Chapter 237 Inheritance
A figure flew out, coughing up blood, and pale golden blood sprayed all over the ground.

Unwillingly, he glanced at the inheritance stone statue in front of him. The young man of the Protoss who wiped the pale golden blood from the corner of his mouth saluted the stone statue respectfully, and immediately walked out of the inheritance place with an ugly face.

This is the second time he has challenged the stone statues. The two inner worlds are both martial arts mythical level human martial arts experts.

Martial Dao mythology, as a generation of Protoss, naturally knows a little bit, the realm is equivalent to the kingly way, but the strength is comparable to the Supreme.
In particular, this stone statue is still at the pinnacle of martial arts mythology, and its strength is even more frightening. It can break through its own magic with one blow, and blow itself out with one punch and one leg.

Walking out of Inner Heaven and Earth, he looked at a dozen or so members of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Races who were cultivating in a square, and his complexion became even uglier.

These are all existences of small clans in the heavens. Although they are weak races, they all successfully challenged the stone statues one by one, obtained a copy of their martial arts inheritance, and began to practice with the help of the mighty power of the starry sky tomb
In just two days, several guys succeeded in breaking through the realm and achieved the mythical realm of martial arts.

The strong men of all races who came to this tomb to look for opportunities are at least nine-level extraordinary, and each one is the arrogance or the most powerful existence of each race.
But even in such a situation, among the hundreds of millions of living beings of all races, there are only a handful of successors, and most of them are ordinary martial arts inheritance, not extremely powerful classics.

When the God Clan youth was resting, a radiant golden light bloomed, and tens of thousands of creatures flew out of a small thousand world entrance.

Immediately, he saw that this small thousand world was closed, and the light faded away, and he was no longer in the state where people could continue to challenge and obtain martial arts inheritance.

"Someone has acquired the inheritance of emperor-level martial arts?" The expression of the young man of the Protoss froze slightly.
"That's right, a Phoenix girl of the ninth rank of the Phoenix Clan has obtained the martial arts inheritance here, and she managed to take a look before she fell out." A stone-human creature looked at the closed entrance full of frustration, "It seems to be [True] Inheritance of the Phoenix Nirvana Sutra"

"Yanhuang Human Race. Inheritance of Emperor Zhun of Tianhuang?" A creature of ten thousand races asked anxiously.

"With the word 'huang', it seems that the Phoenix Clan is very lucky. The Emperor Tianhuang has been among the top [-] emperors in the Yanhuang Human Race for thousands of years." He was full of immortality. The misty fairy girl said enviously.

"This must be the opportunity for my demon race." A demon youth gritted his teeth and rushed into a small world.
"That stone statue seems to be a bit similar to a human martial arts supreme named Green Devil Supreme on the supreme list. Could it be that the word 'mo' is the chance of the demons?" A foreign race with a lion head and a human body said while touching his lion mane.

"How could it be the Little Thousand World that he rushed into just now?"

Before the voice was finished, the demon youth who rushed in just now vomited blood and flew out, and the whole person was limp.

The guy who hadn't finished speaking just now continued in a sly voice: "I saw a lot of demons being kicked out, I'm afraid it's not that simple, right?"

"Nonsense." All the arrogances of various races rolled their eyes.

If it's that simple, it wouldn't take several days for only a few guys to get the inheritance, it's almost like wanting to die.
You know, in each small thousand world or inner world, every creature has only one chance to challenge, and failure is failure. It seems that there are 12 small thousand worlds here.
Contains endless inheritance, even some small thousand worlds and inner worlds, and many inheritances
But when the manpower is exhausted, you have to heal your injuries, and you have to continue to look at the list in the tomb to find the martial arts inheritance that suits you.
Is that so easy to get the inheritance smoothly?
Moreover, although the Yanhuang people have no set time, there is still a big problem here. The gate of the foreign land is still there, and their time is only one and a half years.

This short year and a half, I'm afraid it will disappear in the blink of an eye.

"I can do it." A huge white tiger turned into a human body in a whiz, and slashed out frantically with a big sword in its hand.

Waves of Gengjin storm power flew out from the big sword and slashed across the entire space, as if they were going to shatter the stone statue with force.

It's a pity that when the stone statue was slashed down with a sword, countless Gengjin powers were instantly rewinded, and the big white tiger that turned into a human body was pulled directly, and the whole body was dripping with blood.

At least this scene looks terrifying, very frightening
"Hmph, you have ruined the Gengjin power of the White Tiger Clan~" A cold snort came from the stone statue.
"Ah, it's alive, the stone statue is alive?" The guy of the White Tiger Clan jumped suddenly, but immediately roared: "Whether you live or not, the uncle will let you know today that the power of the Seventh Gold of the White Tiger Clan .the most powerful"

A wave of Gengjin sword energy fell, and the big white tiger recovered its real body, lying on the ground dripping with blood.

An illusory figure walked out of the stone statue, looked at the big white tiger lying on the ground, and snorted coldly: "What a waste, if it were in the past, you are a tiger meat barbecue, I didn't expect Lao Tzu's inheritance to choose you. "

"Senior, please forgive me, I don't want to cook barbecue" Dabaihu was almost scared to death.

"I am obsessed with my soul, I just want to cook a barbecue, but I can't eat it now, but... Xiaobaihu, your strength is too weak, and you want to inherit my Gengjin swordsmanship." The illusory figure said coldly talking.

"Then... realize your Seventh Gold Sword Intent, otherwise... you won't be able to take away my inheritance."

Everywhere in the Inner World or the Small Thousand World, occasionally there will be one or two remnant souls, as if they have chosen their own inheritors.
Closed the world, began to send out the inheritance directly, but put these guys in the inner world and the small world, and tortured them several times, and the conditions for inheritance were extremely harsh.

Inside the tomb, there are more than a thousand quasi-emperor-level powers, and none of them can get the inheritance, and they are constantly being knocked out by the inheritors who are branded by the place of inheritance.
"Martial arts." A quasi-emperor of the dragon clan turned into a human body, holding a green wooden stick, and half of his bones were broken.

If he hadn't practiced the way of green wood himself, he would heal his wounds very quickly. With this injury, he would not be able to move for half a month. He lay there and watched everyone continue to attack the land of inheritance.

Of course, many guys suffered more serious injuries than him, almost like being branded by the inheritors and beaten to death.

A great battle broke out in a small thousand world, and a quasi-emperor existed in the fairy clan, who actually broke the limit of combat power during the challenge, reached the combat power of the war emperor, and then continued to fight with the inheritor brand
Of course, he also chose a quasi-emperor-level martial arts powerhouse to inherit.

For the time being, no one dares to choose the inheritance of the Great Emperor Realm
(End of this chapter)

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