"This time, there may be only a dozen, or even a few, born. Everyone, you can go forward on your own, and try to have your own chance!"

"Brother Moluo, the inheritance of the Martial Emperor of the Devil Dao has been revealed, and this time it will come out. I hope you can return to the world as an emperor."

"Thank you for this trip, Brother Su!" Namo Luo smiled lightly, pumping his energy and blood, entwined with a distinctive demonic aura, and walked directly into the core.

All the tribes stared at Su Xia, as if expecting him to say something more.
However, Su Xia didn't have much to say about the heavens and all races, and giving Namo Luo a word was just to repay a promise.

Immediately, he looked at Ji Wushang, and said softly: "Brother Wushang, the Ziwei Dao is also a very strong lineage of martial arts in our clan. If there is a suitable inheritor in your clan, you may become the Ziwei Dao Martial Emperor, and even become detached."

"Since that's the case, it's enough for the emperor of our clan to go~" Ji Wushang smiled lightly.

The emperor of the Ziwei human race stepped out slowly, and walked directly into the starry sky tomb
Seeing that Su Ran didn't intend to talk to them in detail, the clans sighed slightly, and also walked out of the existence of a great emperor, and walked into the tomb.

(End of this chapter)

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